Why Most 'Christians' Die And Go To Hell

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Jesus said...
Matthew 7:14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
Google says...
"There are an estimated 2.2 billion Christians in the world, which makes Christianity the largest religion on the planet."
Jesus says FEW, Google says "BILLIONS". Somebody is wrong, and it isn't Jesus!

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How to be saved:

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If there were 2.2 billion TRUE Christians this world would be a very different place.




This is an important message that could be expounded on many times over... I believe most professing Christians are going to hell. When you meet with Christians all they want to talk about is football and the movies they saw and the shows they are addicted to. They scream and shout and get so excited over a celebrity and fall asleep in boredom at church... Most that I have met have never read the bible! How can you say you Love Jesus but you don't love his Word??? I am constantly asking God to make sure I am in the faith. I know I am born again, but I do not want to ever be against the Lord in my lifestyle. I sin still and it troubles me. I want to continually and seriously evaluate my walk with the Lord. It's the most important thing in life.


There is NO substitution for being BORN AGAIN! That is Number ONE! The Walk starts THERE!


Brian idk if you read comments on the older videos, but man I needed to hear this. I've been a false convert most of my life until about 4 years ago. I truly felt contrition and was driven to repentance. Finding you has been a blessing in my life from God. I've still struggled wondering if I'm truly saved, "What else do I not know" It's made me passionate about the word. And forming a relationship with Jesus through his words. Watching you talk about this has made me even more passionate and thirsty for knowledge. But also gave me a certain amount of calmness, as I finally feel like the holy spirit dwells in me and guides me on the daily changes in my life. So just a plain thank you for your fiery reality checks. God Bless Brother.


I didn't even know God could come into one's heart. I was not a church goer. I just asked God to show me the truth one day because I was sick of all the lies, and it was hard to tell them a part... I wanted to know the Truth, and then God showed me a vision of Jesus on the cross. I instantly understood. That was over 20 years ago. I am grateful.


My question. Why have I grown to have so much disdain for the world? What I used to peak at, I run from. I don't do this with any joy, but I feel that I'm between a rock and a hard place.

I'm waiting for Christ with tears. Nothing is here for me, all I need is Christ. I don't know if I'm even good at that, but I want Christ Jesus, my Lord.


My life is a mess. I can’t seem to get that life change I need. I have an alcohol issue. I pray for his yoke on my life, I asked for his help hundreds of times. I know I’m lost. Please pray for me. Thank you.


I agree... Catholics, JW's, Mormons, and others do claim to be Christians. But if they haven't met the Lord (via repentance)… they're absolutely going to hell. We have to KNOW Him, or we're lost.


The saints in heaven are not angels. Jesus said we will be made like the angels not given in marriage not made into angels.


You can’t stop sinning. If you say you have no sin you deceive yourself.


I've already quit smoking Marijuana and Cigarettes about 18 years ago and haven't done this since. Its been 3 or 4 years since drinking alcohol. I am trying to repent from Repetitive Sexual Immorality outside of marriage. One time I quit for 8 months straight then slipped. Tried repenting again and it lasted 6 months without. But then slipped. I'm trying and I need Jesus to help me to repent. Also I'm trying not to cuss but I need to control what I say without cussing. cussing is also hard to repent. But I'm trying. The Lord saved my wretched soul. and I'm exceedingly glad for that. I'm saved by Grace through Faith. Faith is required. Amen! Here's an update... Since April 10th 2023 I haven't had sex. It's been 5 months now and it's getting easier to refrain from sex. I'm ashamed of sex.


It's definitely depressing as can be . It's scary if you believe. We all fall short . I can remember the night when I was saved. It was the longest shortest walk of my life. Hearing this it's scary to me . I'm a sinner & I have bad habits still.


As a saved man it is scary to think how many people are going to hell.


The “straight gate” is putting YOUR ENTIRE TRUST AND FAITH…in the work of christ anything else works


Hello hello my brother I have recently been saved I pray God will except me into his kingdom I share the truth with as many people as I possibly can And I am mocked ridiculed and hated for what I say but it hasn’t stopped me praise the Lord


I had an interesting dream a few years back, which I now believe was symbolic of the "catching up"...It had many details, but one of the most significant was that as I was helped onto this huge train I was told to find a seat....looking around the packed train it was filled with mostly sleeping people under blue blankets...very few seats were left. I believe now the sleeping people were the" dead in Christ"...anyway...later on I contemplated this and it made sense. Thank you for your ministry, I have heard some people preaching that we do not come back with Christ during the Melenial reign. ...this I do not understand, especially as the Word of God says we will "ever be with the Lord". Maranatha!


I’ve believed there’s only 100 million Christians saved in this dispensation and I remember watching a sermon from brother peter ruckman about how God’s army is usually smaller than the enemy’s. Found it interesting that it’s the same thing in revelation with the enemy having 200 million


I think you should spend less time condemning those who you see unfit to go to heaven based on scripture and more time loving on those people who don’t know who Jesus is all about. Jesus said that all who believed in him would not perish but have eternal life, and that this is a gift and can not be achieved by works. No matter what we do, we will all fall short. But, Jesus paid our price.


Revelation 7:9 “After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands;” how many is this?
