How Can I Become a Humbler Calvinist?

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Ask Pastor John
Episode: 1974
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We should stop trying to be any type of “ist”, or identifying with any “isms”, and know God through simple faith in Jesus. The pressure of salvation is off of us, and the mystery of salvation and God’s omniscience is beyond us. The book of Job is a solemn reminder to stop trying to sort out the “how” and start honoring the Lord.


help us to do your justice Lord, love your mercy, and walk humbly with our God!


This is so good. God is so good and I am but a wretched sinner undeserving of mercy and yet He reached out and by His grace, I am saved! ❤️❤️


May the Lord bless everyone from Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic! I love this episode!


There's only one thing I desire the most, to be known by The creator, Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.


I don't know who calvin is nor do i follow him or whatever that is but I know who Jesus Christ is. The Son of God who was set forth by God as a propitiation for my sins, and for the worlds sins, and was crucified on a cross as my sin offering. He was delivered onto death for our transgressions and was raised to life for our justification. There is redemption and forgiveness in the blood of Christ and I know that God has legally purchased my soul with the blood of Christ and has made me a slave to righteousness and freed me from sin. Jesus Christ is the Way.


Here’s how: admit that the truth lies in a proper balance of Calvinist and Arminian points: sovereignty AND free will. It’s an antinomy. We are not puppets on strings, and we are accountable, and we are free to walk away from our salvation if we so choose. Then… you’ll be more humble.


Jesus said except ye repent
Ye Will perish
The message today is God loves you and accept Jesus
No mention of repentance!


How ironic that a segment on humility, has engendered comments from our synergist neighbors that fall short of being so.

The Doctrines of Grace properly understood and applied will produce humility and thankfullness everytime. It's the Synergistic systems which are prone to boastfulness and pride because at their core is the belief: God couldn't save me without ME!


Calvinism is not of God. It is an error and so it will only produce what error produces- PRIDE. The Pharisees were proud because the soil of their heart was prepared with their man- made traditions of their elders. So each time the truth was presented to them, in order to protect their traditions they grew in PRIDE. JESUS said to them, "you do err not knowing the scripture nor the power of God. You make void the power of God by your tradition". Calvinism fulfils this scripture perfectly Mark 7:13, it voids the power of God by the propagation of man made traditions. Calvinist churches are also void of DEMONSTRABLE POWER of God. The quotes of men are more valued or even revered alongside scripture.

Calvinism lead to two ends - Absolute Fatalism and a Malevolent arbritarily unjust God.

There's no 'cop out' if you follow that tradition to its logical conclusion, and I know this as I too was a Calvinist and wrestled with this thoughts daily. Thank God He delivered me from that deception. My heart never agreed with it even though I thought I saw reasons to it. No calvinist has peace knowing that the logical end of that doctrine is a very maligned character of a God that is meant to be Just and Holy. They know this, and can never answer it. They abdicate to the mystery of God. The secret things of God belong to God Deut 29:29, But salvation is not a secret thing of God, God has revealed it to us throughout scripture and finally in Christ. And revealed things are meant to be understood, not run away from. Even the last book of the bible is called THE REVELATION. Beloved God wants us to know Him for that is the true essence of eternal life.

Shalom beloved.
Stay away from Calvinism


I only accepted the Calvinist view 25 years after my conversion because I didn't understand it..
But this doesn't give me a sense of pride, it's more like a sense of reverence...why me Lord?
After all these years my family and friends remain unbelievers no matter how much I share the I stopped.
This confirms that without divine intervention (Holy Spirit), they have zero chance of seeing Christ. Instead they hope their good deeds will surpass their evil deeds. Earned Grace is no longer Grace.


I know. Perhaps say “I am not of Calvin”
See 1 Corinthians 3:4.


We know that God does all of this stuff but does that mean that he always does it. The original question still stands what is the point of trying to become more humber if God controls everything.


Surely under Calvanism its up to God whether you are humble or not


Sleep like a baby in election. Wake up and shout in the streets as an Arminian. Its a tension we have to accept.


So let me ask you this question. Can you persue righteousness and humility beyond what God has given you the grace to obtain...


God simply chose those who would choose Him. Calvinism is basically no different than believing that people have free will to choose God, because in the end it was God who prophesized his believers.


I’m attempting to understand this better, this isn’t me trying to be a skeptic, if God is truly providential in everything that happens, does he truly test us? How can he grade our actions and decisions if he is providential in our actions and he already knows the outcome beforehand? What purpose does it serve to God?


I can’t stand theses questions regarding Calvinism, people take more pride calling themselves a Calvinist before a Christian, he was a man a sinner like you and me become a humbler Christian instead


John 14:6❤😊
" 6 Jesus answered,
" I am
the way ❤😊
the truth ❤😊
the life😊❤.

No one


to the Father( God, our Father in heaven )


through me."( John 14:6😊❤ Zondervan NIV Study Bible.Amen.). Amen.
