Why Fascism Is ACTUALLY A Left Wing Ideology

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With Joe Biden calling half of America "semi-fascist", it's worth asking, "What is Fascism?"

The truth isn't something the Left wants you to know.

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I've been saying this for the last 20 years, people should look up the actual definition of the word and they'd easily observe the collectivist nature of the thing. Musilini identified after WW1 that people would fight for their nation but wouldn't fight in a revolution for their class, this is why he joined nationalism to socialism to create the national socialist party.


VERY INFORMATIVE and APPRECIATED....!!!! 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍💯💯💯💯


Tina found it– the _first and Only_ problem we have:
Distinction. Definition.
_"Liberalism"_ is a dirty word of late, yet neither side knows the actual _definition._ Consequently, they're all unable to differentiate the vast distance between Leftism and Liberalism. So a national, Leftist crusade is _well–underway, _ in the name of _"Liberalism."_
Here's some of that pesky little definition (of Liberalism) that, apparently, no one's ever heard of:
Liberalism– an ideology that holds the Individual as sacrosanct. Belief in the Rights, Freedom, and Autonomy of the Individual. Holds 'Free-Enterprise' to be of great economic value to the [sacred] Individual. Values an open-mindedness, in relation to hearing-out those with a different point of view.
.... wait a minute.... _"Autonomy?"_ ... but... that Would mean that The Second Amendment _is actually a Liberal Ideal!_ (?) ... because, you can't be _"Autonomous"_ if you depend upon someone else for your own personal protection... right?
Free-Enterprise?? ... but... that's always been on the _Republican_ Party's platform... and you're tellin' me it's part of the _definition_ of Liberalism?!??
Plus... what's this about "tolerating" _other_ points of view?


This might be the most eye opening video I’ve ever watched in my entire life


This was so helpful ! Thank you all so much for your voice! 👍🏻👍🏻👏🏻👏🏻🙌🙌


I absolutely love Tina's question: How did we get here? I ask myself that question almost every day.

I do believe the lack of education of history is a big part of it. Furthermore, changing the definition of words like fascism and not analyzing platforms and movements throughout world history has heavily influenced how we have arrived where we are today.

Please do a segment on explaining socialism and Marxism. I think it would be very beneficial to your listeners and any newcomers.


When I suggested to a group of friends that fascism began as a left wing ideology, I got nothing but skeptical looks and snickering. They automatically say that fascism is the extreme right. Ok, what’s right wing about it? **crickets**


Gentile explicitly says fascism is "tending to the right"
"...the 19th century was the century of socialism, liberalism, democracy, this does not mean that the 20th century must also be the century of socialism, liberalism, democracy. [...] We are free to believe that this is the century of authority, a century tending to the “right, ” a Fascist century. If the 19th century was the century of the individual (liberalism implies individualism) we are free to believe that this is the “collective” century, and therefore the century of the State.


I've been talking about how _the Nazis were Definitely 'Socialists, '_ for a long time. I'd like to see a video like this one, explaining how The Civil War _was Not_ fought over Slavery.
The simplest place to start is with the onset of the Civil War being April 1861, and the Emancipation Proclamation not being announced for almost another two years, in 1863. Not only was there this leering gap, but all-the- while Lincoln continued assuring his Southern Contemporaries that he had _"No intention of taking away their slaves."_
Another awkward fact, is that later, after moving past his war-time promises to the South, Lincoln _specifically stated, _ that he had no intention or desire to _just_ free the slaves, rather– Lincoln _Only_ wanted to free the slaves under the sole condition that _they be Deported Immediately._ He tried. More than once. But unfortunately, he got shot before solving the logistical- nightmare. Lincoln said, ..."releasing them into Western Society _will Never Work."_
The sheer accuracy of Abe Lincoln's prediction is mind-blowing.


Great video, I can see why it's probably supressed by YouTube


Brings new definition. On why fdr wouldnt go to war immediately


Sad that this has less than a 1000 views.


People only hear what they want to hear and see what they want to see. Demonize your opponent without facts and they will listen.🤔😏🥴


Watching this in 2024. look guys. I don't know if anyone will ever see this comment. The video is a year old now. But if you ever revisit the topic and go through everything step by step. PLEASE don't hold back. Don't try to keep it under 2 hrs or whatever. Just keep going. The regular folks can pause the video and go back to it. Just go for it for as long as you need to pick apart the entire thing, ok? Please? Breaks are obviously allowed. But if it were up to me, ya'll would be locked in the basement till you explored and picked apart every little piece of it.... Food and drinks would be provided and bathroom breaks would be allowed.😂 But I feel like the internet at large buries all of this. And schools and universities do not teach it. People NEED to hear this.


We need a military complex... not controlled by are gov so any new competition comes in.
Then the designs and weapons sold to the gove. These companies dont get gov funding in the correct system.

The mic isnt bad. Its the gov. And what its done.


Every American should know and understand what has been discussed here today. All American Patriots should share this video far and wide. We have a responsibility to inform our countrymen. Especially the ignorant ones who are currently being herded into the doom of socialism because we didn't chase the socialist wolves away sooner.


If I might make a suggestion? It would be a great idea if you put placards up with everyone's name, or did it in post editing digitally.


The beast will stand in their fleshly temple and declare that they are sinless, Holy, perfect; worthy to throw the first stone (execute enemies and sinners [support the death penalty and war]).

And the Christians believed Jesus when He said not to call any man common or unclean. (All three times)

And the Christians believed Jesus when He said that He has no pleasure in the death of the wicked.

And the Christians believed Jesus when He said that He does not want any sinner to die.
And the Christians believed Jesus when He said "Woe unto you which desire The Day of The LORD; for The Day of The LORD is darkness and not light."

And the Christians believed Jesus when He said that every sin will be forgiven, not theirs only, but the sins of the whole world.

And the Christians believed Jesus when He said "For God so loved the world."

And the Christians believed Jesus when He said "Go into the highways and the hedges and invite to my wedding all kinds of people, both good and bad, and my wedding will be furnished."

And the Christians believed Jesus when He said that they were evil and God alone is good.

And the Christians considered everyone as better than themselves.

And the Christians didn't consider anything that they owned as their own.

And the Christians didn't sue anyone in court and the Christians who were sued in court gave more than asked for by the people who sued them.

And the Christians took the wrong.

And the Christians believed Jesus when He said "Woe unto you which have small children and infants in those days."

And the Christians turned the other cheek then leapt for joy and rejoiced that they were counted worthy to suffer for the Name of Christ Jesus their God and King.

And the Christians prayed "Forgive them Father, they don't know what they are doing."

And the Christians believed Jesus when He said the evil in the world was going to wax worse and worse; they knew that Donald Trump and their vote would not change what God promises was going to happen.

And the Christians believed Jesus when He said the people who return evil (a bullet to the face is evil) for evil, are not His disciples and have built their house on the sand and God promises that their house will greatly fall.

And the Christians didn't idolize their children, parents, families, friends and neighbors because they feared God more than they feared men and death.

And the Christians believed Jesus when He said the new heaven was better than this life.

And the Christians believed Jesus when He said that life begins when our fleshly bodies die.

And the Christians believed Jesus when He said "Go into the highways and the hedges and invite to my wedding all kinds of people, both good and bad, so my wedding will be furnished!"

And the Christians believed Jesus and John and revelation, that only Jesus holds a sword to destroy evil.

And the Christians believed Jesus when He said that if He wanted to kill someone, He would have His angels from heaven do the killing, not His humans from earth.

The sermon on the mount (Matthew chapters 5, 6 and 7) takes 15 minutes to listen to, acts takes 2 hours 19 minutes, romans takes 1 hour 1 minute, Corinthians takes 1 hour 40 minutes, galatians takes 19 and a half minutes, ephesians takes 19 minutes, philippians takes 14 and a half minutes, colossians takes 12 minutes 40 seconds, Thessalonians takes 17 minutes 47 seconds, Timothy takes 26 minutes 47 seconds, Titus takes 6 minutes 20 seconds, philemon takes 3 minutes, Hebrews takes 41 minutes 21 seconds, James takes 14 minutes 55 seconds, Peter takes 27 minutes, John takes 20 and a half minutes, revelation takes 1 hour 10 minutes and 28 seconds AND THEY ALL SAY THE SAME THING. To owe no one any thing but to love one another.


Yes, absolutely do more shows like this about the other ever so slightly different permutations of socialism.


I love videos like this, because I get to school all the people who believe it. You send out your followers into the world with this disinformation in their heads, and I get to destroy them with historic facts. Thank you.
