Kundalini Yoga: Awakening the Shakti Within | Sadhguru's Teachings about LIFE

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Sadhguru sheds light on the mystical Kundalini energy, which lies dormant in every human being. He looks at the ways in which Kundalini can be activated, and what that can lead to in a person’s life.

Yogi, mystic and visionary, Sadhguru is a spiritual master with a difference. An arresting blend of profundity and pragmatism, his life and work serves as a reminder that yoga is a contemporary science, vitally relevant to our times.

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He’s correct about kundalini’s potency & it’s potential to be dangerous. 30-35 years ago I experienced complete enlightenment/ kundalini awakening while meditating in a class that was conducted over two weeks like a spiritual workshop. For me, it was pure bliss and it opened my senses to the point of distraction. Fortunately, I had some idea how to ground myself through the type of food I ate, lessening my time meditating and connecting to physical activities rather than spiritual. After several weeks I felt balanced again. I did not have a guru but I think I was fortunate I had a lifetime of spiritual practice, and was very grounded by nature. It’s something that can definitely cause insanity in the wrong person at the wrong time. It showed me the incredible universe that we are. I can’t prove it, but there were several people close to me with serious illnesses who all healed after I imagined them fully healed. (I did this with their permission.) I could hear people’s thoughts, hear birds miles away (I love birds )…etc. I work in the medical field and when I wanted to talk to a doctor, I would just have to think of them, and then they would show up within the next day literally within a few feet of me. It opened abilities I never really thought about before that. Kundalini can be used for great good or misused with disastrous outcomes.

I read multiple books about it and Gopi Krishna’s book about his experience was sobering. It is not some thing to “get”. It is not something to seek. It simply is. I purposely closed down my chakras because I was a single mother with two young children, and I knew that I could not have this constant ability and simultaneously raise my children in the real world. I believe I’ve spent other lifetimes, dedicated to spiritual practice, and this may be why the kundalini opened so quickly. and when this happened to me as a single parent, I knew it was not supposed to be, at least not for now, or at the level at first occurred. A certain degree of the energy has stayed with me my entire life. It’s very easy for me to direct energy, help people heal, etc. My psychic abilities remain strong. I hope my story helps someone. I am so very grateful. I don’t feel isolated about it anymore. Sadhguru, thank you so much for helping so many of us.


It’s been 3 & 1/2 years since energy in me awakened 1/9/21. Started in surrender to pure suffering. I thought I was dying and said “ok death, let’s go” So intense for the first six months! Swami Muktanandas book and Higher Self led me to living in silent/ solitude. No one would have understood anything I said anyway. Driving, shopping, even the most basic menial tasks suddenly became overwhelming. I spent 9 hours a day in the lotus pose and went vegetarian. After 6 months the energy went out my crown, and I tried to get back in the world. Then back to silence as I started acting like I used to. Kundalini was not having that old action! After a year it reached another “end” with a non- dual experience I can only describe as Golden energy field, Clear Light of the Void works too. It was completely debilitating. Upended my life and burned every belief to ashes. That said being in my head is now a pleasant place to be. My needs have become simplified and I find great joy in watching birds walking in the forest swimming in the river.. I look to be of service as that’s the only thing that really interests me, alleviating suffering. The Human Being- behind the ego brain- is Bliss. That is our true nature.


Don’t practice kundalini if you’ve never did regular yoga . Start with the basics . Breathe


he is absolutely correct in that it will completely dismantle your life within days because what you see and what you experience during an awakening is beyond intellectual comprehension. I'm 9 years into the journey, living in seclusion in a trailer in the rural desert.


I've been practicing Kundalini yoga for over 10 years. Its been a constant source of strength. In todays world, you need a powerful practice. But take your time with it.


I was a leap of Faith but the Universe did not let me fall. It gave me wings to fly. An inner world of bliss and Peace opened up for since I am helping others grow in Awareness.


I practiced kundalini yoga just twice after watching this video, so atleast i was informed. After just 2 hours of practice, i began to experience very intense anxiety, and i was completely preoccupied with thoughts of death, i kept waking up at night and having panic attacks and had to listen to soothing music to fall back to sleep. So i went to a therapist and was diagnosed with health anxiety, and after 6 months of regular meetings, managed to deal with the underlying cause of my anxiety, which was the passing of my father 7 years previously. Im grateful that i practiced kundalini yoga, because it dragged up all of the negative feelings that i had been carrying around with me for years and forced me to confront them. This is exactly what the Guru said would happen, but i was completely unprepared for the 6 months of work it took to really deal with what the practice drew out of me. This is very potent yoga, be prepared to face your demons.


Kundalini is not a joke he’s telling the truth….. it can be difficult make you want to cry every day in lost your mind


Before watching this video, I was on a “guided kundalini meditation/yoga.” Instantly I knew something was off. I knew something about the practice was too deep for my current comprehension so I figured let me first learn, and learn adequately about this energy I seek.
I’m still at A. I accept that I am A. I will make my way to Z, I will enjoy the journey.
Thank you for this beautiful information✨


I was intensely working on meditation to awaken my pineal gland but I had spontaneous kundalini awakening. I wasn't expecting it at all and had intense back and stomach spasms for days so far. It has also opened up old wounds that I thought had healed. I am grateful for the spiritual experience but it was definitely shocking and surprising.


I feel that this is why I want to just get a home in the middle of nowhere, with no technology and no wifi. Clear my mind, heart, and ALL that stuff.


If it COMES, you ARE ready.
If you're not ready, it won't come...🤷‍♀️


I think I did this and they called it psychosis but for me it was a spiritual awakening and I learned so much in life and experienced things I could never explain. I am not mentally ill.


I had a full blown Kundalini Awakening four years ago, without practicing any Kundalini Yoga and with very little to none comprehension what this very potent life force energy was. It was one of the most challenging times in my life and honestly, if it had not been due to my intimate support of my spirit guides and my Higher Self, I probably would have gone crazy. I am grateful for this experience, since it was a very accelerated one, very destructive and very powerful, yet also, I did not go looking for it, it happened without me knowing what it was. Thus, I have been very apprehensive with Kundalini Yoga, since it is life changing and it is not for everyone. Staying grounded and present on this journey of awakening is crucial, and I definitely lost it for a bit.


I dont know whats happening with me, i have lost interest in everything outside, like eating sleeping studies people family all, i wanted to know who i really am, i just stare into nth and tears fall down my face because i feel smth is missing within me as if i am lost, as if i need to find it, many people r telling me sources of happiness in materialistic but i didnt find it . I totally feel like there is smth within me i need to connect to to get all my answers . The pain is so real not knowing what it is why it is who am i all these . I felt terrible .


I have had extremely blissful experiences with certain antidepressant medication that is similar to kundalini activation. I felt rhythmic waves from mooladhara to sahasrara, emanating waves from anahata, a blissful feeling on agna chakra. The bliss was so much that, I was tired of being blissful. Later, I have developed a condition, by neurotransmitters activity is 30% faster than normal activity.
I have realized, all these are related to neurotransmitters, chakras that are connected to brain, our expriences largely depends on our wirings in brain and what we feed to our brains in the form of environment, experiences, beliefs, learning, what we eat. Genetics too play important role. My grandfather had such experiences practicing gayatri upasana for 12 years.
Well, this did not create higher consciousness or enlightenment, it is an experience for me. But I have understood the science behind this, which is also encoded in our ancient temples. Many sculptures in ancient temples depict higher consciousness in people and it's impacts


My personal experience with Kundalini awakening is it happened for me and I had not consciously known what it was. I did not seek it consciously because consciously I had no idea about it. I was ready without even know about it consciously. I had earned it.


I had a brief kundalini awakening moment but I believe it was not a time for me and showed a lot of anxiety within me. People now are very drawn towards me but me myself I can’t control the extent. I feel I need grounding, good spiritual path and therapy for the anxiety I have


I experienced the awakening through devotional meditation and breathwork, and daily studies of the Gita and Upanishads. Sadhguru is completely correct pointing out how it dismantles your perception of social structures. People thought I was nuts, and my heightened awareness manifested as paranoia that likely justified itself through presenting me in a paranoid state feeling like I was in an alien world. I really wish I had someone to guide me through it. I ended up losing my marriage and almost losing my job and entire life over it. I began yogic practices I gleaned from Ram Dass lectures, and at some point I had a sudden and intense awakening that blanketed me like a rush of total existential bliss.


My Kundalini Awakende in 2015 without help from Kuru !!! but help from Lord Shiva and Shakti (Ma Tara) and (Ma Kali)Yes Lord show up !!!
