The Uncomfortable Truth Behind CHRISTMAS

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#christmas #truth #gospel #catholicism #santa #carol #christmastree #mistletoe #BaptistChurch #Dispensationalism #KJVOnly #Biblebeliever #Endtimes

Christmas is considered by many as the biggest Christian holiday of the year.

But where does Christmas come from? What are its roots? Why is it on December 25? Was Jesus even born on that date?

This video explains in detail the meaning of Christmas, dark history behind Christmas, and some of the myths surrounding the holiday.


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I started my journey as an atheist and now have been saved by Christ. Thank you for this channel


I’ve always been uncomfortable with this “holiday” but I never really knew why - now that I’m saved as of only 7 months ago things are making so much more sense


Great explanation and revealing the truth. I have had my eyes opened about 25th Dec being innacurate in the past 4 yrs, so I've chosen to not do christmas as before but instead remember God's GIFT to us everyday. So no tree, no decorations and definitely no Santa on 25th Dec.

For those who still choose to do christmas and following traditional ways of celebrating, I dont understand how santa fits into the day. Santa is a lie!!! Removing santa from 25th Dec would be a great start!


I am so blessed to have a pastor who cares about the truth of God and his son, thanks for pastor Gene Kim, giving us the word


Please pray for a miracle for me to stay out of jail. Love and respect from Newcastle Australia. Pastor gene Kim is the Bruce Lee of the gospel.


Yes we as Christians know that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ was not born on December 25th but that doesn't matter to me. Because I celebrate my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ everyday I feel that we as children of God must celebrate every thing in Life all for the Purpose of God. December 25th although has many aspects of Paganism it also has many Blessings behind it. People tend to give more on this time of the year to the homeless, they also spend more time within the Churches, and they tend to reverence others with a pure Heart for others. Many individuals say Christmas is Paganism but so is the Days of the Week Months of the Year and a lot of other Rituals Man tends to use throughout their lives. I don't discourage or encourage others to do as I do it's not in my nature I rather focus on the Fruit of the Spirit of Love Joy Peace Patience Kindness Faithfulness Goodness Gentleness and Self Control towards myself and others. Thank You Kindly Dr. Kim for this enlightening and informative video it's very comforting to know the truth without harsh judgment. No condemnation no carnality within the heart just pure love for our fellow Brethern God Bless 🛐💖🙏🏼


A lot of people think that Jesus was born
on 9/11, I think it's very possible...
Thank you for your video!!!


This video was made so well! Whoever made the visuals and voice over did a great job! Thank you for assimilating this knowledge into an easy to digest straight forward video! God Bless🤍


I know there are real Christians watching this YouTube channel. So I am asking my fellow Christians here to please pray with me for my friend Jessica who is highly addicted to crack and heroin and working as a prostitute on the street. Please pray that I find her and successfully get her into rehab.


The dates thing is very complicated. What most people don't think about is that although the number of days in a week never changed (7 days).... the length of a month did change. Hebrew months go from new moon to new moon. One lunar cycle equals one month, usually about 20 days but not exactly., could be 19 or 21 or 22 days. That is why Israelis are always waiting for the new moon to appear. This is also why the real sabbath is always different and the dates of holidays are always different as well. Like I said, it is very complicated and doesn't exactly translate into our modern calendar. I do generally agree with you on the fall and probably what we would call September, just not exactly. Also the origins of Christmas is obviously a Catholic/pagan thing. Good video.


Thank you so much! I praise God for your presentation. I have been conflicted with celebrating Christmas for many years now. It started with me seeing the ties to Saturnalia, years before I was saved. I began to see how little Jesus is actually represented through the holiday season, and how much paganism was steeped within the traditions. Just recently I have learned how beautifully it befits the Lord to be born during the feast of tabernacles! Additionally, I’m extra excited to celebrate the feasts during the coming millennium reign!

The course of Abia is a great point to take into consideration when looking at when John the Baptist was conceived. It’s amazing how little we really know until we seek the Lord humbly and he shows us!

It angers me to see so much deception welcomely accepted by those who don’t study for themselves. Atheists and unbelievers can see the deception and just party on… Is that what it comes down to? Is this a spiritual stronghold or just a willing ignorance?

I have been praying to the Lord as to how to show my family all the misconceptions and deceptions surrounding this false holiday, as it has been one of the few days we gather together through the year. I need grace and tenderness, because I can be contentious and unwavering at times when it comes to the truth. I don’t want to sow discord or be a stumbling block, yet also dont want to lie down in defeat as I watch others around me continue on in deception.. I love the Lord dearly and hate to see His name taken in such vanity!

I pray this video reaches many more, and that we all worship our Lord and Savior in spirit and in truth without conflictions of conscience.


Thank you for confirming this. I haven’t celebrated Christmas in years for these reasons and it’s nice to know I’m not doing wrong


Amen many people need to know the truth.


Dr Gene did a brilliant teaching on, when was Jesus really born. Approx 22 September. I remember it vividly because it's the day before my birthday! I highly recommend it! I always hated xmas, my mood gets low, i feel sad, all the negative emotions. Our souls know the truth. I don't even pretend to do xmas! I don't acknowledge it at all. When anyone brings up xmas in a conversation, i tell them Jesus wasn't born 25 December, one of many deceptions in the catholic church.


I'm so glad all this is here. I've been telling people the truth about Christmas for years. Just didn't have the biblical knowledge about it until a year ago. Horrendously pagan


im happy to see kjv speaking on important truths, no matter how uncomfortable it is. I want to worship God the way He intended, not mans way, and thats a challenge in this fallen world


It says that God hates the nicolaitans in Revelation. Nicolas was first, pagan, then converted to Judaism then finally Christianity, but because of his previous spiritual beliefs he was okay with intermingling pagan traditions into Christianity. I believe that is what God hates. And that is a strong word especially coming from a God full of pure love. God bless 💕


As soon as i picked up my bible, and started reading the word of God I stop celebrating Christmas 🎄so glad the Holy Spirit directed me to the true knowledge of God's Word.


Honesty, truth, and facts are all crucial for our full understanding of what happened. Thank you for this truth!!! 🙏


The most succinct, concise explanation of the real birthdate of Christ.He was most likely born during the feast of tabernacles.
