First Time Reaction | Electric Callboy- 'Spaceman' (feat. FiNCH)

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I highly suggest you listen to the original song without my commentary:
Electric Callboy - SPACEMAN feat. @FiNCH (OFFICIAL VIDEO):

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Hi everyone,

if you like Finch - his full artist name is "Finch Asozial".
Kind regards from Germany!


I copied you some Information from other comments so you can get a glimps of the overall lyrics and meanings:

First verse mentions Yuri Gagarin, and white stripes in the sky proving that the Earth is flat, second verse about how Fred from Jupiter (1981 song) is in the supermarket and he's stealing his spaceship. Also there's a reference to the 1981 Louis de Funes movie La soupe aux choux (Cabbage Soup) about aliens in the French countryside going nuts for cabbage soup.
Third verse mentions Jedi knights, Martians and Klingons, a German comedienne being shot through space on a Leberwurst (German liver sausage), and of course the rocketman himself, Elton John.

The Lölölölö - wir sind die Kohlköpfe (We are the cabbages) in the Original Video 1:23 is a honor to Louis de Funes movie „Louis und die Außerirdischen Kohlköpfe“ from 1981.

OK this is a very hasty translation of finches parts with some context:
Part 1:
Finchy Gagarin (Yuri Gagarin was the first man in space)
turn the speakers up
yesterday still in drywall constructions (in germany drywall is viewed as subpar walling)
today i'm (a) cosmonaut
yes yes everybody can see them
in the sky, white stripes
who of you still needs proof
yes earth is a disk

Part 2:
Fred from the jupiter ('Fred vom Jupiter' is a famous song from the 80's in germany)
stands in front of the supermarket
turns on the boombox
and goes off to scooter (scooter is a german techno band/artist)
steal his spaceship
fly up towards mars

we are the cabbageheads yeah

Part 3:
where are the jedi knights?
where are the marsians?
where are the klingons?
i'll do it like with my ex
i'll shoot all of you on the moon
strapped onto a liverwurst (liverwurst is a german sausage)
flies the kebekus through space (Carolin Kebekus is a german comedian)
ever further away from us
thanks to zero-gravity
is the thanks of the worlds ( a common german proverb)
here comes the rocketman
viva la elton john!

Credits to them, not to me...i summerized it only :))


First time I listened I wasn't sure. But it grew on me the more I did. Love the reaction and the good vibes you give off in your videos. Side note I watched the FEUERSCHWANZ ft. Melissa Bonny - Ding (SEEED Cover) video you did. Was wondering if you had heard Ad Infinitum Unstoppable. Definitely worth a listen if your a fan of Melissa Bonny. Keep the videos coming. Much love from NY.


I've gotten to know a lot of new content creators thanks to Electric Callboy, just because of the hilarious reaction videos to their past songs. So when "Spaceman" came out I was so excited to see all my favorite reactors enjoy it as well 😁


³√(Electric Callboy + AileenSenpai)^6 = good mood²

Hope you also react " Castrop x Spandau ". :D


This song is so fun. I could listen to this song all day long and I wouldn't get tired of listening to it. This song definitely wakes you up if you are tired and puts you in a good mood. I can't wait to listen to more of Electric Callboy's music and listen to their new music they will be releasing soon.


Thanks to them we have Gym Core and now Space Core!!!😎
Awesome reaction. Thats true, this song is so catchy and you have to move!!!
Thanks for your reaction!!!👊


This song have german parts and is full with german memes so i think you need the lyrics, a translation and some explanations. I've found this under another reaction video (many thanks to @hristovak3603)

[Chorus: Nico & FiNCH]

I'm a spaceman, got a rocket on my back
Spaceman, oh, I’m ravin' like a maniac
Spaceman, got a rocket on my back
The universe is down for my rave attack
(Three, two, one) Yeah

[Verse 1: FiNCH]
FiNCHi Gagarin, dreh die Boxen doch ma' auf
- [FiNCHi Gagarin, turn up the volume (Reference to Juri Alexejewitsch Gagarin)]

Gestern noch im Trockenbau, heute bin ich Kosmonaut (Wouh)
- [Yesterday still been a drywall constructor, today I'm a Cosmonaut]

Jaja, jeder kann sie seh’n, da am Himmel, weiße Streifen (Da oben)
- [Well everybody can see them in the sky, the white stripes (Chemtrail reference)]

Wer braucht von euch noch Beweise? Ja, die Erde ist 'ne Scheibe
- [Who of you still needs proof? Yes, the earth is a plane (Flat Earth)]

[Pre-Chorus: Kevin]
My name is Tekkno, I am travelling space
I got a rocket on my back fueled with big bang bass
I am Tekkno, my religion is rave
And I bring it to the outerworld, so let me hear you say

[Chorus: Nico]
I'm a spaceman, got a rocket on my back
Spaceman, oh, I'm ravin' like a maniac
Spaceman, got a rocket on my back
The universe is down for my rave attack (Two, one)

[Verse 2: FiNCH]
Fred vom Jupiter (Yeah) steht vorm Supermarkt (Aha)
- [Fred vom Jupiter, standing in front of the supermarket (Reference to a Song from 1981)]

Dreht die Boombox an und geht zu Scooter ab (Bamm-bamm-bamm)
- [Switch on the Boombox and go off to Scooter]
Klau' mir sein Raumschiff, fliege hoch Richtung Mars
- [Steal his Spaceship and fly high to the Mars]

(Blblblblblb, hier sind die Kohlköpfe, ja)
- [Here are the cabbages, yes. (Reference to "The Cabbage Soup" by Louis de Funès)]

[Pre-Chorus: Kevin]
My name is Tekkno, I am travelling space
I got a rocket on my back fueled with big bang bass
I am Tekkno, my religion is rave
And I bring it to the outerworld, so let me hear you say

[Chorus: Nico]
I'm a spaceman, got a rocket on my back
Spaceman, oh, I'm ravin’ like a maniac
Spaceman, got a rocket on my back
The universe is down for my rave attack
Spaceman, got a rocket on my back
Spaceman, oh, I’m ravin' like a maniac
Spaceman, got a rocket on my back
The universe is down for my rave attack

[Verse 3: FiNCH, FiNCH & Kevin]
Wo sind die Jedi-Ritter?
- [Where are the Jedis?]

Wo sind die Marsmenschen?
- [Where are the Marsians?]

Wo sind die Klingon’n?
- [Where are the Klingons?]

Mach's wie mit meiner Ex, ich schieß' euch alle auf den Mond
- [Do it like with my ex, shoot everyone of you to the moon (German Proverb 'to shoot someone to the moon')]

An 'ne Leberwurst geschnallt fliegt die Kebekus durchs All
- [Strapped to a liverwurst Kebekus flies through space (Kebekus is a german comedian)]

Immer weiter von uns weg, danke, Schwerelosigkeit!
- [Further and further away from us, thank you, weightlessness!]

Undank (Yeah) ist der Weltenlohn
- [Ingratitude is the world's reward]

Hier kommt der Raketenmann, viva la Elton John
- [Here comes the rocket man, viva la Elton John]

[Bridge: Kevin]
Viva la Elton John

[Verse 4: Kevin]
Rave on
No matter where you fuckin’ are
And you see nothin' but a—
Is it a bird or just a man
On his way to rave the universe?

[Chorus: Nico]
I'm a spaceman, got a rocket on my back
Spaceman, oh, I'm ravin' like a maniac
Spaceman, got a rocket on my back
The universe is down for my rave attack
Spaceman, got a rocket on my back
Spaceman, oh, I'm ravin' like a maniac
Spaceman, got a rocket on my back
The universe is down for my rave attack

Source of untranslated lyrics is


You're all smiles and good vibes throughout the reaction, it was so contagious.
Consider me being sold on your content. Thanks for the video and the authentic reaction. Loved every second of it! Keep it coming!


ganz viel Ehre, Finch und EC passen verdammt gut zusammen 👌


Everytime you react to Electric Callboy is instantly the best part of YouTube, every time. Well done! Cheers from Sweden


Love Ur reaction. I still Remind you to their older song" crystals" just awesome:)


They make me smile so big I cry!!omg!!!


You know which channel I think is super underrated? Metal Piano Music. The guy spends weeks composing classic metal songs into classical/relaxing piano pieces and he hardly gets any views. I love his arrangement of The Sentinel by Judas Priest. That dude deserves millions of followers


The videos are all done by the members themselves.. Amazing quality of the music and the videos.


Great reaction Aileen. How can these guys ever fail to bring a smile to our faces ! btw I love the Slaughter to Prevail top. We'll make a badass metalhead out of you yet.


:3 FiNCH also did a fantastic piece together with Scooter - Rave Witchers ^^


Greetings from outer space... Cough, Germany. :)
It's been a pleasure, as always, to stop by and let you send me off into the weekend. Even if it may sound pretty cheap, I think you're not only very beautiful, but also very, very sympathetic. I really like your overall style. I just had to get this off my chest after watching quite a few videos of you. And now I think I'm going to sink into the ground for shame...


As a fellow Aviator I approve of this song!!! These guys are awesome!! As you said they put you in a good mood!! Cheers to the weekend boo.


Love the positive vibes from your reviews!
