God told me some 'Christians' will go to HELL

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In this video, I share a sobering message that God showed me. It's important that we remember that many so-called Christians will go to hell, and that we must be prepared for what lies ahead.

I hope that you'll take away from this video the importance of being prepared for the trials and tribulations that await us as believers in Christ. Remember: God is always on our side, and he has every intention of bringing us through whatever is ahead!

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This is a wake up call for me. Thank you Jesus.


I am a Christian who came to Christ a couple years ago. I have been suffering from sexual sin. I am repenting and forsaking my sin. Please pray for me. I needed to watch this. Thank you.


False Gospel, False teachings. Dont listen to this guy because of his following . He is preaching works based salvation . I suggest everyone read scriptures on there own and pray to God for understanding and wisdom, dont depend on false teachers on instagram and youtube who cause people to stumble the true Gospel of salvation


Forgive me Father, for I'm a sinner..Help me to recognize the sins in my life..wash me, sanctify me, help me to live with best life according to your word. Amen .


Strive, work hard, to enter through the Narrow Gate. Jesus said this. As a longtime Christian this still makes me sit up and pay attention to make sincere efforts to run after God.


Thank the Lord for this message. I've been struggling with sexual sin and I want to be freed from Lust.


SAINT AVS EXPOSES THIS FALSE GOSPEL. I had to pull my support. The Bible is clear about false Prophets teaching another gospel. Many will say, lord lord, I did many good works, and Jesus will say I did not know you. Lol faith alone not by works lest any any man boast. It’s a free gift of grace you do not have to work for it. Jesus did it all he does not need your help.


Man, I think you are misleading so many. Works are not needed for salvation, but a faith without works is dead. Please know the difference, because you are basically saying do works to be saved. Remember, are you really trusting Jesus if you are trusting in your own righteousness to make it to heaven? Please correct me if you disagree ❤


This is so Surreal and Scary... I pray for discernment and the strength to do God's will 🙏


There's NO Condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus!!! The Truth is the Truth and the truth will set you FREE! He who the Son sets Free is Free indeed!!!
You MUST be Born Again in Christ!!!
🎉🎉🎉 the Spirit of Truth!!! 🎉🎉🎉 REPENT!!! GLORY to Our Father in Heaven!!! Amen! ❤ King 👑
Time is Short!!! 😢


We are not saved BY good works, but when we are truly saved and surrendered to Jesus, He changes our hearts and we are saved FOR good works. It's a natural by product of salvation rather than as a means to an end. Our righteousness is as filthy rags before God. It's trusting in Jesus for it's by grace we have been saved. But truly being saved means we walk in righteousness rather than taking advantage of His grace.


Brothers and sisters please do not listen to this video especially if your new to the faith. He takes these verses out of context and is not teaching the true gospel which is faith alone in Jesus and His finished work. Sinless perfection is heresy and not taught in Scripture


The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom 🙏 let us all be open to correction when it comes


This dude has no understanding of biblical context. He just keeps cherry picking...


This definitely made me scared
I lost the fear of god when I was 14 years old, I’m 16 now I prayed for the fear of the lord and this video made it come back
Thank you so much!


Thank you for your obedience.
I remember going to Church for the first time after I’d been filled with the Holy Spirit and the Lord saying to me; Look around, not all will be in Heaven.

I shared this recently with some leaders at my new church and they looked horrified at me - as if I was mad!

Not everyone in Church has a personal relationship with the Lord! So I believe what the Lord has said to you, what it declares in the word, and that this is a time to get serious with God! 🙏 For we are in the last days….


This is a false teaching! Not one Christian will ever be in hell. You are misinterpreting every verse in thise video. Matthew 7 is literally talking about people who try to justify themselves because of thier works, but never did the will of the Father. What is the will of the father? "And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day." (John 6:40). We are not SAVED by our WORKS, nor do we MAINTAIN salvation by our good works. It's by grace from beginning to end. You are causing babes in Christ to stumble and to look to their works instead of looking to Christ. God would never tell you that a Christian would be in hell, that is blasphemy. You are made right by the blood of Jesus Christ. Fear and condemnation are not for those who are in Christ.


"I want to know where these landmines are" means we need to start with knowing what text you use as your source. What version? I figured out you are using the NKJV which is fine, but seems like the phrases there might be misleading in these verses. "from whence ye are" in the KJV the word "ye" refers to a group of people not an individual. What group of people are considered "God's people" but don't know Jesus Christ? Answer - Jews. The Jews of the time didn't know Jesus and this is a message in response to a Jew asking him "are there few that be saved?" Also you refer to the book of Hebrews and you imply that a Christian can loose their faith, when in fact that is not what Heb 10:26 is talking about. It's talking about dispensationalism here, that the time of sacrifice for the Jews has ended because there was only one sacrifice made by Jesus Christ. See what Paul says to the Romans in Rom 7:24 how he continued to struggle with sin. And John in 1John 1:7-10 "If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves..." So in general your sermon in this warning people that if they don't STOP themselves from sinning then they will go to hell is a very wrong way to interpret these verses. If you want to live that way, under the law, go ahead but you shouldn't preach people will go to hell even if they are saved. Anyway, Isaiah, you will probably disagree, you are probably going to argue and fight with me, feeling justified that maybe you think you are not sinning anymore, but these verses are meant for the Jews, and for those who claim to be Christian but are really not. There are a lot of TV and YouTube preachers that are making a lot of money for stating things that get clicks and likes but in the end there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.


Please pray for me to stay right with the Lord and to continue to do his work humbly so I may go to Heaven.


SAINT AVS posted exposing this false doctrine. Go check him out.
