What is the difference between Christianity and Judaism?

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What is the difference between Christianity and Judaism? Is Christianity the fulfillment of Judaism?
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I believe in Jesus because he healed my right broken arm that needed 8 weeks to heal instantly.
Praise Jesus Christ!!!


Galatians 3:28
There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.


We are Christians I believe in Jesus Christ


Jews believes God is Unmanifest.
Christianity believes God is both Unmanifest and Manifestation of God (Jesus Christ Human incarnation Of God)


They are one and the same religion but have two different perspectives.


So pretty good video though there are more major differences between Christianity and Judaism than just denying the deity of Christ. For instance Judaism is more workspace rather than salvation based, they also reject original sin.


Judaism and Islam both say Jesus was a ‘good’ teacher. They should know that Jesus says countless times. “Why do you call me good? No one is good except God alone.” Countless times he refers to himself as good. Even Jews and Muslims call him ‘good’ prophet or teacher. Jesus never says “Don’t call me good.” He asks, why? Because Jesus knows he’s God, and so did his disciples.


In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful.
1. Say, “He is God, the One.
2. God, the Absolute.
3. He begets not, nor was He begotten.
4. And there is nothing comparable to Him.”


Ok, can some Jew explain this to me, what ja difrence between us Cristians and you Jews? Explain me please.


Jesus is Lord! He is the way, the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father except through him.


I simply know as, Judaism follows only the old testament and Christianity both the old and new testaments.


Micah 5 is Not about Mary. It’s a personification of Zion (Jerusalem) in confinement because of the Assyrian onslaught.
Although it does mention the Messiah for the future; it also says that Jerusalem will be free and restored.
When reading the Hebrew Scriptures, it’s important to read the first verse of any chapter because it’s the introduction to the theme of the chapter.

Let’s take a look:
Micah 5:

1 And you, Bethlehem Ephrathah-you should have been the lowest of the clans of Judah-from you [he] shall emerge for Me, to be a ruler over Israel; and his origin is from of old, from days of yore.

And you, Bethlehem Ephrathah: whence David emanated, as it is stated (I Samuel 17:58): “The son of your bondsman, Jesse the Bethlehemite.” And Bethlehem is called Ephrath, as it is said (Genesis 48:7): “On the road to Ephrath, that is Bethlehem.”
you should have been the lowest of the clans of Judah: You should have been the lowest of the clans of Judah because of the stigma of Ruth the Moabitess in you.
from you shall emerge for Me: the Messiah, son of David, and so Scripture says (Psalms. 118:22): “The stone the builders had rejected became a cornerstone.”
and his origin is from of old: “Before the sun his name is Yinnon” (Psalms. 72:17).

2. Therefore, He shall deliver them until the time a woman in confinement gives birth. And the rest of his brothers shall return upon the children of Israel.
Therefore, He shall deliver them until the time a woman in confinement gives birth: He shall deliver them into the hands of their enemies until the coming of the time that Zion has felt the pangs of labor and borne her children; Zion, which is now seized by the pangs of labor, is now called a woman in confinement. [I.e., now the labor pains will cease and the redemption will come about.] But, according to its simple meaning, this is the structure as I explained.
and the rest of his brothers: The brothers of the King Messiah; i. e., the rest of the tribe [of Judah].
shall return upon the children of Israel: Judah and Benjamin shall join the other tribes and become one kingdom, and they shall no longer be divided into two kingdoms.


If you are hoping that this video will give you an objective, impartial assessment and overview of the major differences between Christianity and Judaism, , this is not the video for you. It presents the differences between Christianity and Judaism with a very strong pro-Christian bias. Jews would take issue with many of the statements that are presented as so-called objective facts in this video. The supposedly solid Jewish and rabbinic credentials of the "apostle" Paul - who was never a direct, personal disciple of Jesus, by the way - is a good example of what I am talking about. There are also lots of things in this video that are merely touched on or given passing mention that deserve a more thorough and comprehensive treatment - again, from both the Jewish as well as the Christian perspective. If you want the Jewish perspective on the differences between Christianity and Judaism, I would highly recommend two YouTube channels that I frequently go to for this: Jews for Judaism and Tovia Singer, put out by Rabbi Tovia Singer's Outreach Judaism ministries. If you want to arrive at a truly unbiased and objective picture of the differences between Christianity and Judaism, you have to look at things from both the Jewish and Christian sides, and not just the Christian side.


In my view, there are six major differences between Christianity and Judaism, which are much like the six points of a Star of David: 1) Christianity divinizes Jesus Christ as the Son of God and the second person of the Holy Trinity; Judaism doesn't and considers this to be blasphemy and idoolatry, because they take the first two commandments strictly and literally. 2) Conception of God: A simple Unity in Judaism vs. a three-in-one Trinitarian conception of the Godhead in Christianity. 3) The Messiah: A divinely anointed priest - king - but not divine himself - who drives out the foreign infidel and re-establishes home rule for Israel, ushering in a Messianic Age in Judaism vs. a divine deliverer of all men from the universal spiritual enemies of sin and death in Christianity. 4) Sin and human nature: Much more positive and upbeat views in Judaism, emphasizing personal responsibility in choosing between good and evil vs. the doctrine of Original Sin in Christianity, prescribing Jesus' sacrificial atonement on the cross as the sovereign remedy for this universal spiritual malady. 5) The Torah, or Jewish Law: Observing and following all of the 613 Mitzvoth, or commandments in Judaism vs. not following the Law in Christianity and seeing it as being superseded by the New Covenant of Jesus Christ. 6) Salvation and Atonement: Getting right with God via repentance, sacrifice and following the Torah or Law in Judaism vs. salvation primarily through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ in Christianity.


Jesus is the only one created through immaculate conception! Jesus is the Son of God!


Actually you got that wrong in the video. Us the Jewish people don't believe in hell because it doesn't even speak about hell in the Hebrew scriptures. Also you used some of the Hebrew scriptures out of context to try to prove that Jesus was the Messiah. Nowhere in the Hebrew scriptures does it prophesied of Jesus being the Messiah.


No not really, i knew this was not generally true when he said they believe one god


This is a pretty shallow explanation. It weakens your explanation when you cite only the New Testament. Let me give you an answer from a Jewish perspective, . In Christianity, salvation is predicated on what you believe. That is, do you believe that Jesus was the savior, etc etc. thats why someone going to the gas chamber can confess to be a believer and their good to go. More or less. Judaism has really nothing to do with what you believe. Rather, it’s about what you do. How you live your life. You can believe whatever you want within reason. Even be atheist agnostic as long as you live your life as a good person and by the values enshrined in Jewish tradition and culture. That’s why Jews believe anyone can go to heaven as long as you’ve lived a compassionate, fulfilling life. That’s a BIG real difference. Not who was or wasn’t Jesus.


I mean, if we're going back to the "Messiah" debate, the Jews were just provably correct, as Jesus believed an Apocalyptic world event would restore the good status of the holy land and rid the world of all wrong doing, and that it would happen "soon". Depending on how far you want to stretch the definition of "soon", the J man was definitely off by at least a couple thousand years.


No, Jesus met none of the qualifications in the Torah for the Messiah. He was not the Messiah, jue t by being "the son of God" disqualifies he from being the Messiah.
