THIS is why I STOPPED posting videos!!!

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As real as it gets! On this video im explaining to yall why I haven't been posting videos for the past Month and my health struggles ive been dealing with but im changing that and going to be back posting once a week after I heal up and recover.. SEE YALL NEXT WEEK!!!

My P.O. Box if brands or fans want to send me mail…
Al bladez
1648 Taylor road
PMB 502
Port orange, Florida 32128
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A couple of months ago, the person that lived next door had to move from their house. It's sitting empty so I started cutting the yard for them since they can't take care of it. It was starting to look really bad and I was afraid that squatters would move in. I don't know what the people are going to do with it yet. I keep the yard looking nice for them! My other neighbor needs a little help with his yard so I started cutting part of it in front to help him out too. I'm 60 but have a riding mower so helping out isn't that big of a deal. Watching your videos inspired me! Thanks!!


Hi Al. Dentist here. Glad you found the source of your pain. Try not to be nervous. We know what we are doing and want what is best for our patients. After surgery, please give your body a break and get some rest. Follow all the postoperative instructions and if something is up, call your dentist. That is what we are here for! Good luck! 🍀 🦷🍀


My dentist said, "think about it this way, your mouth is between your brain and your heart, and it can affect both"...You take care of yourself and know you are loved!!💕💕


Hi Al, RDH here. For your oral surgery appointment drink lots of water/ hydrate the day before. Definitely tell the OS that you’re nervous. Wear your earbuds with your favorite music (something calm is preferable) and wear your sunglasses- do not look at the equipment. It’s scary looking because they’re tools that have certain jobs, and that’s not always pretty. Use nitrous oxide (let the office know in advance), and you should be good. It’s alright to be nervous, it’s normal. After the OS follow the directions you will receive on paper. Definitely use ice packs, do not smoke if you do smoke, get lots of rest afterwards. It’s gonna take time to correct your dental needs but it’s definitely worth it. And I’m someone who’s had way more than their share of dental work as a younger person, braces, extractions, etc. and it took becoming a dental assistant that helped me with my fear. Think of it as like working on an overgrown yard… it takes some work in order to get it back, it’s not easy, but it’s well worth it in the long run. Remember, your fans love you and want the best for you, take the time that you need to get better. And ask God for peace as you approach the dentist. He’s good about providing His peace.


You don't need to apologise for taking a break, Al. I'm sure it can be super-stressful and exhausting to post regular videos, as well as looking after the family and maintaining your day job. Whenever you feel the need for a holiday or time-out, please know that we will all be here waiting for you when you get back. I hope your surgery goes well - you will be in my prayers and thoughts.


Al, you are such a sweet young man. You are in my prayers... When you're in that chair, just remember God's got you!!!


I had 2 surgeries on my spine 25 years ago, and that was a 3 year ride of bad migraines that didn't allow me to work, and I lost my job over it. God is good, so after healing I took a job just to get my body back in shape and after a couple of months I was offered a job that paid much more. Plus, the owner was great, and he gave me the trust and freedom to be creative in starting a new division. My salary included bonuses and I had fun the last 10 years before I retired. Blessings my friend!


Al, You are the sweetest person, so kind and generous. You have a big heart. I hope the surgery went well and you are on the mend. Thanks for sharing and your property is beautiful. Love and prayers. D.


My dad said once I got on my own…
You must take care of yourself before you can take care of others.
I truly believe that.
God Speed on healing my friend


Hi Al, I had all those things wrong with my mouth about 30 years ago, after I had the teeth pulled, it was a piece of cake ! So don't be worrying, you're stressing yourself out for nothing, you'll be just fine ! Take care, and don't worry !!
Ps. Don't worry about posting videos, get yourself well first, that's the main thing, your viewers will still be here !


Thank you for the update!! Praying for you and for a speedy recovery!


From experience, I suffer extreme panick attacks & anxiety. I suffered from dental pain and infection for years. I got put to sleep and had it taken care of ❤ I have never felt better!! Just think of it as 1 day, you WILL COME HOME, AND IT WILL BE OVER!! YOU GOT THIS! YOU WILL FEEL BETTER EVERY DAY!!


Hey Al,
I know exactly how you feel!! And my wife is a Dental I had mouth full of braces when I was a kid, so having people poke around in my mouth isn't my favorite thing. But the first comment is absolutely correct, your mouth is between your brain and heart, and abscess in your mouth could kill you. Most people don't believe that, but it's true the head aches are the final warnings. Good thing you paid attention to them and sought out an answer.
Don't be afraid of the surgery, you'll be either sleeping or in what they call twilight, that's where you're out and sort of asleep, you will still respond to directions. Make sure after you don't suck on a straw, or if you smoke a cigarette, you could end up with a dry socket. That's a exposed nerve, if that happens put a wet tea bag over the socket and get to the emergency dentist if you can, the tea bag should sooth the socket and relieve any pain, or at least temper it.

Good luck Al, we'll be praying for you and for a fast recovery! It's scary but it has to be fixed, and show your kids how brave Daddy is! Don't give them the fear of dentists, or they'll fight you not to go!


Besides you got this, I'd be more afraid of the snakes and spiders y'all have down there!!??!!!


People don’t realize, until it happens to them, how painful it is when you have teeth issues! It affects your whole body!! You’ll do great tomorrow and feel so much better!!! I’m so glad you’ll be back!!


Love your yard. I didn’t realize how huge it was. Thanks for sharing. I always enjoy watching your yard makeovers. Take care of yourself. Trust in the process and try to have a beautiful positive attitude.


Yes you are loved! And appreciate it. Sending hugs and love to you and your family through all trials and tribulations. May God bless everyone that is reading this and spread the word that God loves everyone and has Mercy For All


Oral health is very important. I had oral surgery a few years ago. It was really easy. They put me to sleep, did the work and I woke up. The next few days were a little painful but regular Tylenol took care of that. Get it done, you will feel so much better. BTW, I have not had a headache since the surgery, so it was well worth it for me. We all miss your weekly videos but your health is more important to all of us.


I'm glad to see you back. Praying your oral surgery goes well and you get back on your feet soon. Miss seeing your videos.


Well, I sure have been missing your videos as well. But one of your protégé’s that was inspired by you… Midlife Stockman is having a huge success with 250+K subscribers, but it was by your inspiration that he started doing lawn restorations and sidewalk clearing, as well as everything else up in Michigan!! 😁😁😁


God protect you during this coming up procedure… you being such a selfless and caring for others Soldier of the Lord Jesus!
My prayers are with you and your family and may you get well soon and God Bless you!
