The Dark Truth About Christmas × We Have Been Lied to

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In this episode we will uncover The Dark Truth About Christmas. Why we celebrate Christmas and if its really Jesus birthday. We will also talk about the origin of Santa. Join me in this episode as we uncover the dark truth about Christmas.

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I was at the mall doing Christmas shopping and I stopped in the middle of the mall for a second watching everyone around me. It was so packed and everyone was shopping too. NOBODY was there for anything else but the same thing I was there. People rushing to stores and buying gifts. And I realized how brainwashed everyone is. it was actually kind of sad.


I always knew something wasn’t right about Christmas! Also the name “Santa” is spelled similar to “Satan”!


Holidays are pointless. You don't need a holiday to give gifts and be with family.


I remember when I was a kid and realized that Santa was not real, my Dad, (may he RIP) had said to me, "You don't think that it's creepy that one of the Christmas songs says 'He knows when you are sleeping knows when you're awake. He's making a list, checkin it twice, gonna find out if you've been naughty or nice.' ... what type of perv is Santa, watching kids when they're sleeping and talking about them being naughty or nice?"
This really stuck with me for some reason since I was a child and all I can say is that I'm glad that my Dad didn't sugarcoat stuff or continue trying to lie about things to me (like my Ma did/still does to this day.) for the sake of "the holiday spirit and to not "destroy &/or traumatize" other children about the truth about Santa, Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy, etc.


Be encouraged. Don't let anything that happens in this world make you anxious or fearful. Remember you're just visiting, not here to stay. Make a difference when you can and remember God is in control & gets all the Glory, Not you.


Facts though, if Christmas was a holy day dedicated to Jesus
Many celebrities and Hollywood people wouldn't devote their time to it so hard.


Growing up Christian. I've always had questions about this. Santa claus, Rudolph, frosty, none of this made sense. And since we're here. Easter eggs, Easter Bunny. Valentine's day. Nothing but Pagan Holidays to take all our hard earned money.✊🏿✌🏿


It is crazy how this lie became so big and no one really asks much about it bcos there's always a good hiding behind it that it's about giving.


My mom told me the truth at a young age . She said ain’t no way someone else is taking credit for something that I do for you 🙏🏾🙏🏾


This year i havent been feeling that christmasy, thinking how in a world can you celebrate getting presents while people struggle for food and water just because of the money system


Celebrate the Lord not only on " Christmas day " but every day ❤️


Santa being more worshipped than God was a word. Thanks for the great content.


And yet, my mom always argued with me about THIS day NOT being Jesus' birthday. I knew it all along, but some people just don't wanna listen!


Ever since I woke up, Christmas seems really sketchy to me. I'm not Christian but I'm against consumerism. When you think about it, it can't satisfy your soul no matter how hard you try. I want nothing to do with anything that doesn't satisfy my mind, body, or soul.


i had a teacher who told us there are 6 letters between H and O so every time i see ho ho ho i see 666


Should be a million plus subscribers at this point. Truth is ..


that’s why they made the Grinch to represent those that know the truth and don’t want to participate with it


This man has a beautiful place in heaven for the things is doing ❤️


The funniest part is how people used to ask us as kids “do we believe in Santa” .
Another thing I may list is how I think all those creatures like fairies, elves, mermaids, vamps, wolves, witches were created by the devil or are just simple evil beings/creatures idk why people love disguising them as good. Just like Disney princesses their stories are actually dark.


The Word of God makes it very clear that we shouldn't worship Him through pagan things. So all those excuses "it depends on your intentions" and "I'll celebrate it differently" are invalid in the true Worship of Christ.

Choose God or Choose the world (the adversary's kingdom)...simple as that.

"I'll use the day to Honour Christ"

Why not honour him everyday; why do it on that specific day that is useful to worship pagan gods...

"When the Lord your God cuts off before you the nations whom you go in to dispossess, and you dispossess them and dwell in their land, take care that you be not ensnared to follow them, after they have been destroyed before you, and that you do not inquire about their gods, saying, ‘How did these nations serve their gods?—that I also may do the same.’ You shall not worship the Lord your God in that way, for every abominable thing that the Lord hates they have done for their gods, for they even burn their sons and their daughters in the fire to their gods. Everything that I command you, you shall be careful to do. You shall not add to it or take from it." - Deutronomy 12: 29-32
