20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 91)

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Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:
0:00 intro
1. 1:01 {Yoga Pants & Ripped Jeans?} Ladies on the worship team sometimes wear yoga pants and ripped jeans. I think that goes against the Romans 14 principle of not causing a brother to stumble. What do you think?
2. 21:29 {Did Jesus’ Atonement Require His Divinity?} Why was it necessary for Jesus to be fully divine in regard to our salvation? Wayne Grudem states, “Only someone who is the infinite God could bear the full penalty for all the sins of all those who would believe in Him..." Do you agree, and are there any other reasons stated in Scripture?
3. 25:54 {Daniel: The Iron & Clay Kingdom} What is your interpretation of the 4th kingdom made of iron & clay in Daniel 2?
4. 30:36 {Did God Need to Create Humans?} It may be a simple question, but why did God create humans? I’d be happy to get your insight. He didn’t need to, or did he?
5. 36:35 {Do Tiny Choices Affect History?} Should Christians ever concern themselves with ideas like the butterfly effect (the idea that tiny choices have big impacts on history)?
6. 38:38 {Ministering to LDS Members} I showed some LDS members your Book of Abraham video, but because they believe they heard from the Holy Spirit, biblical arguments haven’t worked. How can I show that they haven’t heard the Spirit?
7. 45:18 {When Were the Apostles Saved?} When were the Apostles saved? They didn't have the full knowledge of what Jesus was doing until His appearance after His resurrection. Could they be considered "saved" before Pentecost?
8. 47:40 {Will God Reveal when our Thinking is Unbiblical?} Philippians 3: 15 says God will reveal when our thinking is opposed to His calling. How, then, do so many dedicated Christians get all the way through life still utterly confused about essential moral issues?
9. 52:02 {How to Tell When Love Has Become Idolatry} Have I made my crush an idol? I’ve found myself crushing on a brother in Christ. I’ve also found that sometimes I prefer thinking about him more than God. I don’t want to do this. Any advice?
10. 56:48 {Are Drugs OK if they’re Grown Naturally?} Is Genesis 1: 29 allowing us to smoke weed and to eat magic mushrooms because they’re found naturally? Hasn’t sin surely had a big impact after the fall, on vegetation?
11. 1:00:45 {The Bible on Transgenderism} What is the best biblical case against transgender behavior?
12. 1:04:31 {Did God Die / Is Mary God’s Mother?} Can we say God died since Jesus died? And can we say Mary is the mother of God?
13. 1:08:38 {Can We Add Punctuation to Scripture?} A pastor at a local Bible study wants me to add punctuation to a section of Scripture that is just words to see multiple meanings. I feel uncomfortable with this. What are your thoughts on doing this?
14. 1:10:03 {How to Grow in Self-Control} Because it is a fruit of the Spirit, is self-control a teachable skill like in Titus 2, or a gift of the Spirit? What practical advice do you have to get more emotional and verbal self-control?
15. 1:16:11 {Must our Salvation Produce an Emotional Response?} Most Christians have a moment where they break down and weep as they realize what Jesus did for them on the cross. Is it normal to not have experienced this? I'm grateful, but also weirdly indifferent.
16. 1:18:43 {Is Reading the Bible Better than Listening?} I have difficulty reading the Bible, and I think that listening to the Bible (like an audio Bible) might be helpful, but I feel like I'm missing something by not reading it. Any thoughts?
17. 1:20:50 {Is it OK to Correct our Parents?} Is correcting your parents biblical, and what do you do if they do not respect correction?
18. 1:24:32 {About Love in 1 Cor. 13:7} What does it mean practically that “Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things”?
19. 1:29:10 {How to Tell if a Show or Movie is Appropriate} As Christians, how should we judge whether or not a secular show or movie is OK for us to watch or not?
20. 1:32:37 {Is Hell a Present or Future Place?} What is the best defense or response when defending the position that Hell is not a present place, but instead, a future place?

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Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:

1. 1:01 {Yoga Pants & Ripped Jeans?} Ladies on the worship team sometimes wear yoga pants and ripped jeans. I think that goes against the Romans 14 principle of not causing a brother to stumble. What do you think?
2. 21:29 {Did Jesus’ Atonement Require His Divinity?} Why was it necessary for Jesus to be fully divine in regard to our salvation? Wayne Grudem states, “Only someone who is the infinite God could bear the full penalty for all the sins of all those who would believe in Him..." Do you agree, and are there any other reasons stated in Scripture?
3. 25:54 {Daniel: The Iron & Clay Kingdom} What is your interpretation of the 4th kingdom made of iron & clay in Daniel 2?
4. 30:36 {Did God Need to Create Humans?} It may be a simple question, but why did God create humans? I’d be happy to get your insight. He didn’t need to, or did he?
5. 36:35 {Do Tiny Choices Affect History?} Should Christians ever concern themselves with ideas like the butterfly effect (the idea that tiny choices have big impacts on history)?
6. 38:38 {Ministering to LDS Members} I showed some LDS members your Book of Abraham video, but because they believe they heard from the Holy Spirit, biblical arguments haven’t worked. How can I show that they haven’t heard the Spirit?
7. 45:18 {When Were the Apostles Saved?} When were the Apostles saved? They didn't have the full knowledge of what Jesus was doing until His appearance after His resurrection. Could they be considered "saved" before Pentecost?
8. 47:40 {Will God Reveal when our Thinking is Unbiblical?} Philippians 3: 15 says God will reveal when our thinking is opposed to His calling. How, then, do so many dedicated Christians get all the way through life still utterly confused about essential moral issues?
9. 52:02 {How to Tell When Love Has Become Idolatry} Have I made my crush an idol? I’ve found myself crushing on a brother in Christ. I’ve also found that sometimes I prefer thinking about him more than God. I don’t want to do this. Any advice?
10. 56:48 {Are Drugs OK if they’re Grown Naturally?} Is Genesis 1: 29 allowing us to smoke weed and to eat magic mushrooms because they’re found naturally? Hasn’t sin surely had a big impact after the fall, on vegetation?
11. 1:00:45 {The Bible on Transgenderism} What is the best biblical case against transgender behavior?
12. 1:04:31 {Did God Die / Is Mary God’s Mother?} Can we say God died since Jesus died? And can we say Mary is the mother of God?
13. 1:08:38 {Can We Add Punctuation to Scripture?} A pastor at a local Bible study wants me to add punctuation to a section of Scripture that is just words to see multiple meanings. I feel uncomfortable with this. What are your thoughts on doing this?
14. 1:10:03 {How to Grow in Self-Control} Because it is a fruit of the Spirit, is self-control a teachable skill like in Titus 2, or a gift of the Spirit? What practical advice do you have to get more emotional and verbal self-control?
15. 1:16:11 {Must our Salvation Produce an Emotional Response?} Most Christians have a moment where they break down and weep as they realize what Jesus did for them on the cross. Is it normal to not have experienced this? I'm grateful, but also weirdly indifferent.
16. 1:18:43 {Is Reading the Bible Better than Listening?} I have difficulty reading the Bible, and I think that listening to the Bible (like an audio Bible) might be helpful, but I feel like I'm missing something by not reading it. Any thoughts?
17. 1:20:50 {Is it OK to Correct our Parents?} Is correcting your parents biblical, and what do you do if they do not respect correction?
18. 1:24:32 {About Love in 1 Cor. 13:7} What does it mean practically that “Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things”?
19. 1:29:10 {How to Tell if a Show or Movie is Appropriate} As Christians, how should we judge whether or not a secular show or movie is OK for us to watch or not?
20. 1:32:37 {Is Hell a Present or Future Place?} What is the best defense or response when defending the position that Hell is not a present place, but instead, a future place?


I dress modestly because I don’t want a man to look at me with lust, and because I feel that there are parts of my body that are for my husband and also because I don’t want to cause my brother to stumble.


As a recovered mormon, what got me saved was the realization that I didn't have to work my way to heaven. I learned that God wanted me to come to him just the way I was, and he would begin a work in me


Dressing oneself for worship leading is no joke. Being a worship leader is no joke.


As a women, I’ve stopped wearing yoga-type pants around others as it doesn’t foster holiness for my brothers and sisters in Christ (thinking of others vs my own comfort). There’s a wonderful TGC article by Megan Hill called, “The Modesty Conversation We Need to Have” provides a biblical perspective…

“It may not be our responsibility if someone sins, but it is our privilege to help prevent it. Because we love the saints—because Christ loves the saints—we are willing to choose our clothing to encourage the holiness of the community.”

Honoring God is a grace-driven journey…trusting Him should always supersede individual expression. ♥️


I love how there’s no fanfare or song in the beginning and at the end… he’s reaching for his coffee… and then freeze. No fanfare and all. Love it! So real. Best bible teacher ever!!!


Even as a fitness professional who has taught at fitness conventions and been in videos, etc. I always have a long tank top or long shirt to cover that far or sweat shirt wrapped around my back side. I always make sure I have a high neck type of fitness top on so no cleavage shows. I even wear long sleeves a lot and also capris or long pants. Never shorts.
This wasn’t always the case. When I got born again, this was something I was delivered from that the LORD took away from me. But that was for me!!!


“It is too heavy a burden to put the lust of men on the shoulders of women” wow! Such a powerful statement! Amen!!


“Burlap sacks really get me going”🤣🤣🤣 I appreciate your humor and discerning the Word of God. This was so helpful! I have so judged a fellow brother or sister with my “religiosity”! I’m so grateful to God for His continued guidance to mature me in the faith. Thanks, Mike!


The way you explained the main idea of Romans 14 really made me understand it! Thank you for the lightbulb moment! You're one of the best teachers and I am so blessed to have found you as an atheist!


When I was in the world secular music was a big part of my life and now that I’m saved, I have to wear headphones even walking through the grocery store because they always play music and I don’t want the songs to get stuck in my head (happens almost instantly). Music is the only thing that can hijack your subconscious mind without your permission so me personally, I have to stay far away from it. Great video pastor Mike! 🙏🏽


Praying for your health and recovery Pastor Mike in the name of Jesus


I had a dream a couple weeks ago where I was walking and I looked down and realized that I was only wearing a shirt and opaque tights; I saw people walking but they didn’t seem to mind my appearance. Once I awakened and had time to process my dream, I realized that my attire was not suitable for a born again believer. I work from so my attire is very casual and I didn’t give it a second thought to wear my comfy wear outdoors and to run errands. I feel guilty of how my witness was tarnished by my appearance. Thank you so much for highlighting this topic and confirming my convictions of keeping my temple holy.


Today’s styles don’t leave much to the imagination. If a man can’t look away, it’s because he hasn’t developed that one fruit of the Spirit which is “self-control”. The closer we get to God, the stronger we become. I think there’s a place and dress code for everything. Let all we do be for the glory of | in reverence to God. If we put Him first, we will be guided by His Spirit — He always leads us in the right direction. Thanks, Mike. I learned a few things.


Very wise Mike, what you said about the principal of the second skin type clothing for male or female clothing I agree completely


"Your conviction should run you, not everybody else"


Yoga pants. 😆

I've always said, "I love wearing yoga pants. It's like wearing no pants at all. Which is why you shouldn't wear them in public." 🤣


Also one more thing, I have high respect for someone who is about unity with our siblings in Christ. I love that he says "I disagree because" rather than "your wrong because". It's much more respectful and inviting for open communication and character building.


Oh boy Ladies....when it comes to modesty on stage, that's a very important subject! As a worship leader myself, I have given this very serious and deep consideration. The number 1 important thing to remember is that when you are on stage, you are a leader. Not only to those who are on stage with you (also leading) but to those who are in the congregation and your job is to be a priest. You are essentially leading the congregation into the throne room of the Living God. Now have that perspective when you look at yourself in the mirror on Sunday morning. Not "what is the latest style" "does this outfit flatter my shape or make me look good among men (men and women)" NO! Think, I am about to lead people into Throne Room to worship my Savior and Heavenly Father with the aid of the Holy Spirit. Am I limiting that???? Ask it every time and let the Holy Spirit convict and guide from there.
You will also find that as you mature (as I have!) that it will effect how your dress the rest of the week. I wear yoga pants almost every single day but I will never lead in them nor will I wear ripped jeans (my own personal preference) because I am a child of God and I will dress in that royalty. And that modesty is not only your outward appearance but much more importantly your inward heart position which will effect what is seen on the outside.
Ladies, please allow the Holy Spirit to guide in as you choose your outfits, but much more importantly, get in the Word so that your heart changes to be more sensitive to His Will in your life. Shalom, my fellow sisters in Christ 💓


Love what you said “ your convictions run you but they cannot run anyone else
