Seizures - Seizure Types | Generalized vs Focal Seizures | Causes of Seizures (Mnemonic)

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We look at seizures, what are the different types of seizures and different seizure types, including generalized vs focal seizures. An easy way to remember what are the causes of seizures- the VITAMINS mnemonic for seizure causes.

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Video Timestamps:
0:00 What are seizures?
0:12 Seizure Classification / What are the different types of seizure?
2:11 What is a tonic clonic seizure?
3:41 What is status epilepticus?
4:20 What are the causes of seizures? VITAMINS Mnemonic Seizure causes
5:49 How are seizures diagnosed?
7:10 Seizure Treatment

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Other Questions answered and video tags:
What are the different kinds of seizure
What are the different types of seizure
Generalized v focal seizures
What are the causes of seizures
Different seizure types
How are seizures classified
What is a tonic clonic seizure
What is status epilepticus
VITAMINS mnemonic seizure causes
Causes of seizures mnemonic
How are seizures diagnosed

Disclaimer: Please remember this video and all content from Rhesus Medicine is for educational and entertainment purposes only and is not a guide to diagnose or to treat any form of condition. The content is not to be used to guide clinical practice and is not medical advice. Please consult a healthcare professional for medical advice.


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i started having seizures in April 2019 it was out of the blue and my parents described what they saw which was jerking, and muscle stiffness. I woke up in an ambulance bed and my entire body was hurting also i had a headache. now a year and a half later Im still having them but my parents are saying it is going to gradually go away. Also i had two this morning, for some reason it always happens in the morning. I am on medication, I have been since 2019, and my parents just pray that this disease goes away. The doctors say that their is nothing wrong structurally with my brain, but that its sending out brain waves triggering the seizures. Note: i had a MRE scan back in 2020. Now i am willing to take matters into my own hands regardless of my age, i want to research upon these things and hopefully help others on my journey


I keep getting told by hospitals I’m having panic attacks or was drunk/on drugs but by witnesses it looks like a seizure this video helped me understand what’s going on with me in the midst of numerous tests.


such an informative video, your work and effort are very much appreciated ❤


Stress and PTSD can cause NES non-epileptic seizures. I was a status epilepticus over the new year and almost died. Thankfully they stabilized me with depakote.


Today, I learned that I gave a perfect description of Jacksonian Match to my Neurologist who diagnosed me 1) Myoclonic Movements, 2) Possible Autosomal Dominant Frontal Lobe Epilepsy 3) Frontal Lobe Atrophy (which was on a 2009 MRI that zero VA neurologists, have over a half dozen, mentioned has anything to do with my symptoms. They kept giving me antidepressants which induced severe seizures. Each medication was a slightly different seizure type from tonic clonic to dystonic to exacerbating Myoclonis.


So simply explained, well done, great job


I have recently been diagnosed with focal onset temporal lobe epilepsy. The neurologist doesn’t know how this started. Everyday I get these horrible feelings of panic, deja vu and a rising sensation in my stomach, I also enter a strange mental state which I can’t describe, but it isn’t nice. These feelings can last from 5 to 20 seconds. Sometimes I have these feelings and then nothing happens, but other times I will have a seizure right after the feeling. I am unaware during these seizures and I become completely unresponsive, this lasts around 20 seconds. Once the seizure is over, I slowly return to normality, but I won’t know what day it is if I’m asked and I won’t have memory of what happen in the last few minutes. I also have no memory for the 2 minutes after I’ve had a seizure.


As someone with epilepsy i can tell you witnessing a seizure is far more scary than having one (at least at the time)


Thanks from the bottom of my heart. Well explained


My daughter got seizures for two years. Medicated now after three years in paediatrics. Very complex. It was so stressful. I used to run to stop her from falling, or holding her up and yes I have slapped her trying to bring her around. It was so stressful. If I could speak about it I would as unless you have been in the situation you don’t know what it is like!


Thank you. I have been trying to determine the kind of seizures I have. I have been having them since age 11 or 12. Very disruptive and exhausting.


I looked over many vedios and yours is the most clinically related. Thank you


My cousin/classmate had one. He is usually quiet and well behaved, but he blanked out and just started doing weird stuff. Eg. he tapped his pen on the table as hard as he could, stabbed himself with his pen, and stuck his tongue in and out if his mouth.

In the hall, he was zipping his coat up and down, tapping his foot, staring, and not talking.

When he went to the doctor, he threw up getting out of the car


Lost of memory after my seizure, get a tingling in my brain before seizure and cant recall what l said or do minutes my seizure


For more medicine videos consider subscribing (if you found any of the info useful!):

Video Timestamps:
0:00 What are seizures?
0:12 Seizure Classification / What are the different types of seizure?
2:11 What is a tonic clonic seizure?
3:41 What is status epilepticus?
4:20 What are the causes of seizures? VITAMINS Mnemonic Seizure causes
5:49 How are seizures diagnosed?
7:10 Seizure Treatment


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I experienced something today which I believe was a seizure. It was the first time it has happened, I’m 26 years old. I stood up, walked about 10m, when I felt my vision going dark. I have iron deficiency so I thought it was due to that, however my eyes closed and I felt myself falling, complete loss of leg function. I managed to call out to my mom as I was with her, and then I opened my eyes, I was on the ground seated as I fell next to our greenhouse and was leaning on it, then my arms and legs started flailing/shaking, and I couldn’t breathe well. I tried to move and talk but couldn’t. I watched myself shaking. Mom ran over and wrapped her arms around me until my limbs stopped convulsing. It lasted maybe 20-30 seconds from dark vision to the end. And I’m not sure what it could be as it has never happened before in my life. I’m extremely freaked out right now. I knew a girl in elementary school that had epilepsy and witnessed her seizure once so I have been researching and wondering what caused it and what even happened. If anyone has similar symptoms, please let me know. I’m not sure what to do right now.


I would strongly recommend going to Medsimplified along with this video from Rhesus about epilepsy, so you can connect ideas as some are kinda mashed up


I now know when they are about to start


Thank you, this helps explain a lot for me, , at 56 I was diagnosed with epilepsy around June 2023, I had had a seizure and ended up in a canal in the dark in my land rover and only survived as a policeman happened to be 1000 yards up the road, he dived in and got me out, no idea what had happened, about 6 weeks later had another seizure, i have near to no memory BUT as well as ending up in canal, my push bike, phone and keys were all placed near a gate, so I must have realised it was going to happen but no memory of it, since I have had many peti mal fits and a couple big seizures since but getting on with life on meds.

On top of this I have Fibromyalgia and a heart life eh?


Hi my name is Steve i started having sezuire, s back in 2006, being in an out of hospital over the last decade with 2 to 3 sezuire, s a day, anxiety attacks, headaches vertigo and body pain due to episodes of sezuire, s...
This completely changed my life, MRI exrays showed a electrical disturbance to the right side of my brain 🧠 it was inoperable, i had almost given up on life finding it difficult to live with severe depression, anxiety and on going sezuire, s...
Been given different types of medications 💊 but to no prevail.
In 2019 I had 2 stage 5 sezuire, s on the same day, doctors had to place me in a induce coma for 24 hours till my brain rested, i was a mess with a broken nose, broken check bone, ruptured eye and server bruising to my face...took 3 weeks to recover...
Now in September of 2020 i started drinking a pure lemon 🍋 juice i had made up each day, a fruit shop or lemon tree helped get me started, i started noticing a change in myself, sezuire, s had stopped, shaking to my hands had also stopped, what was freshly squeeze lemon doing to make feel better, i continued on drinking fresh lemon juice daily and to this day i haven't had a sezuire since September 2019...
My doctor was baffled on each of my visits to why my episodes of sezuires is this an act of god 😑 and nature taking care of me❤.
To this day my sezuire, s stopped...
As far as i know lemon 🍋is a form of detoxification juice, , for the last 3 years of not having sezuire, s a simple home remedy has worked for me...
Try it out it my work for you...
1-6 freshly squeezed lemons 🍋
2 mixed with a fresh bottle of spring 💧water.
3 mixed in a jug.
4 drink daily for your body to be detoxified
Go for regular walks 🚶‍♂️ also helps the lemon juice circulate throughout your arteries
I started noticing a big change in my body inside 6 months...😊
