5 Big Mistakes You Are Making In Infinite Galaxy *Plus How To Fix Them!*

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Here are some things beginner RTS players are doing that are holding their progression to and utilization in Infinite Galaxy. Let's talk about them and how you can avoid these big mistakes! Let me know which ones you see the most.

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00:00 Overview
00:43 Mistake 1
04:40 Mistake 2
06:28 Mistake 3
09:06 Mistake 4
11:02 Mistake 5
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People should really follow this Guide!!!! Nice Brother 🍻🍻🤜🤛


Biggest mistake I made was opening all my resource chests when I started playing. I now only open chests as I need the resources they contain. I typically have only 10 to 20K of titanium and deuterium out of chests now. and less than that of nickel and plasma.

I agree with your comment about Flagships. I have 1 main combat fleet, 1 planetary miner fleet ( using the tier 2 destroyer which has best cargo space for the money), and my other 2 fleets are mining plasma and nickel so I can research, build fleets and upgrade buildings.

I am fortunate to be in an alliance which is more of a family (leader actually has a few family members playing, and we also have couples that play together as well.) We also share information with all players who join the alliance (some later leave to pursue other interests) but like you our goal is to try to make the newbie experience as painless as possible.

I have enough trouble keeping track of 1 character (and having enough battery) that I do not have farms. I also spend a lot of time at work which precludes multiple accounts.

One thing we are finding as an alliance is that even with the member with maximum dispatch center still can't hold all of the member fleets in simulation center rallies.


We practically have similar mistakes. Here's some more than might happen to other new players.

1. Not playing the campaign as early as possible. This game mode gives daily rewards. Getting as high as you can every time you upgrade flagships will give you the highest daily rewards possible.
2. Not checking the events tab and daily missions board. I always forget some events (like Lost cluster). It's nice that on some events, your rewards will be sent to the mailbox but for daily missions, it's lost. So, make sure to finish your dailies.
3. Not waiting for Galaxy star to use speed ups, crew materials, blueprints etc. We often get too excited that we use these materials as soon as we get them. Using them during Galaxy star will give you a nice score in that event.
4. Not removing fleets before raiding a farm. I lost an entire main fleet before just because I forgot to remove the fleets in my farm account. Always make sure to clear them.
5. Doing events solo. This is not a single player game. You will enjoy the game much more by playing with others. It would also be much more efficient doing things with a team rather than solo.

This can be a new video. LOL. anyway, I hope this helps.


Biggest mistakes number one; not starting multiple mining accounts immediately!!!
Number two; not attending every possible event with every account.
Love the videos, very helpful thank you!🍻


- Same as Flagships, levelling up crew members should be focused too (somehow). Take note of the added bonuses when in reaching levels that are in multiples of five.
- purple and gold BPs for outfitting. Very easy to overlook these stuff when you’re too much into FS level and Rank


At cc 29. I noticed the logistics skill tree in crew is better than the crew buffs itself so I don’t have captains on my Achilles and peleos combo. I have a 3.7mil load limit and I’m pushing 102k nickel an hour and 47k plasma an hour on level 8 planets. This is also with switching my core module to research when I’m not in war or events.


i started for 145 days, and at Level 26 CC. I started my farm accounts late at about level 23 cc.

I have 4 accounts on my mobile, and 1 account on my bluestacks. Total about 4 farm accounts.

Tip to catch up with farm accounts:
Sometimes, friends tend to leave the game due to real life commitments, its very normal in this game. I basically take over their account for good by asking them. Just like what was mentioned in this video. This way, you don't have to build a farm account from scratch, and immediately get plasma out-of-the-box.

Tip to race to level 26 spaceport:
To race to get 20m resources for each farm account, I have them join in for Relic Rallies level 6, even if they are empty fleets just flagships alone, and each time will get about 500k resources depending on which resources. In each rally, i have all of my farm and main accounts in each rally, and spam them Energy Revitalizer. Within 1-2 relic days, its possible to get 20m resources in each farm account and even the main. Just like that, could level up from cc 24 all the way to cc26.

Tip to own in a new nebula:
Race to level 26 to get tier 9 units. It will help in Lost Star Events, Warpaths, Kill events etc.

It takes time in this game, honestly. Hope my tips help any future players.

P/S: Planet mining is important just as mentioned in this video. Each of my farms focuses on different types of resource. I only use the 2 flagships that improves planet mining to focus on planet mining. Its the archilies and its blue color alternative. Combine those 2 in 1 fleet and the effects are great.


Several of your videos mention the importance of farm accounts. You show how to switch between accounts which is nice. However, I assume the idea of al farms account is to get the resources into your main account. This is one process I’ve yet to see explained. I don’t have any farm accounts but am pretty new to the game. Pls explain how to do this. Thanks…


What can I do if I accidentally hit the crew reset button and I lost all points and have no chips to set it back?


I’m having a hard time and level 22 to upgrade my fleet load. But I see I can upgrade it in different ways that I didn’t know.


Can you show how you transfer for their account to yours please


I want to compete an have a higher level fleet load.
