Mysterious lights spotted over Pacific Beach

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Another set of strange lights hover over San Diego's Coast
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I'm a military man myself and I'll tell you this those are not flares once again those are not flares. flares do not hovered in one simple spot flares do not go in parachute and if they do it would burn through a parachute or the strings or whatever Flayers are extremely hot through our burning situation station hotter than your stove hotter than a fire pit.. And just so you know once again those are not If the floors was attached to the parachute you could have seen it come down eventually they do not hover for 5 to 10mins minutes even with A parachute it comes down.. So once again those are not parachutes with flares. When the military see something like this we call it flares Or training Exercise. Go ahead shoot a flair trust me watch how fast it comes down go ahead make something I'm then a pair of shoes that is not gonna burn from. The flares and And shoot it up with the parachute I tell you much and they will come down Flares or Flares Parachute do not I repeat do not hover and stay In one formation for 5 to 10 to 20 minutes.. For example like the one is San Diego those orange light was hovering more than an hour and standing still and then disappeared in the same spot without moving a inch.. I repeat those are not flares.... Mark my words government is not here to help you they're here to help themselves.


This seems to be happening a lot in the last few weeks.


I'm from the Czech Republic. I saw the same exact thing eight years ago in the night sky nearby my village. They were moving in the very same directions like in this video. It lasted for like an hour. It's pretty interesting to see this appear in the US as well.


I’ve seen the same thing over the mountains by me numerous times those are no flares, note the fact they were in formation dropping flares with shoots would ketch so much wind they wouldn’t line up perfectly in a row especially dropping them one at a time.


Flares on parachutes just sitting in one place for five minutes or more, yea that makes total sense 😮🤣


Lights that hover motionless and in formation for an extended period of time are not parachute flares. Lights that slowly descend or drift around at all may be parachute flares.


When this happened like two months ago, the military said they weren’t doing drills. Now this time they said they were… yet all the people who have military backgrounds say what is seen here does not follow and reflect the typical flare/parachute. So unless it’s some secret/ new technology, something is going on. And this seems pretty credible since so many people captured it. Unlike that incident that happened in spicewood couple weeks back which turned out to be a prank.


When you live in a military town, and weed is everywhere...


I'm prior military/navy worked on naval aircraft ordnance including aircraft countermeasure systems (flares) they only burn for about no longer than a minute. This applies to all of the military aircraft that the US has that's known and used, unless it's some type of secret new aircraft that the US is testing but in San


It's the old "flares" story again...


I seriously think something or someone from another universe is right outside / inside our atmosphere


My wife and I saw identical lights off the coast of Baja Mexico at 3am in 2009. They ended up coming towards us and flew over our ship at a very high rate of speed. It looked like they rose from the water.


Only people who havnt seems flares before would believe these were flares 🤦‍♂️


Could this be related to the weird rumbling we’ve been hearing in Escondido lately? My cat doesn’t usually spook from aircraft flying over (even when they’re low) and he usually doesn’t spook from vehicles driving on the road, but this scared him he perked up and went to hide in his bed under a table.


My mom saw them when she was on the highway in Tampa. 15 min later she got home and still saw them in the air!


Those are definitely not flares. Those lights are telling us something. Notice the 3 dots close to one another and then the one far off one? That orions belt

I think they're trying to show us constellations. Orions belt and another one I'm not sure


I sent 10 years in the Army, those were not flares, whatever they were!


The last time this was in San Diego it was in Reno, same night, same time. Floated right over our house. Dead silent


San Diego has some of the most spottings of ufos in the area.


Been seeing these in North Carolina for a few years now, 1 time I went and got my telescope to see what it was a it disappeared when I looked threw it so I waited a few minutes to see if would come back it never did, so I folded my tripod up and took a step back to house and it reappeared, it was like it was watching me
