What benefits can carers claim?

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It’s very common to worry about the financial implications of becoming a carer, this can be particularly true if you need to give up work or if the person you care for requires specialist care or equipment. But you might be pleasantly surprised about the financial support that is available to you.
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As a retired married woman, constantly caring for my 90-year old, disabled husband, who also has dementia, I have no entitlements at all. I’m expected to do the all work alone 24/7, no holidays, year in, year out. When my husband dies, I will only get half his service pension and my old age pension. He is entitled to “Attendance Allowance”, which is not means tested, and also a little off the council tax. I feel we old ladies are the most neglected in a society we have worked for all our lives but we are thought unworthy of money and expected to lead the lives of devoted, penniless drudges. If our husbands can no longer be cared for at home, the care homes get through all our money and property before the state will contribute, leaving us destitute. It’s a crime. It now costs £66, 000 p.a. average to keep someone in a care home. Meanwhile, care home owners keep expensive yachts in the Med and laugh about how much they make at the expense of the vulnerable. How is this never reported?


you can claim resentment of the person you give away years caring for and nothing else
fucking stranger gets 30k + to do it part time but a relative gets 4k a year
if you're a carer give it up now don't piss away the best years of your life looking after your mum dad or whoever


My goodness. She is so upbeat whilst informing us about the pittance we can claim.


Carers allowance is means tested on universal credit. Fact.


I care about someone who is very special to me and he has to try harder to get his benefits for the age that he is


If your a pensioner partner looking after a slightly younger person you lose carers allowance.


No one EVER mentions that if you are on income support or universal credit because you cannot work as you are caring, every penny is taken of your carers allowance. I have claimed carers allowane since 2007 and havn't been 1 copper penny better off. I feel my country kicks me in the teeth every day. SICK of hearing politicians and celebrities saying how valued we are. Saving the country billions and living in gutter poverty.


my friend is a carer for his partner..he gets 50pound a week..ITS A DISGRACE...
