We Tried Carnivore Diet for 30 Days, Here's What Happened

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WE TRIED CARNIVORE for 30 Days, Here's What Happened

Previous "We Tried" videos:

We Tried the Carnivore Meat Based Diet for One Month. Here's What Happened...

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Our most requested "We Tried..." video. Hope you enjoy it and HAPPY HOLIDAYS!! -Hudson and Brandon


Before and after blood tests would have been interesting too


I'm too high for these cut scenes.


My bro did carnivore for over 6mths his health was horrendous prior..Obese diabetes insulin dependence heart condition, on cpap, arthritis, fatty liver, leaky kidney, prostate cancer.. Recently went to Dr all bloods were normal, off all meds..Lost so much weight... I wish he documented his journey..


Person doing the vegan diet: *Gets Buff*
Person doing the carnivore diet: *Gets Buff*

Me: "These are confusing times"


Been carnivore for 2 months. Ive lost 30 lbs and getting my energy and sleep back. Went into it with pcos and insomnia due to a previous injury and this diet so far has helped both of those. Thing I would add is salt. Good salt. You burn through electrolytes with this diet and you need that salt. So salt your food, drink lots of water. Kick ass

Update: I've now lost 61 lbs. Gained muscle. I've had pcos for years and that means zero periods. Now my periods have returned like clock work and on time for the first time in over a decade. Advice. You'll need a good source of potassium and bananas suck. Beet tops work good. Powdered magnesium and good salt. I'm no longer strictly carnivore. I'm primal.. I eat some veggies that help me with my minerals and performance. I now weight lift to tone up and for sleep. I guess it's been a year since I started and I'm 39lbs away from being 100 lbs down. Noone recognizes me anymore. All my health issues are gone. Anxiety and depression gone. Insomnia gone. Now I have a crazy high sex drive and love to cook at home. My new goal is lose 39 lbs, get more toned, fine tune the minerals I need. Keep kicking ass everyone


The best takeaway: the shorter the ingredient list, the better the product likely is.


I'll continue combining the carnivore diet and vegan diet at the same time. That works for me.


That birthday cake scene was like something out of a horror movie.


I think carnivore diet is meant to include organs like liver etc so you can get vitamin/ minerals


I've been eating 95% animal protein for over 2 years now. I lost 25 lbs the first month. I am down to 170 from 205 now and I eat one big protein meal per day. It's easy now. No dishes. No hours of prepping, cleaning, wondering (what to eat). It's freed up time for living life not sitting around eating. I look and feel amazing. My bloodwork is perfect. I'm 52 and feel better and look better than when I was in my 20's.


Wait, instead of grass fed beef shouldn't it be beef fed beef?


You missed the most important items Organ meats like heart liver . kidney's


Here's why i feel like this didnt work for them:
-Usually this diet is for metabolically unhealthy people, and people with diseases.
-They work out a ton, and are reliant on carbs to give them extra energy for woorking out.
-30 days isnt long enough for your body to change and heal while on this diet minimum is 90 days to recommended is 6-12 months
-They both did a carb/sugar heavy diet right before this
-Eating the hot grease from the meat makes your stool loose (its going to happen no matter what sometimes, but dont drink the grease. Cold butter should be the only melted fat/grease you should be consuming)
-You can have variety on this diet, dont just eat the same things everyday
-Electrolytes!!! You need these to stop feeling You tend to expell salt more on this diet so get plenty salt, potassium and magnesium.

I feel like these are very outstanding errors that make the diet look bad compared to the result that many others experienced. Remember, Carnivore isnt just a quick diet. It a process of healing that takes time


Yall forgot electrolytes from salt, potassium and magnesium to help with the transition. That's why you had mental fog during transition


Looks like MEATS Back on the Menu Boys


That meat cake was like a scene out of Texas Chainsaw Massacre


I do carnivore diet a couple of times per year, usually for 2-3 months at a time. I get much better sleep, have less stress, less gas and digestive issues, and I usually lose 15 pounds each month. I drink coffee for breakfast (no sugar), have a pound of ground beef for lunch, and a ribeye for dinner. Very routine, but like you guys say in the video, the meat is very satiating and simple to plan for. Biggest downfalls for me are when my wife and family want to go out to eat, or if we go out of town.


most important thing I learned from this video: Costco sells grand pianos now


Buff Dad's Hannibal impersonation cracks me up. 😂
