The 'Dark' & 'Divine' Side Of Kundalini Yoga

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The term yoga has its roots in the Sanskrit word yuj, which means to yoke together, to
conjoin. Hence, yoga implies a spiritual union of the individual consciousness with the allpervading,
universal Consciousness, or Brahman, according to the Upanishads. In this way,
yoga is the empirical part of religion, says Gopi Krishna in his work, Kundalini- The Secret of
Yoga (3).
Of all the different yoga traditions and schools that developed in ancient Vedic times,
Kundalini Yoga is considered to be the most powerful and therefore, the most dangerous. It is
part of the Shaiva Tantra system.

Kundalini is considered to be a form of sacred feminine
energy that lies dormant at the base of the human spine, called mooladhara, like a serpent.
This is pure, formless energy which has immense potential if awakened. Shaiva tantra calls
this energy or ‘shakti’ Mother Divine, or formless aspect of the Goddess.
Swami Satyananda Saraswathi, a great master of Kundalini yoga and author of
Kundalini Tantra says that though you may be generally aware of what Yoga is, you require
some kind of awareness of what Tantra is in order to appreciate the mysterious working of
Kundalini yoga.

Tantra says that the range of mental experience can be broadened. With the help of the
senses, your mind can have an experience based on an object. There can be an experience
within the framework of time, space, and object, but there can also be an experience beyond
the framework of time, space, and object. The second form of experience can happen when
the present mind expands beyond its given definitions and borders, and when this experience
occurs, energy is released from yourself (Saraswati 6). This concept is the Tantric base of
Kundalini yoga.

The dormant Kundalini energy, when awakened, will rise in a spiralling motion up
through different phases in the body called ‘Chakras’. The literal meaning of ‘chakra’ is
‘circle’ but in the context of Kundalini tantra, it also connotes a vortex-like motion. There are
many chakras in a human body, but the principal ones within the body are six, and the highest
one, the seventh, is at the crown of the head.
The mind of a worldly man with base desires and passions moves in the Muladhara
and Svadhishthana Chakras or centers situated near the anus and the reproductive organ
If one’s mind becomes purified, the mind rises to the Manipura Chakra or the center
in the navel and experiences some power and joy.

If the mind becomes more purified, it rises to the Anahata Chakra, or the center in the
heart, experiences bliss, and visualizes the effulgent form of the Ishta Devata or the tutelary
When the mind gets highly purified, when meditation and devotion become intense
and profound, the mind rises to Visuddha Chakra, or the center in the throat and experiences
more and more powers and bliss. Even when the mind has reached this center, there is a
possibility for it to come down to the lower centers.

#kundaliniyoga #spirituality #chakras #kundaliniawakening

Voiceover: Surjit Singh

Script: Shaiju Koottucheradil Chacko

Editor: Medo

Score: Epidemic Music

1. Halliday, Sandra Tan. Kundalini Yoga: Unlocking the Secrets to Radiant Beauty and
Health. Kundalini Research Institute, 2003.
2. Kason, Yvonne. Farther Shores: Exploring How Near-death, Kundalini and Mystical
Experiences Can Transform Ordinary Lives. Harper Collins, 1994.
3. Krishna, Gopal. Kundalini- The Secret of Yoga. F.I.N.D. Research Trust, 2000.
4. -- --. Kundalini- The Evolutionary Energy in Man. Stuart & Watkins, 1970.
5. Paulson, Genevieve L. Kundalini & the Chakras: Evolution in this lifetime. Llewellyn
Publications, 2002.
6. Rele, Vasant G. The Mysterious Kundalini. D. B. Taraporevala Sons and Co., 1927.
7. Sannella, Lee. Kundalini Experience: Psychosis or Transcendence?
8. Saraswati, Swami Satyananta. Kundalini Tantra. Yoga Publications Trust, 2002.
9. Swami, Sivananda. Kundalini Yoga. Divine Life Society, 1994.
10. Grant, Kara-Leigh. ‘The Hidden Dangers of a Kundalini Awakening’. The Hidden
Dangers of a Kundalini Awakening | UPLIFT

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Copyright © 2022 Asangoham. All rights reserved.
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Hope you guys enjoyed the video on the much-requested topic of Kundalini yoga. What other topics do you want us to cover?


I experienced kundalini awakening 22 years ago. It did not originate at the bottom of my spine but from the belly. My belly felt like it was on fire and then these sensations changed to an intense ticking feeling. I started laughing uncontrollably. Then the energy traveled up the center of my body and burst out the top of my head like a volcano. Instantly, I was face to face with Divine Golden Light. I was in a realm of infinite Light and the Light was penetrating every inch of me and causing me to feel intense ecstacy and bliss. I looked at my body, which was in the form and shape of a human, but which was also pure golden light. This is called the "Light Body" or "Causal Body". After around 10 minutes of this, the scene changed and I was suddenly under a dark sky full of bright stars. The stars began to fall from the sky. As this was happening, I felt this hot syrupy nectar liquid flow from the crown of my head throughout my body. This "nectar" felt warm and healing and intensely blissful. When the experience ended, I became conscious of my shadow and how wounded I was and how far away from the Light I was in my own growth. This was merely the initiation. From that day on, my negative repressed shadow began to flood my consciousness for purging and release. It took me 22 years to purge my shadow. Now I am my Soul as a human being. This is a higher stage of consciousness and marks the next level of evolution for humans. We are evolving, conscious, Spiritual beings having a human experience. That is the main takeaway from all this. This is very profound and I would caution people to not try to awaken kundalini on their own. When the time is right...every human being will awaken.


I started meditating before yoga. Yoga found me. I remember vibrating and being pulled into yoga postures and light coming through my eyes. I knew that something intense was going on. I could feel a spirit caressing my face. I was a true, honest seeker and knew that I was being lead to something great. Yoga was in my cells and it's almost as if my soul took over and knew what to do. I went through years of purifyng my body and opening things I didn't know could be opened. I started having OBE's and channeling sounds and words of a different language. I felt very connected and loved in every moment. After time, the world creeped in again and this all went away. I feel after 7 years of falling off, that I am now back on this amazing path. I have to emerge from the ashes once again. I pray this beautiful energy walks me home like it did before. Namaste.


Kundalini takes birth in Muladhara, grows in various places, and finally awakens in Sahasrara. This is called Shiv Vivah. Just as a married couple travels to different places after marriage organized in a high-quality home, similarly the soul-kundalini couple gets married in Sahasrara and travels on different chakras.


For me I nearly died from this. It was intense crazy dreams, can't sleep, sweating, intense fear, a bit of psychosis. Anyway all the best because in the end you'll be reborn just like phoenix.


One of the most accurate videos i have seen so far... I had my awakening exactly as described according to scripture, and mine was at the heart chakra level, i experienced bliss, clairsentience and saw visions of Lord Shiva and tapped into the Akash... my body began spontaneously healing and i was immune to the cold and fear, pain and all mental anguish... But my human self was not pure and i had many old samsara... Which brought me back to old patterns of being... Back to suffering... Still, it was a blessing from Shivji and a very encouraging event that still has its effects in my daily life... I just hope i can persevere and one day be able to truely and permanently return to God consciousness and remain there...


Thank you! I needed to hear this after doing energy work on myself without knowing what I was doing. I went a bit crazy. I now respect it’s power.


I started fasting, meditating, going into seclusion, etc. without consciously doing it with the aim of spiritual attainment. I actually thought I was developing schizophrenia and just kinda gave up on life. I ended up having a full awakening, going so far as leaving my body and going to Her domain. She told me love is the root of the fundamental forces in the universe. After some time with Her, I experienced the Light beyond time and space.

Things were great for a time but since I had no guidance and it happened "randomly" I ended up following a dark path.
I started developing powers; manifesting whatever I wanted, manipulating other minds, and other various psychic abilities.

After a couple months of this the powers started going away and I freaked out thinking something went wrong. I become obsessed with the powers thinking they were all I had going for me and in the pursuit of power I learned the hard way what people say about absolute power is true.

There are beautiful realms beyond this one. There are also very terrible realms. And when you fall in the darkness, unfortunately not all of you gets to come back. So if you ever happen to find yourself in a similar situation, don't chase the power unless you want to experience crazy for yourself.


video's like this are very important, there are so many people trying to attain this state of being without knowing what they are getting into and before they are ready. To awaken this energy is the ultimate initiation and you either sink or swim. It really can be a line between life and death, genius and madness. It is an extremely special thing more than words can describe and a blessing, though it is a path that should be taken carefully


Before I had kundalini awakening I dreamt of getting bitten by a snake, twice. My awakening wasn’t pretty, lots of crying, self loathing, releasing. I had beautiful moments of pure consciousness. One of the times I felt that love was the answer to everything and if I became love my life would always be taken care of by a higher force. I felt so connected to all things, trees, leaves, grass. It was wonderful. I also started having visions of my loved ones in the future, some of the things I saw were painful to accept. But I was at such a high vibration I accepted it easily (at the time). I saw my partner having a baby with my friend and they were the happiest I had seen them. Anyway 3 years later I am in a totally different country, in a completely different job, separated from my ex, he has a baby with my friend. I started feeling scared of some of the visions I saw/felt so I decided to stop practicing meditation & kundalini yoga. But I made it my mission to become love.


The first time I ever got interested in themes like these was when my old grandmaster of Aikido died and the day after in the Dojo, we all gathered before the training, recited the heart sutra over and over again while one master was circling a stick around a singing bowl. By the end when everyone went silent, I heard thousands of voices of joyful people talking to each other in unity.


For some reason I have always been hesitant when it comes to Kundalini. To me it seems a unnecessary risk especially after watching this video. Nature is the best teacher. Nature moves and flows and when nature exhibits extreme erratic behavior there is destruction. Kundalini seems to be along that line. I personally will stay peaceful in meditation and whatever my highest self wants me to experience I will experience. No need to force


Ive experienced kundalini awakening & it was a definately an experienced. Firstly, when I did the kundalini meditation, ive experienced very bad body tics that would happened between the times from 12am to 6 am when the spiritual realm is at its highest peak & these body tics were intense that it would wake me up in the middle of me sleeping & I also experienced tremors of my head & constant head shaking.

Ive experienced evil deities attacking me & developed psychic abilities of having to read peoples mind which many would think its cool but it led me to being alone because I was able to hear people true thoughts about me & it wasnt good.

There is alot of mysteries & things in the unkown that we are not aware of & the old me would have been curious to search & want to explore it all but the new one thinks that sometimes ignorance is bliss because experiencing what I experienced truly led me to have many moments of psychosis.

Stay safe everyone!


That's why The path of Bhakti is the best suited where devotee surrender to God।


1:29 It's not the "human" that is becoming enlightened., it's the light projected through the Soul animating the flesh that is gaining momentum., making a "human life" appear as if it's the individual's vessel that's spiritually maturing., when there's been a lengthy, ongoing process playing out from within the whole "time."


Ok, what can I tell, after watching and reading the description of the channel. First, I want to thank the author of the channel for labour. It is really informative and entertaining. I even subscribed to it.
However, as a person who is "for decades", to be exactly, for more than 20 years on spiritual path, having been practicing martial arts and yoga, and reading multiple books on spiritual teachings, both ancient and modern (I say this not because I boast, but cause the author testifies his experience in similar way), I would say, that all this means Nothing if you do not have love and compassion to the world. Do not waste your time practicing strange exercises. Practice love, prayer, forgiveness, understanding and compassion to all the beings in the Universe. Do moderate exercise and healthy diet to maintain healthy and clean/clear body and mind. Do not exhaust, overstrain and torture yourself. Do not spend hours doing strange things with your body. You will get only illusion. Go the middle way, moderate way, as Buddha says. Live life. Study art, enjoy nature, make loving relations, take care of a pet, do your job with understanding and devotion, as it is really necessary to people. Concentrate on bhakti, karma and radja yoga, that means love, doing your chores, prayer and studies. Then your mind and body will become conscious naturally. All these "energy" practices if they become the soul focus of your life would ruin you. Believe me, I have seen many examples. I have read many comments below that really terrified me. Some were just crying for help. However, I am happy that many people also told about positive experiences. Any way, this path is very, very tricky.


I have been a student of the book "Kundalini Tantra" by Swami Satyananda Saraswati for the last 3 years. It's been and is the most powerful force in my life. This is the FIRST outside information I have ever encountered about it. Thanks for the video :)


This was the perfect video I needed in this moment, pure astonishment throughout. Just wow


Three years into a Kundalini Awakening. There is nothing like it. And I've got it pretty easy compared to most. Every day can be a struggle, it rules your life. But the knowing that it exists... that something so utterly powerful and spiritual truly exists is enough to make it all worth it. The most important event of my entire existence after my birth.


Mine awakened on Easter Sunday this year after 4 years of daily meditation and a period of abstinence. It was truly miraculous and intensely blissful. Took a lot of getting used to, but I wanted it to happen and have never regretted it, it's been a great blessing and I continue to learn from it.
