Humble Calvinism by Jeff Medders

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Author Jeff Medders admits that he is quick to defend Calvinism, but often slow to humbly love Christians who take a different view. His warm-hearted, challenging (and surprisingly witty) book reveals how a true understanding of "the five points" fuels a love of Christ and his people that builds others up, rather than tearing them down.

Medders urges readers to hold Calvinism in their hearts, not just in their heads, so that they are humble and gracious as well as zealous for the truth, to the praise and glory of Christ and his church.

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As a non-Calvinist, I do appreciate this video.


The comments of this video reveal which side of this debate REALLY has an issue with humility...


I think it's consistent with calvinistic views to make one very prideful..
That's why it's so prevalent.. however I'm grateful for inconsistent Calvinists.. who aren't cage stage.


There is a disconnect between your theology and the Bible.


It can't make you gracious because you hijacked grace as if Calvinism owns the monopoly on grace and I would say when you make it about calvinism you run the risk of talking over people's heads and oftentimes are just safe in your social Calvin club and unwilling to engage with those from outside of Calvinist emphasis...this has been my experience..


Although I am not a Calvinist, theologically speaking, I have always admired James White passion and commitment to the Gospel. As our Lord Jesus Christ put it, there are 2 roads one leads to salvation and the other leads to condemnation.God let you decide which road you want to take.The choice is ours to make.Jesus said he will knock on your door (heart) if you let him in he will come in and dwell in you (Holy Spirit), is up to us if we let Jesus in or not.Jesus will not break the door and force himself in, Satan would force himself in but God never would do it!.So you see we have the choice to either accept Jesus into our hearts or to reject him, God would never ever impose himself to us by force. Pre destination eliminates that choice and in a way give those that reject the Gospel a reason to blame God and not their own choice for their demise.

Someone predestined to go to hell and not be among the chosen would argue: since I was predestined from birth not to receive the Gospel and to reject it, what was God purpose in the first place when He created me?.Would have not been better for God not to allow me to be born in the first place than to suffer eternal condemnation for something (Jesus/salvation/the gospel) that I never had no other choice what so ever but to reject it?.The micro second I was born I was lost and condemned right there and then, that is what predestination means!.When Adam listened to Satan and sinned against God Adam had a choice of either reject Satan's words and obey God or to disobey God.God did not made the choice for Adam, Adam sinned out of free will!.God could have stopped Adam right there and then but he let Adam make his choice!.The same way God let us make the choice of accepting His salvation through the atonement of Jesus sacrifice in the cross.God give the same opportunity to all mankind to be save, the choice will always be ours to either be saved or be condemned by accepting or rejecting God offer.That is the main purpose when the Gospel is preached to all mankind, so no man would have an excuse when God judgment upon his soul is decreed by Our Lord himself.

Since we all are sinners Jesus died for all mankind, salvation is offered to all mankind as well not just a group of predestined and selected people.If you take God on His offer (grace) then you are counted as righteous to God and as part of that group (church) that accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord.God did His part by pouring His grace upon all mankind and giving His only begotten Son as a sacrifice for our sins (all of us).Is up to us if we are part of the group of people that accepted God grace and offer to live eternity with Him!.


The reason Calvinism doesn't lead to humility is because it is a false doctrine, that teaches that those who believe in it (i.e. the Elect) are chosen from before the foundation of the world. In other words, I plan on having two children and decide before they are ever born to Elect the first one and not the second. There is nothing my 2nd child can do, they are damned before birth. When my first child learns if this they naturally treat my 2nd child with contempt; because I have first treated him with contempt.


Calvinism produces sons of pride, and that's why he had to make this video. Just flee it already.


Maybe start referring to yourself as a "Christian" rather than a "Calvinist." Plenty of good sincere Christians do not agree with Calvinism. I doubt you believe that someone has to be a Calvinist to be a Christian. If that was true of Calvinists - then Calvinism would be a cult rather than a group of Christians that believe a certain doctrine.
