How To ACTUALLY Start Calisthenics (Advice You’ve Never Heard)

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How to ACTUALLY start calisthenics?

So there are 4 exercises you need to start with: push ups, pull ups, dips and…

No… Not like this!

There are several videos about this topic, but most of them don’t tell you the truth! They don’t tell you the reality!

Specifically, they miss an entire step, exactly what’s the most important.

Watch the video to find out how you should actually start training calisthenics!

Start to workout the right way, train smart and achieve more!
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I'm 55 and have always lifted weights, now I want to go the calisthenics route, but don't know where to start and how to incorporate wt tracing and be training together. I really like this channel, your knowledge, etc. And you remind me jake dalton.


Pure gold. Unfortunately it is full of fitness influencers and self-styled trainers who sell embarrassing programs where all these steps are skipped. Unfortunately following one of these programs I injured myself. I've been stuck for almost a year now. If only I had followed your training method right away


Great advice there, thanks a lot!

I've started training with calisthenics about 4 months ago and I wish I had found this earlier. It took me like 2 months to even do 1 pull-up and a couple dips, I'm still struggling with wrist pain because I wasn't well prepared. Most people who've been working out a lot for a while don't have the slightest idea of how unprepared most people are when they decide to go back to training after years of inactivity.


You are 100% correct. Joint mobility and warm ups are the most important thing, I started working out at 15 and I use to hear the 40-50 year old bodybuilders tell me to work on joint mobility, rotator cuff, and warm ups but I would think " these old people are stupid they dont know anything ". Now im 28 and have had so many joint problems, muscle tears and injuries that im the same muscle mass as i was when im 16 even though ive been working out for so many years. I keep getting injured and have to stop working out. Now i just started joint mobility and injury prevention exercises.


I really began seriously lifting weights at 19... I am 51 now I've always wanted to try calisthenics in the way that you have explained them but now I am so ready to do this and your videos give me inspiration I just wanted to say thank you!


Not gonna lie, your 5 minutes warm up routine helped me, now I don't feel pain in my elbow when I start doing muscle ups, also pull ups are feeling easier, thank you!


I have been following Calimove for 3 years, they do include some joint prep in their home workout program, but it wasn’t enough, the wrist joint prep was great, but as I later discovered, there was no elbow prep, which later became an issue as I developed elbow problems due to the high volume of rows. Since then I have included elbow joint prep movements and that has taken care of the issue. Great video, great advice. I can see in time where your channel will grow exponentially when people lay their ego aside and see the beauty of this simple truth you are sharing with us. Thank you Adam.


When i started Cali i immediately jumped into the pullup, push up etc routine my wrists were solid due to MMA training prior but my elbows were new to the game and i blew them out 2 moths later rested for 3 weeks then incorporated elbow warmups into my warmup never got a problem since, these Prehaps are very beneficial.


ê Adam fala o que 99% dos criadores de conteúdos sobre calistenia não falam, se você está aqui não deixe de colocar em prática todos esses ensinamentos. obrigado Adam, você é muito importante para nossa comunidade.


Your Form is just mind blowing🤯🤯
So Perfect


I wish I had found you before! Thank yo for spreading your knowledge


Training whit brainz! My training is different now! I learned that i have to train smart! You are my gamechanger! So thank you Adam!
Igor from Slovenia👍👍💪💪


This channel & his teaching will go heights for sure.


Joint preparation is key! I did calisthenics for years and then started to injure several joints, including both my wrists and both shoulders because even though my muscles were strong (I could to one arm push ups, muscle ups, plying pistols, etc) my joints were not at the same levels that my muscles were. Now I’ve been struggling with these injuries for years, specially shoulder joints


Great work, Adam! This channel will get its deserved base of subscribers eventually, considering the quality and the attention to critical points like prehab, mobilization and other things that you'll bring up in the future.

By the way, quick question: Besides your website and program, can you maybe recommend one or maybe two books that go deep into this aspect of gymanstics/calisthenics? Book(s) that helped you gain insight into the importance of prehab and mobility and get deeper into the details of all this foundation you should properly build before actually doing proper calisthenics. Thanks.


Fantastic video. Very good information. Thanks. I like it your way to teach us.


Nice video. Sounds logical! Keep the great work👍


thanku sir you are really best teacher of gymnastic


Great video Adam. Nice meeting you today


You are so right about the principles of training!

On the other hand, as you mentioned … some folks are mothers or fathers or are working too much and have less time to practice all this really seriously or with enough time.
And another factor of "success" you didn't mention, the length of duration accepted to get to a certain state of training/endurance/body awareness.

I needed 1 1/2 years to train not always effectively, with a changing focus, to get where I am.
And I still have too less body awareness, strength and endurance to several bodyweight exercises.
Okay, I'm not focussing totally on calisthenics, but on different sportive disciplines and since all needs time and time is restricted by the job and the family, … you know.

Another factor in chance and speed of development is the age.
Did you already do a video for those being older than 30, 40, 50, since injury prevention, preparations, speed of change, acceptance for reachable aims could be topics?
Even former injuries may prevent the aimed development … in my case a radius fracture (left) 6y ago.
