Can Christians Perform Miracles Today? | #miracles #healing #signs #pentecostal

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Hi, I'm Dr. Gene Kim (UC Berkeley & PBI). I am the pastor of Bible Baptist Church in both the Silicon Valley and San Francisco Bay Area. My channel publishes videos that focus on wrong doctrines, dispensationalism, end times and KJV as the only word of God. If that sounds like it could be helpful for you, please subscribe!


Pastor Gene Kim
Bible Baptist Church
PO Box 97
Santa Clara, CA 95050
(408) 712-8001
*If you like to donate, please mail it to the address above or click on PayPal in the links above. If you want to visit, please confirm approval first as we are not open to the public on certain days, especially Sundays. Do not be offended if you travel a long distance, and we turn down your visit due to not receiving our approval first. Please understand as our church is in a spiritually dark area that needs extra precautions.

#BaptistChurch #Dispensationalism #KJVOnly #Biblebeliever #Endtimes
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Dear viewer,

If you died tonight, would you be in heaven or hell?

If you’re not sure, and would like to know for certain, check out this short vid. God bless!


We will be standing before the Great King VERY SOON, Brethren. Let’s hold fast and keep encouraging one another. Rebuke the enemies attempts in Jesus name. Pray without ceasing and stay in the word. He is coming SOON. Love y’all and Maranatha.


These shorts really pack a punch! Keep them coming brother. You are a blessing, truely annointed. Thank you so much for all you do for the body of Christ.


While these signs do belong exclusively to the Apostles, the power of prayer is still active today among Christians. Thank you pastor Kim for everything that you do in revealing the truth of God's Word.


Amen! I was raised up in a Pentecostal church. The lack of rightly dividing scripture is astonishing.
Thats how the lost world views Christians… either Catholic or Charismatic. Those two groups have helped make a mockery of real Bible-based Christianity for a very long time.


Exactly, so don't fall for those healers. The power of prayer is very powerful, but that is if GOD will allow for the miracle to be done. All prayers are answered one way or another.


Thank you Lord God for even more truth to all that can hear that have ear to hear, amen. Lord bless this brother even more !


What clarity. God bless each and every one of you. Jesus keep us and our loved ones.


and if you ask to test them they say thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God. as if asking to see some of these signs they believe in is testing God himself.
and when you say you cant do them they say you havent believed enough !!

man people! todays people have gotten so far away from what Jesus did on the cross for our sins and how we walk by faith not sight!


Clearly we are in the 11th hour & 59th second from OUR BLESSED HOPE🙏🏼🙌🏼❣️
(I Thessalonians 4-13-end, I Corinthians 15:51-57 KJV ONLY BIBLE)


🙏. You answered my question thanks to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ 🙏🙏🙏


Thank you for such a short and clear Truth. Please make a clip about the requirements of an apostle too 🙏


Signs & miracles work is it still available today ? If so then how come even the simplest sign Just Heal A Fever not able to be perform ?? Covid period is the best signs & miracles to help out but we all knew the answer.. The truth in Christian is we walk by faith not by sight. What do sight mean ?

Matthew 8:15
And he touched her hand, and the fev­er left her: and she arose, and min­is­tered un­to them.


Hooray Pastor Gene Kim!!! Help shut up the crazy Pentecoastal Charismatic Movement. God continue to Bless you with Great bible insights to help us not feel discouraged by the false teachings of the Pentecoastal Movement in Jesus name Amen!!!🙏🙏🙏


Yeah. I mean, all the Apostles were able to do all the signs.


You must be chosen as a disciple of our Lord Jesus Christ to perform these miracles otherwise God chose you to do something else


Exactly No Amen Exactly As You Teached and Explained Pastor Gene. Very Very Truly True Teaching. Thank You So Much Pastor Gene. Amen. Signs and Miracles Are Only Perform By Apostles. Yes Pastor Gene, As You Teached It Very Correctly. Praise the Lord. Thank You So Much For This True Teaching Pastor Gene!!!!
Again, Signs and Miracles are Only Perform By the Apostles as Dr. Gene Kim Teached SoPlain as in the True Bible that the True Heavenly Father God Teaches all His true Real Bible Believers : Amen. God Be Praised!!!! Thank You Lord!!!! This is the Truth that God Wants those who are Saved to know, God's Word is Truth : Only KJV : That Signs and Miracles Only Belong to the Apostles as Dr. Gene Kim Teached SoPlain as in the True Bible of True God in this Most True Teaching Fantastic Super Shorts Video of True God, And that's Why the Rhetorical Question 1Cor12:29-30 : Yes and Amen Praise True God For Ever, And Yes True Lord Jesus, Pretribulation Rapture is true Teaching, and you are soon coming to Rapture your true church in the Pre-tribulation Rapture Amen. Even so, Come, Lord Jesus. Amen. Yes Abba Most High True Father God, True Eternally Saved True Real Bible Believing Believers Obey Your True Word and True Teaching Through Your True Holy Ghost Anointed and Appointed Teacher Pastor Dr. Gene Kim Always. Amen. 🥰 We Must Believe What True God Says and Not Error Filled Idolatry Wrong Understanding!!!! That's It!!!! Believed the Truth and Not Your Own Idolatry No Standing Wrong Understanding Errors!!!! Amen!!!! Praise the Everlasting LORD!!!! Blessed Be the LORD For EverMore. Amen, and Amen!!!!
