The Occult Side Of Kundalini Awakening...

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Powerful Shaktipat, Light Body Activation, Third Eye Activation, Instant Experience of Yoga, Deep Meditation, Meditative Absorption - Samadhi, Spiritual Awakening & Expansion of Consciousness. #spiritualhealing #selfempowerment #shaktipat
Experience Life-Changing Spiritual Transmission, Spiritual Transformation, Rare Siddha Teachings & Enlightening Discourses About the Living Path* of Immortal #Yoga, Original #Siddha Alchemy, #Mysticism & Natural #Spirituality.

* Jivanmukti is a vessel of Yoga & Siddha Consciousness who emanates & shares rare in this day & age Knowledge of the Original Yoga, Siddha Kundalini Yoga, Spiritual Awakening, Self-Refinement, KayaKalpa (Rejuvenation), Bio-Spiritual Transformation, Siddha Tantra & other spiritual sciences.

Jivanmukti's presence & transmissions offer direct experience of Shaktipat, Yoga, Meditative Absorption & Light Body Activation, a profound Understanding & Knowledge of Creation, Evolutionary Cycles of Time, Frequency & Subtle Dimensions, Spiritual Psychology & History of Humanity, Life, Death, Self-Realisation & Human Evolution.

#siddhaguru #shaktipatguru #kundaliniawakening #spiritualawakening #meditation #samadhi #lightbodyactivation #thirdeyeawakening
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Unfortunately or fortunately. ❤ It all depends on what we do with the info what place we give it. I like how she says both fortunes. It's like saying you choose.


The nature of light and darkness isn’t adversarial… it’s symbiotic. When life is choice that shapes experience you realize the just how symbiotic the relationship is. Thankfulness is state of being that can’t exist without its counterpart. If there were never any tumult what would give birth to appreciation?
