The Difference Between Judaism, Islam and Christianity #christian

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So the reason we have 3 religions worshipping the same God is because when a kid is born, kid learns to crawl, then learns to walk and then when he is confident and strong enough, it learns to run.

Before Moses when we read about prophets/messengers, what do we hear in the scripture?! Their people did not follow them.
Noah, he had to build the ark because people were corrupt and non believers.
Abraham, his people were non believer, you take the line of prophets, their people did not believe.
Moses, their people believed but their faith was weak. When they were in Egypt, the plagues came from God as a sign… then they were led by Moses to the Sea where Moses split the sea/River infront of them and they crossed it and saw Pharaoh’s army perish in it… but then when Moses went up to the mountains gone for days, what did they do in his absence?! They created a Calf and started worshipping it.
In scriptures, we can see that God has constantly given them signs, provided for them but they always tried to out smart God by being over efficient. There are stories in the scriptures about it!
When Jesus came, what were the Jews doing in the Temple that made Jesus furious that he flipped their tables?! Were they allowed to do that?! No…
It is said, that they would crucify or kill or mock prophets they didn’t want to follow.. they did the same with Jesus because they didn’t want to follow what he was teaching them?!
They wanted eye for and eye but Jesus was saying forgive and love one another. They continued to mischief. Not all some of them were good people who followed the prophets and advised people to do good.

Christians say that Quran plagiarized Bible but that’s hypocrisy because an entire half of the Bible comes from Torah which they call the “Old Testament”…they basically didn’t even use their own words but straight up “copy pasted”.

But if we understand or just for sake of it think for one second, that perhaps… if Quran is from the same God, do you think besides the “Newer Testament or more details and stuff”… the older stories of other prophets would be any different than those already there?!

Like if one person writes the History of England or America.. yes, there will be other details in it, but do you think that the names of the founders or any main characters of history would be any different?! No, it’s going to have same character just, different sections of the story that may not have been covered, but it will also confirm certain events the same.

When Jews came to Muhammad(p.b.u.h) and said tell us they story of the people of the cave… Quran has a detailed chapter in it which is not exactly alike of what they knew but actually had details to it.
Muhammad(p.b.u.h) was not a literate man. And Just like Abraham, he was raised and born in a nation of Polytheism.
And let’s say for example even if he was inspired by Jews and Christians… what is wrong of him to guide his people to worshipping of One God/The Creator?! He preached his people to instead of worshipping multiple gods into worshipping the 1 true God…
What is wrong with that??
We have created a difference out of our arrogance and ignorance but if we actually look deep inside, it makes sense.
The historians say “annunaki” we say fallen angels…take out the names and you will see its pretty much talking about the same thing.
Angels saw mankind was in trouble so they fell from grace or came to earth to help or teach mankind.
They found women of mankind pretty and had offsprings with them which were hybrids… also called demi-gods because they were hybrids so, not a normal mankind.

And based on perception, people called them what they thought was best in their perception.
If someone in remote tribe with no knowledge of a modern world will see person FaceTiming another person, they will think it’s some sort of magic… if they saw a person paragliding they will think man can fly… or if they see a man pointing someone at someone and all of a sudden a loud noise and smoke and another man dies feet’s/yards away from that person..they will wonder something else…
Knowledge is based on perception or perception is based on knowledge.

Moses had his miracles, and Jesus had his.
In time of Moses, magic was at its peak… so God gave Moses power of Magic… he was competing against magicians of Pharaoh.
When Jesus came, disease and medicine and Jesus cured, that was his miracle, but the Jews called him a magician. Lack of faith.c perception and knowledge. No one before Moses has done what Moses did, and no one before Jesus did what Jesus did.
Each prophet/Messenger came with their own sets of tools.
According to Islam “all messengers are prophets, but not all prophets are messengers”.
There is a difference between prophets and messengers. There are some who were one or the other while there are some like Moses(p.b.u.h), Jesus(p.b.u.h) and Muhammad(p.b.u.h) who were both prophets and messenger.

May God bless us all to seek knowledge, and love one another and have a better understanding of our Creator!
And unify our hearts into glorifying him and performing good deeds for mankind and other living beings without discrimination or prejudice, Amen


Muslim : Who is God?
Christian : Jesus

Muslim : Is Jesus the son of Mary.
Christian : Yes

Muslim : Who created Mary?
Christian : God.

Muslim : Who is God?
Christian: Jesus

Muslim : Jesus is the begotten son.
Christian : Yes

Muslim : Who is his father?
Christian : God.

Muslim : Who is God?
Christian : Jesus.

Muslim : Jesus is a servant of God.
Christian : Yes

Muslim : Jesus died on the cross?
Christian : Yes

Muslim : Who resurrected him?
Christian : God.

Muslim : Is Jesus a messenger.
Christian : Yes

Muslim : Who sent him?
Christian : God.

Muslim : Who is God?
Christian : Jesus.

Muslim: Did Jesus worship while on earth.
Christian: Yes

Muslim: Whom did he worship?
Christian: God.

Muslim : Who is God?
Christian : Jesus.

Muslim : Did God have a beginning?
Christian : No

Muslim: Then who was born on 25/DEC?
Christian : Jesus.

Muslim : Is Jesus God.
Christian : Yes

Muslim : Where's God?
Christian : In Heaven.

Muslim : How many Gods are there in heaven? Christian : Only one God.

Muslim : Where's Jesus?
Christian : He is seated on the right hand of his father.

Muslim : Then how many are they in heaven? Christian : Only one God.

Muslim : Then how many seats?
Christian : One

Muslim : Where's Jesus?
Christian: Seated next to God.

Muslim : How are they seated on one chair? Christian : It's only understood by those with the Ghost. You need Ghost my friend.

Allah clearly tells us in Qu'ran :- "O People of the Scripture, do not commit excess in your religion or say about Allah except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, was but a messenger of Allah and His word which He directed to Mary and a soul [created at a command] from Him. So believe in Allah and His messengers. And do not say, "Three"; desist - it is better for you. Indeed, Allah is but one God. Exalted is He above having a son. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. And sufficient is Allah as Disposer of affairs." - Surah An-Nisa [4:171]

Bible says :- “... God is not the author of confusion ...” (Corinthians 14:33 ). "God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?." (Numbers (23:19) King James Version (KJV)


First of all sir, Mohammad SAW (PBUH) doesn't say anything in Quran! Quran is the word of the Allah Almighty!


To any one who say quran os copy of bible i challenge you to read quran by ypurself, prove it by your very own self


Who’s gonna tell him that the Quran is the words of the most High Allah, not prophet Muhammad’s (pbuh)


Being FROM YHWH and being YHWH are really different.


In The Quran Muhammad doesnt say anything, it wasnt written by him… it was written by The Almighty. At least show some respect


Muhammad peace be upon him never said anything in the Quran Allah did


If say a man has godly powers which doesn't make them god like heal and splitting the the sea god gave them the power all the prophets are good


But it has not been said in the new testament that jesus is god actually it contradicts and has jesus distinguish the difference between himself and god when he says why call me good only god is good


Not Muhammed prophet saying he is not god he is not an author our holy book came from the god but we are loving Jesus I hope after the pas away I wanna see all of them, every prophet I love them . Because they explained god’s rules


But them Jews who stay with the old Testament, who don't have far more than the First 5 books of the Bible, how can they even know who is or was Jesus?
There's something i don't know from that point on


Jesus fell on his face and prayed and fasted and did not eat pork and was circumcised and his mother was covered and wore a headscarf! Which religion practices that Christianity or Islam? Did Abraham(as) believe in the Trinity? Did Jesus(as) preach the Bible of Mark, John, Paul... in his time? Aren't you thinking? Jesus(as) was a muslim(submitting his will to god)

Islam is the truth and the only way to paradise! All prophets from adam(as) to Muhammed(saw) were muslims(submitting their will to god) and to allah(swt) we will return after death


What do you mean by Muhammad said? Quran is the words of Allah


Yes there is a difference between God being in Jesus and Jesus being God. Not that I agree with either terms being a Muslim, but let’s emphasis on that statement.
God being in Jesus is like God’s spirit is in Jesus(p.b.u.h)… but Jesus being God is saying Jesus is God.
Chair comes from a Tree but a chair is not a tree. Or Milk is in the cow but cow is not milk.

When God created Adam(a.s) He breath/blow the spirit into Adam. Since He blow the spirit into Adam that means God blew His spirit into Adam so would that mean Adam is God too?!
2nd, if you read Old Testament, it says God is one, 1 God.. even when a man came to Jesus and ask how can he be close to GOD, Jesus said “Love thy neighbor and know your God is one God.”

Plenty of times Jesus is mentioned of have said to people “Our father, my lord…”
Never “My Father, your Lord…”

Also, Jesus spoke Hebrew, yet the scripture was Aramaic and was translated to other languages.
A lot of times, words and be changed in translation, hence it’s best advised to read and learn the scripture in the original language.
A lot of times, a word can have multiple meanings and sometimes to simplify, we can use a simplified meaning of the word which may change the narrative.
A lot people who speak English as a secondary language know, that the literal translation of their sentence of native language into English, doesn’t make much sense.
For example, if we want someone to move on from a conversation we say in English “forget about it”(most common term).. but we also say “just leave it”…
In Hindi or Urdu they say “leave it”(more commonly) so a lot of times they will short it and say “leave”(because in their language the can use just that word and it will have the impact or the meaning in that one word equally the same).

Also, a lot of English speaking Christians read the King James Version of the Bible which actually is believed by all Christians or at least majority of them that the version is corrupted.

Also, many of the people who wrote the New Testament or basically part of it which is included in current Bible is from people who were Either Greek or other cultures who heard Jesus. Since they were from other cultures, they had to translate that language into their language and make understanding of it and then write the parts in their language and then translate them..
there is a whole lot of translation going on there.
Languages are not as simple as we try to make them.
I’ll give you a simple example, in one country a “fag” means cigarette… and in another country it means “homosexual or gay”…. In one part of English “Gay” means happy and in others it means “homosexual”… so within English depending on the region, same word can have different meaning.
And here we are talking about, someone listening to something in a non native language, then translating it into theirs and then it get translated from their language to another language.
Also mind that, Greek mythology, they had Gods and sons of God and etc. There is a reason man people/scholars claim that Jesus is depicted as one of the sun gods from Greek mythology because of the overlapping.
And Greek mythology gods were before Jesus was born.
Hebrew, Aramaic and Arabic are all Semitic languages.


This is so sad, but King Jesus Christ already know some won't see him as God, King Jesus Christ said it, if ye know me than you know the father, so those people who said King Jesus Christ is not God then you never have a relationship with God the almighty, if you had a relationship with God then you will know that King Jesus Christ and God are one in the same


Also, everyone thinks that their God/The Creator is different from each other within the monotheistic religions..btw, in Christianity, is Jesus is son of God then it’s basically not a monotheistic religion because monotheism means 1 God.
And many Christian like to debate going round in circles that Jesus is God so it’s still 1 God, but then when you ask them so he is not the son, they say no, he is the son but him and God are 1 which technically does not make sense.
But let’s put Jesus to aside and talk about God, The Creator.
People like to Argue, His name is Yahweh.. or Hebrew, El, or Allah and for some reason people think that they are talking about different Gods… but in reality, it’s the same God, just a different name depending on the language.
Example; in English we take the word “Chair”… in Spanish same thing is called “Sila”… in Arabic and Urdu it’s called “Kursi”… so just because the name has changed, doesn’t mean the person is talking about something else.
A chair, does not become an aeroplane just because someone calls it Sila or kursi, it’s still a chair.

Yes, Jews, Christians and Muslims have different practices and different ways of worshipping the Creator but it does not mean, that one is wrong than the other.

I read into Hinduism which is polytheism.. worshipping of idols which basically Christianity has fallen into as they have made idols of Jesus and worship that idol…
But in Hinduism, in their scripture(main) on the first page it starts “In the beginning, there was only one, the rest came after. And the one who was in beginning, it’s not certain if He existed before the beginning or not, but since the beginning He has been there”…
Same question, if a tree falls but there is no one there to hear it fall, then how would we know it fell. But doesn’t mean that the tree didn’t fall.
If I exist, but no one has seen me then what’s the proof of my existence. But it doesn’t mean that I didn’t exist.. just that there is no one to witness it.
All Jews, Christians and Muslims believe that “The God” the Creator, created everything.
Jews believe in the God of Abraham, Christians believe in that same God of Abraham and so do Muslims.

We have divided ourselves but we do not see that we all worship the same God.
Just because someone is white, and someone is brown and someone is black doesn’t mean they are not humans. They are still humans, just different ethnicities…
Question that arises is… why 3 religions?! Why can’t be just one?! And for that… we actually have to read the scripture and history.. I’ll explain in next…


It's Allah (God) said not Muhammad(Sallallahu Wa A'laihi Wa Sallam)
If 1+1+1 2, 000 years ago was 3 by Logical Objective View then it's also 3 in 2024.
So, the history we muslims follow us that The Holy Torah was revealed upon Mu'sa (A'laihissalaam) was The Word Of Allah(God) at its first place. But then the Torah(The Authentic Revelation That Was Revealed to Mu'sa A'laihissalaam By Allah)was corrupted by the people. A major part of it (but not all of it)was changed according to the whims and desires of the people. Then The Zaboor came and it got changed and also the Injeel(The Authentic Sacred Scripture Of The Christianity That was taught by Prophet Jesus May Peace Be Upon Him) got changed. So Allah(God) sent a final Revelation. And that's why eye witnesses never said about the Trinity but people lied about and changed it. And the history is the witness of this and ofcourse the contradictions that were made by humans in the Injeel after they did that shameless sin.

May Allah Grant you Hidayat in heart.
Allahu Ameen


03 different religion all say this one person existed


Islam and Christianity have more similarities than Judaism
