Ben Shapiro - THE Difference BETWEEN Judaism AND Christianity

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Faith without work is dead -book of James New Testament


Christians aren't just about faith alone, people!


Being a Christian is believing in Christ and also following his commands. It's not just faith based.


He talks about Christianity as if Christianity is Protestantism alone! We, Orthodox and Catholics believe that faith and works are one.


Christians aren’t just about faith alone. You show faith to your lord & savior through your actions & you way of living.


Catholic Christians believe in Faith and Works. Both. Essential. We need to back up our faith with works. St James tells us - "Faith without works is dead."


As a Jewish believer in Jesus, I am more than surprised since I have previously agreed with just about everything Ben has said. His take on the difference between Christianity and Judaism demonstrates at best that he is significantly uninformed on this matter. A stark contrast to how informed he is otherwise. Yes, we must trust and believe in Jesus for our salvation, but if this is all there is, then how shallow and self serving this would be. But, the Good News for Ben and the rest of us is, Christianity is about so much more! This is based on the eye witnessed and documented examples that Jesus taught and lived out. As Jesus confirmed, the second greatest commandment is to love our neighbor as ourselves. What does this look like? As God and man, Jesus perfectly demonstrated this for us as He lived out His sacrificial mission while considering and caring about the interests of others before His own. Unlike all of us, everything Jesus did was for the sake of others and was motivated by His pure love. Why? Because God is love (1 John 4:7-21). As believers in Christ / Messiah, we are called to live a life worthy of the calling we have received (Ephesians 4:1-3). Jesus was (and still is) the way, the truth and the life who was also the Master at demonstrating what a life of love, service, and purpose should look like. He equipped those who trust in Him with the Fruit of the Spirit so we can bless others on God's terms and not our own. As believers in Christ, we are called to live out His will not only in our lives, but also in ways that He wants to use us to bless others. Ben covered the first greatest commandment, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind." Since Jesus immediately followed up with confirming the second greatest commandment because of how important it is to Him and for us to live out, I hope Ben will look into, consider and become informed about the other parts of what Messiah Jesus was and still is all about. As was and is the case for me and all of humanity, if Ben will one day choose to admit he could be wrong and in need of God's forgiveness, then pray and ask God to reveal the truth to him, Ben will then be ready to begin his worthy journey. But, only if he does so with an open heart and mind, as free of other agendas as possible. In this case and as Ben stops leaning on his own understanding so he can receive God's (Proverbs 3:5, 6), it will be impossible for this journey to not change his heart and life for the better and forever.


Faith is the tree and acts (works) are the fruit.


Woah I love Ben but this isn’t biblically correct. The word says countless times to act accordingly becoming a new man and leave the things of the world behind, James 2:24 says “…that person is saved by works and not by faith alone”


He's talking about the by faith alone doctrine that's adopted by many non denominational and protestant churches but most churches believe that faith without works is dead


The difference is GRACE. One lacks it, the other possesses it.


It's peculiar how someone so smart like Ben Shapiro completely missed the point of Christianity.


Yeah but he didn’t described Christian’s


As a Christian I have faith. I also understand that a real Christian that obeying God and following the example that Jesus taught expresses your live for God and Christ. If you live them you will obey them.


I was taught as a Christian that we follow the commandments too


He just wrongfully simplified Christianity big time… it’s faith and acts actually


In Christianity, there are two separate issues — faith and acts. First is the issue of salvation, which is by grace through faith alone in Jesus, God’s righteousness. Second is obedience, acting like a child of God, albeit imperfectly, which is why we need a Savior in the first place.


"Its not just about accepting God" is all you need to know right there about Benny boy. ITS ALL ABOUT ACCEPTING GOD.


This is just one of the ways that people like Ben Shapiro demonstrate that they aren't as "smart" (according to someone in the comments) as they want to protray. I really can't defend those christians who DO go around saying that Christianity is only faith based, but this are mostly protestant evangelicals, and that denomination does not keep most of the christian tradition. But christianity from it's origins has been about both faith and works.


The difference between Judaism and Christianity is Jesus, Christianity believes Jesus was the messiah and son of god while Judaism believes that Jesus was not the messiah. 💯💯 other than that both religions are strikingly similar.
