Autistic Paradoxes #momonthespectrum

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It's because you get to choose the music and actively choose to overload in a way that you're prepared for. No unplanned stimulus.


As long as it is my noise, it's OK! And loud music has saved me a lot in times of stress.


I don't experience that, but it makes sense: the loud music restores a sense of control over sensory input. I.e., restores "sensory autonomy."


I once almost got overwhelmed on a bus to Tafe. So I started humming at the same tone as the bus engine.


I can’t deal with certain sounds, but in order to deal with it, I have to have different sounds in my ears…
Likewise I can’t stand perfume smells, but I love cooking with strong flavors and aromatic herbs. Or I hate getting ready for a shower but once I’m in, I will run out the hot water because I’m in my happy zone 😐


Spot In my teens, my best medicine for overwhelm after school was to listen to punk music 😂💜 I used to say that punk music was MY cure for headaches. Now I realise it was about so much more/else than that, I just wasn't able to explain it to others back then. I still use heavy, loud music for overload from time to time.


I think it’s a thing of being able to control the noise? I get the same way, I tend to blast music with my noise canceling headphones so it’s a double layer of auditory distance from whatever is overwhelming me.


Music helps me but when I'm very overwhelmed i listen to lofi chill bc I'm so overstimulated i can't even do words as my brain will be analyzing and will not rest and reset. Lofi girl has lots of playlists that have helped me. Much love sister. ❤🙏


Taylor, this describes me as well. I've come to realize that one of the best ways for me to come down from overstimulation and on the brink of a meltdown is by listening to music and forgetting about everything else for a while.


Good noise canceling headphones are great to block out the world and to get some good music in.


Me too. If I’m not home and I need this I listen to it through my noise cancelling headphones


I agree with blasting music, it helps me forget or not feel everything that is cooking my brain.


My “centering” and environmental stimuli blocking is INSTRUCTIONAL ECHOLALIA so much so that the neighborhood is worried! 😂…

Partly because I need to instruct myself through life because of my Autism and my adHd is sooo hyperactive all day that I cannot be quiet and have have to say everything I’m thinking out loud because I actually very very rarely have an inner monologue or visual thoughts (like basically never, but my brain and body is still is very active) and sooo I’m either commenting on everything, singing OR instructing myself through everything almost all the time!…

I can stay quite if I’m in certain setting, but it takes all my energy to o so and can wear me out allot!…

I’ve often said that me as an individual is “EITHER COMPLETELY ON OR COMPLETELY OFF!”

I also have Tic Disorder and besides some physical tics, they can be interestingly vocal!…

It truly makes life challenging AND oddly fun and interesting! 😬😎


Unsilent- replaying songs that are known, or shows that are well known. So that all the sounds that are heard are expected.
Useful for loudest tasks. Helps with dishes, not as much with vacuuming.
Do any other ASDHD, OR ASD, or ADHD people have another name for that?


I heard someone talk about this in the way that the music is so loud that it blocks out the other senses almost. Like it is this ONE sensory thing to focus on, and everything else steps into the background.
I don't know if I explained that properly. Hope you get what I mean.
I also like what another commenter said about it being YOUR choice of music. That definitely makes a huge difference! 😊


Santana says 'music rearanges the molecules'. I only need my music loud enough to close out other sounds. I wear noise canceling earmuffs 😂over my earbuds!


I had a therapist years ago who called me a "walking paradox" lol Forgot about it until I watched this. I can relate to the music thing for sure 👍❤️⚔️🔥🐎


That's my method even before was diagnosed. Music activates and engages every part of the brain. No other activity does.Ib lso use it to drown out auditory hallucinations or at least neutralize them from my perspective. I also have schizo afffeive disorder.I had schizophrenia since childhood. Around eight years old. It can be a lot is an understatement.


This is so true! I never rocked out so hard in my car after work as when covid was at its worst and the overwhelm was at the brink of what I could take. Was so close to quitting my healthcare job because of the stress of so many sick and dying people, mandatory overtime, and no vacation time away from it... many people actually did quit, so it's still difficult to get time off, but at least the patient load is less. Other times I would pull into my driveway and sit in my car and listen to the songbirds for awhile to decompress. But if the neighbors or someone else were making some kind of noise, I pretty much wished death upon them, lol!


Totally made me smile bc again, totally relatable 🥰
