If you can feel other peoples energy WATCH THIS

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Dive into the world of empaths, healing, and inner child connection in this insightful video.

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I am an empath, I recently cut anyone who was negative out of my life. The negativity was drowning me alive.


That sad moment when you learn what you thought was an empath and it's actually PTSD. I always felt sensitive to others emotions. If they were angry, sad, nervous etc...the reality is I have ptsd from my childhood and when people are mad, sad, anxious it makes me on edge. Just something to think about


Ive been watching your videos since you first went on YouTube and I remember you always saying how you always wanted to do events like these where you talk in front of people teaching them. It's nice to see you've manifested that dream 😊


Two emapths meeting each other gotta be golden


I’m an Empath & have attracted SEVERAL narcissists. It took many years to “get the lesson” however, after many years of reoccurring themes & experiencing the same or similar events & various types of narcissistic personalities I’m grateful to say I finally GOT IT!👈🏾🙏🏾


I've always felt a deep-seated desire to contribute to humanity's grand undertakings, striving to wield influence, unlock the secrets of optimal well-being, and ensure protection. This enduring need for recognition is not driven by vanity or excess but by a profound sense of purpose and identity. Within me, there is an insatiable curiosity to delve into the complexities of human understanding, seeking knowledge that is often reserved for the select few. My aspiration is to embody the wisdom our ancestors fervently wished for us to attain.


I’m an empath, but if I do help someone it’s always from the heart. The world doesn’t own me anything. Life was painful and full of disappointment, but I am happy and content. I am my best advocate. It’s important to have self love and self-care.


OMG "..so empaths attracts narcissists to learn something from them, to learn how to be in their own sense of self.." IT'S SO TRUE.


I’m an empath and always been a people pleaser. Thinking it was good to be this way. I’m now 55 and after going through an extremely painful divorce and seeing who is and isn’t there for you. Opening my eyes to what I’ve always attracted and was still attracting I shut the show down completely. I made a decision to start self care and healing. At that moment one by one all the toxic people started falling away. Some I’d had for over 30 years. It was time. Over the past two years my life has changed. I’m joyfully happy inside and out. I have a sense of peace I’ve never had before. Setting boundaries which is huge!!! I’d never done that before. Boundaries are extremely important. My mother is toxic and learning to deal with this has been tricky. My time with her is limited. She is giving but with conditions. I love her but I now love myself so learning to not feel guilt is hard still. I’ll continue this work till this life ends. I wish this peace for all people. It’s wonderful. ❤


When the student is ready, the teacher will appear. Thanks for sharing your knowledge.


Being an empath is great because we can really see and understand people on a deep level but it's also a nightmare because we feel so much pain in humanity. It's wonderful being able to help society but we're also very susceptible to being abused by people with ulterior motives like narcissists. It's a blessing and a curse for us. Learning how to protect ourselves is a must.


Last year I finalized a divorce with a covert narcissist, as an empath.

The one thing I look as a silver lining outcome is that in the end I really fell in love with “myself”, and that was a bit of a liberating feeling to know that… I do love me.


I'm empathic, intuitive..I can read people immediately and I know if they're good or not and whether I can vibe with them or know to avoid them, people with low energy I have to stay away from cause I can feel that heaviness, people with high adhd kind of energy i also avoid if possible cause it makes me feel like I drank a triple expresso and I hate that antsy feeling, it really is a gift and a curse but it kind of gives me an advantage being able to predict certain people and situations


You are describing my last relationship to an absolute T! Took me 8 years, but one day I packed a bag, changed the tire he slashed the night before so I wouldn't leave, and left. I've NEVER looked back. I spent 18 months focused on falling in love with myself and getting comfortable putting myself first. When I put myself back out there I attracted the most supportive, loving, kind partner. I learned and grew from my ex and now I'm living the life of my dreams. I'm extremely grateful to my ex for the opportunity to finally learn how to choose me. My boyfriend had narcissistic girlfriends, so we are a couple givers who are learning how to receive and give in a balanced way. It's BEAUTIFUL 😁


You talked about why Empaths are attracted to Narcissts . Im a strong Empath and thought maaany years about that issue. Finally i got what it was . An Empath cannot FEEL the Narcisst. They feel like a kind of "safe harbor".. a person we dont get "signals " from . First we think : Oh yes ..thats a person i can calm down with.. But thats basicly a trap . And when their mask is falling, its basicly to late. We get stuck in shitty relationships .
So ..i learned now : If i cannot FEEL a person - RUN...
During last years i met more and more REAL Empaths. I learned, my safe harbor will NEVER be a person i cannot feel. Maybe at beginning another Empath around you can feel overwhelming. But .... with personal space for each to "reset", it will be "magic " ..like never before . They are our safe harbors ..
Dont step into next trap. You cannot feel them, stay on distance.
And NEVER ever think you could "fix " them. Thats a biiig mistake. They will never understand what is going on in you.
In friendships its ok, as long you protect yourself and you are able to say "no " if you have to.
But in relationships, they turn into "Energy pirates ", They soak out your energy until almost nothing is left of you .
Take care all ..


I had a still face moment. It’s crazy because it stuck with me through the years and I was immediately taken back there when listening to you. My mom and I used to go to movies when I was a child. When we would go to the movies, during a funny moment, we would both look at each other and laugh.
When I started becoming a teenager my mom and I would get into fights. After those fights started she stopped looking back at me and meeting my eyes to laugh during movies. This is just a small example and symbolizes the decline of our relationship. It definitely hurts. I promise I will always meet my daughter’s eyes and share a laugh.


This is so good Aaron! Omgosh my mum was the still face, angry, narcissist and my dad wasn't there. It was a very scary, unstable, tbh frightening childhood in so many ways and I grew up with no sense of self, a complete empath, people pleaser, insecure, looking for love from emotionally unavailable guys who treated me like shit, with absolutely no trust in life, myself, God, and a deep rooted fear. I'm working through all of this but it has and is a journey. I love your videos. Thanks for the resources, I appreciate you very much 🙏❤️


This is SO true than anytime you have all your energy set on the other person (specially partnerwise) then the other person stops finding you attractive...and whenever you set back the energy to you, then the other person feels attracted to you again... I've noticed this so much and I can understand why it's always important we never lose the focus on ourselves, what we like to do..out goals what we are passionate about... spending time alone, etc.


I HATE it. I see so many people that are oblivious to people and things around them or careless but I can feel and see things.


As a life coach and inner child facilitator, you nailed it. The mother lives in us, as does our father, but the mother is stronger. We need to bring in the light mother to replace the dark mother with the unconditional loving light mother and self-regulate our inner child with unconditional love for ourselves as we learn to forgive ourselves. We forgive our dark mother as she did not know what she had done, and when we can do that we can be free from her grip and control on us
