Was Jesus Actually Resurrected? (Infographics Show Response)

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The greatest mystery of all is the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Catholic church has been built off the faith that Jesus was crucified for our sins, died and was buried, then on the third day he rose from the dead and visited his Apostles. What really happened on that third day that gave birth to an entire religion? Find out right now!

Was Jesus Actually Resurrected

Paulogia vs Dr Andrew Loke debate

That Fuzzy Empty Tomb (Blog Entry)

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Yikes the comments on the original video are so filled with "I'm Christian and I knew this was the truth beforehand"


For what it's worth Paul, this is the kind of content I come to your channel for. Keep them coming!


Teacher: “Matthew and Luke, you are on detention for copying Mark’s homework. John, you’re on detention for not paying attention in class!”


This video bothered me quite a bit honestly, I’m also a former Christian and have been following the infographics show as a fan for quite awhile, and I immediately noticed a lot of these same discrepancies.

Worries me that a lot of the information I learned may have come from a biased source 🤷


The "For the bible tells me so" jingles just made my day.


What really bothers me about this "infographic" is that something that (in my understanding) should be unbiased, is the most biased apologetic screed you're likely to find.


The issue here around the 22 minute mark, is that none of disciples believed Jesus would resurrect. The reason we have the hallucination theory is because...

1.A man name Jesus did exist and secular historians agree on that.
2. Claims to have seen a risen version of Jesus has been substantiated.

And this is the opinion of atheist historians, Jesus did exist and people claimed to have seen him after his death.

So now we are left with a question. Did they see him? Or Did they thought they saw him?

We are going off the assumption that they thought they saw him, because once again. The claims of seeing Jesus on that Sunday is true.

So now the actual debate is did what they saw was real?
And our best explaination, is grief hallucination? The disciples all had the exact hallucinations, about the same person, coming back to life and telling them the same thing. And 100s of other people also hallucinated the same thing??

2 people alone having the same exact hallucination is a stretch. 2 people hallucinating at the same time is also a stretch, especially when the conditions for hallucinations don't exist


"False ideas can spread as fast as true ones... maybe faster."

Or at Mark Twain memorably put it: "A lie can get halfway around the world before the truth puts its boots on."


The reason Sherlock Holmes is so smart and can deduce conclusions based on the most insignificant clues is because Arthur Conan Doyle wrote him this way. If you want your hero to have Plot Hole Armor you just write that he has.


Things can become popular even if they are based on incorrect information. Smoking was popular because people thought it was healthy. Tobacco companies tried to cover up the facts while indoctrinating more followers.


With these leaps of logic we could prove thousands of resurrection stories throughout history. It's incredible how people can recognize myths and legends in other religions, but not their own.


The documents are historical. Doesn’t mean what they say is non-fiction


Paul: "It puts out highly researched..."
Me, a history nerd: let's file that under 'debatable'."


The frequency of “for the Bible tells me so “ had me cracking up


Faith in God helped many of my friends to get off drugs and alcohol. I respectfully disagree with your opinion but I respect it. from Croatia-Europe 💙💙💙


Praying for every soul here. Much love to you all and hope you are having a good day or night :).


Dude, the amount of work be puts into his videos... Crazy. Thank you Paul


At the end when he said "something split the Jewish faith in two" he's making the absolutely insane assumption that Judaism was not already split into many different factions, similar to how christianity and Islam are today. He also doesn't mention the oldest christians had disagreements on core aspects of the faith including resurrection. Judaism wasn't split in two, it was just a few Jews who were sick of waiting for a messiah chose their favorite religious teacher Jesus to fill the role. It didn't matter to them that Jesus didn't fulfill the requirements the messiah was prophesized to fulfill.


Paul, these videos are so well done. I particularly like the way in which you distinguish between facts and assertions. Well researched, well commented and well illustrated, your videos stand out as world class arguments stripping away the assertions of apologetics.


The Infographics Show has always been like this. Their videos are not "highly researched", they are mediocre at best and sometimes very strongly biased and inaccurate.
