Fluance RT81 Turntable Review

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A lifestyle turntable positioned at a budget turntable price, this ‘semi-automatic’ is reviewed by Paul Rigby


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Wondered what the vinyl is sitting on the shelves behind me? Here's a list in full. I've included links in case you'd like to purchase too. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. I try to find the pressings I show here but, if I cannot find those, I'll try to source something close. Thank you.

Cocteau Twins - The Pink Opaque

Sigur Ros - Hoppipolla

A to Austr - A to Austr

Focus - Mother Focus

Nat King Cole - The Touch of Your Lips

Old Bossa by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution

Dual MTR-75 turntable
Lenco L-3808 turntable
Trichord Dino phono amplifier
Rega Brio-R amplifier
Spendor S3/5R speakers
Tellurium Q cabling
Blue Horizon Professional Rack System
Harmonic Resolution Systems Noise Reduction Components
All vinyl was cleaned using an Audio Desk’s Ultrasonic Pro Vinyl Cleaner
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This is my first real turntable. I've had it for almost a year now and I'm very happy with it. It's easy to set up and maintain it also sounds fantastic.


I have an RT-81. I eventually upgraded to a Schitt Mani external phono preamp. I then upgraded to an AT 540ML cartridge and I'm really satisfied with the sound quality. It's a great budget table that can provide terrific sound and the ability to improve as funds allow.


Have purchased 3 RT81's for myself and family members. Love them all.


I got an RT81 last Xmas. Am running it thru a Sony receiver/sub-woofer and Fluance bookshelf speakers. Sounds great!


I just got this one.. 0 issues and sounds great


Very happy with my Fluance rt81 and Edifier 1280t speakers. Simple and very good sounding setup.


What is the issue with rubber mats I would think the rubber density would be helpful in addition to the friction to keep the record from slipping


If I was going to buy a Fluance I'd go big or stay at home with whatever poorly made Chinese turntable you already have. The Fluance 85 with the Ortofon 2M Blue and acrylic platter would be the way to go!! Then you can forget about playing the upgrading game. I don't think spending another $440 to $500 upgrading to a Ortofon 2M Bronze cartridge would be a good idea. Just replacing the stylus is easier and cheaper.


most will buy and use whatever cartridge is included, at this price range. Other reviews give the combos the Fluance uses VERY high marks. So that is the important comparison


Great video. I'm a newbie and was looking at this and the Lenco L-3808. Which one would you go for if you had the choice or where this is over 2 years old, is there something else now :)


Hello. I recently purchased the rt81 but am considering canceling my order for a Dual 1241 in good condition except the arm doesn’t move automatically anymore. Has to be done manually. Would you suggest stick with the Fluance or go with the Dual?


If you are looking for a head to head review on a built in Pre amp model....you are looking to see which is best in its stock form. Taking the pre amps out, changing the more premium cartridge cheats the comparison completely.


Thank you - enjoying all your videos. This is the turntable I bought as a newbie to vinyl. Have a question - I managed to break the needle (when moving house) and it seems that the replacement is $50; I’m thinking because I have to spend the money anyway, should I upgrade to the Ortofon 2M Red? ($100)


Just about spit out my drink when you said you wanted to play Frisbee with the rubber platter cover 🤣🤣🤣


Hi. How does this compare with the Sony ps lx310bt in terms of audio and build quality? I'm torn between the two and rt81 only costs £20 more currently.


I would recommend the Fluance RT-81 as a starter turntable except for the tone arm. It is very cheaply made. We had ours for close to 2 years and the lock caused a mark on the tone arm because of poor quality plastic they used. Even if you move up to the RT-85 you get the same tone arm! I upgraded to a Technic SL-1500C-K


Thanks for the video.. And even better for introducing me to Mother Focus 😎👍


I have been looking at fluance turntables for a month or so. Probably going to go for the rt 82 simply because it gives you the ability to upgrade within the fluance line. Also because I have no need for a preamp since I will be running mine through a sansui 771 (as soon as I can get it recapped and all). And for only $50 difference in price here in America, the rt 82 sounds like the better option for me personally.
Great review btw. I like your brutally honest evaluations. Wish that the Rega turntables were a bit cheaper here in the states. Lowest price I can find for one is $475 for a Rega planar one. I just cannot justify spending that much right now. $300 plus tax is my threshold.


thanks for an actually good fluance review I've been looking for one for ages haha. I'm contemplating getting the fluance rt82 do you think it is worth it?


Hey Paul, I'm a new viewer and very much enjoying your content. I currently have a U-Turn Orbit turntable w/ Ortofon OM5E and acrylic platter, a Sansui power amp & control amp, and output to Klipsch speakers. I'm going to upgrade the speakers to ELAC Uni-Fi UB5 speakers and I also wanted to upgrade my cartridge to a Ortofon 2m Blue or Nagaoka mp-110. However, I don't know what my best option would be regarding the cartridge upgrade as it pertains to my turntable. I don't know if I should just update the cartridge and keep my current turntable or would I get a better sound buying a Rega Planar 1 with the standard cartridge it comes with? Or should I get the Fluance RT85 which comes with acrylic platter and 2m Blue? (negative talk about the Fluance tonearm makes me weary though).

When I purchased my U-Turn Orbit Plus, it was because I had $250+ in MusiciansFriend rewards, saw good reviews, and the company is local. If I switch turntables, the Rega Planar 1 is $475 and the Fluance RT85 is $499.

Looking forward to your response, thanks!
