Most 'Christians' Are Going To Hell

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Most "Christians" Are going to end up in Hell whenever they die...

And that may be shocking to you, but it's the truth

There are many Christians in our world today who profess to love Jesus with their lips, but they deny Him and their belief in Him by the way that they live their life

Following Jesus is NOT about the words that you say, it's about the actions that you take

And by the end of today's video I hope to pull you higher and encourage you to give your life to Jesus 100% and start living for Him!

I hope this video helps you and I hope that God blesses you, Peace

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*Larry Burkett's book on "Giving and Tithing" drew me closer to God and helped my spirituality. 2020 was a year I literally lived it. I cashed in my life savings and gave it all away. My total giving amounted to 40, 000 dollars. Everyone thought I was delusional. Today, 1 receive 85, 000 dollars every two months. I have a property in Calabasas, CA, and travel a lot. God has promoted me more than once and opened doors for me to live beyond my dreams. God kept to his promises to and for me*


Christian from Lebanon pray for my country brother we are at war, Jesus coming soon, hallelujah


To say a person is going to Hell if they don’t have works is making works necessary for salvation no matter how you want to try and spin it. Salvation is all by grace and God expects nothing in return. We are saved by His grace, and kept by His grace. Living the Christian life and discipleship is a completely separate thing from salvation, you are conflating the two with one another.

Romans 4:5 KJV
But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness.


A lot of YouTube "Christians" can't seem to stay away from works salvation.


When someone has TRULY accepted Christ as their Lord and Savior, they will want to turn away from sin and they will want to serve the Lord. BUT, they will fall short everyday. Many have deeply rooted desires that are VERY difficult to turn away from. True acceptance of Jesus makes us want to turn away, but does not cause us to completely avoid temptation. I struggle every day with the sinful life that I led. I stumble, but I will never turn back to that sinful life. Jesus plus nothing is the way to Heaven.


Trying to be “Christ-like” is the only possible thing to achieve. Being born again means you’ve been washed with the blood of Jesus and you walk with him now. This doesn’t mean if you sin or are still addicted to a vice that you aren’t truly saved. If that were the case then every Christian would go to hell, and only the monks that live in the mountains are probably the closest to get to heaven. God doesn’t seek perfection and you ticking every box on his list, he wants to know if you’re with him. Deny sin, flee from it, but if you fail repent for your sin. Keep fighting, if you still sin and are addicted to something keep praying and carry your cross. He wants your heart, he wants your commitment, but he knows you need to grow with him.✝️


To answer your comment at 5:22, playing video games is NOT a sin. As long as you limit it to a hobby and don't idolize it, there's no sin in playing video games. Don't let your hobbies and interests become idolized Gods in your life. Idolize Jesus and worship Jesus but don't go labeling everything that doesn't have to do with Jesus or the Bible a sin. Jesus Christ is Lord. God bless. 🙏


So essentially in your eyes if you still sin or struggle with a certain sin, you're going to hell. If that's your synopsis, I'll pray for you brother


And if by grace, then is it no more of works: otherwise grace is no more grace. But if it be of works, then it is no more grace: otherwise work is no more work.
Romans 11:6


Thank you so much for this video. I came to Christ a few years ago, however I committed major slip ups and sins as a new Christian. Eventually The Holy Ghost got a hold of me and I became completely convicted. I am grateful to report that it’s been nearly 8 months of being liberated from pornography and all glory be to God. Recently, I’ve been reading my Bible everyday seeking to soak up The Word of God and live according to His will. I know I will still sin and mess up, yet I completely detest that now. My wife is unsaved and I would very much appreciate prayers that she would come to know Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior. Thank you and God bless ✝️🙏


It’s dangerous to try to put your works in front of the cross!


Flee from this self righteous attitude if you’re going to condemn us to hell at least know how we are saved acts 16:31 puts it perfectly it’s so simple yet the world still can’t do it


Nice false gospel bro. You will be one who says “Lord, Lord, in thy name have I not done many wonderful works? And the Lord will say I never knew you.” You will go to hell man, if you don’t repent of your false gospel. I can assure you of that. You should read the story of the Publican and the Pharisee, and see which one went home justified before the Lord.


Backloading works into the gospel. Let this man be accursed, for he is blaspheming the Holy Spirit.


The most ironic thing about this video is the gentleman that created it unfortunately he has been deceived into believing in a works based salvation which means he hasn't put trust into Jesus 100% to anyone who reads this comment don't be deceived by this video because if you do you will be the one going to hell amen


Brayden, repent of your works gospel and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ alone for your salvation. You are confusing service and salvation. Yes we are to serve the Lord and be disciples, but that is NOT a requirement of salvation. Many will take the broad path that leads to destruction, which is believing in their own self righteousness. Few will trust in Jesus alone, the narrow path. I don’t want you to go to hell man. You seem genuine like you have a heart for the Lord, and that is why I write this message. You are perverting the pure gospel... and Paul says anyone who does so shall be accursed. Meaning that perverting the gospel, is the only way to truly go to hell. Praying for you man.


Very powerful and it’s true. On the last day many will say Lord Lord and he will say I never knew you. A true transformation by the Holy Spirit is needed!


“Ye shall know them by their fruits” was written in the same chapter in which Jesus was talking about false teachers. The fruits represent your gospel presentation. Bad fruits are false gospels; good fruit is the true gospel. Living a life for Jesus is not what saves us; his work is what saves us. A lifestyle of sin will have earthly chastisement because no sin is good but that’s not about salvation nor it should be a salvation issue.


Bro really likes to talk about "Beating his meat."


Hello, I'm 16 years old. When I started following Jesus before it was good. I'm starting to avoid the things i used to do and i pray everyday talking to God and reading my bible. But now it's getting harder. I feel like I'm backsliding or straying away from God but i still have a desire to Grow closer to him and have a genuine faith. The problem is my behavior and Lifestyle is going back, I'm also going through fear, worry and doubts, shame and guilt, spiritual dryness and spiritual numbness. I want to go to God but i feel like something is stopping me