
Is Jesus God? (feat James Tabor) (N.T. Wright response)

Is it PAULianity or Christianity?!? (feat Robyn Faith Walsh)

Psych Student Tells Christian Apologist He's Wrong (Frank Turek response)

On the Historicity of the Book of Acts (feat Dr Bart Ehrman) (Craig Keener response)

Who REALLY Wrote the Letters of Paul? (New Testament)

Christians DESTROYED my Hypothesis! (Capturing Christianity response)

The FLOOD of FAIL from Newest Creationist Movie (Ark and the Darkness FULL movie response)

Christian YouTubers vs SATAN (feat. Satan)

Creationist Movie FAILS at EVERY Subject! (Full Documentary Response)

Apologist's Shocking Admission about Evidence for Christianity

Yes, Jesus was a FAILED PROPHET (feat Tim O'Neill) (Mike Winger / InspiringPhilosophy response)

The BONKERS Science of a CREATIONIST MOVIE! (Full Documentary Response)

Does God Exist? 4 New Arguments (@PragerU response)

NO RESURRECTION REQUIRED! How Christianity Probably Began.

Was the Resurrection a Historical Event? (Debate Response)

(Not) Answering Hitchens' Impossible Question (Mike Winger response)

This Resurrection Argument Doesn't Add Up (Trent Horn response)

The Hypocrisy of 'Former Christians were Never Christians' (McDowell/Childers/Barnett response)

The Flimsy Folklore of Gospel Authorship

Stereotypes Prove the Resurrection??!? (feat Amy-Jill Levine) (William Lane Craig response)

Resurrection Scholar FAILS my Natural Hypothesis for Christianity! (Mike Licona response)

Why I am Not a Christian

How do you know that Christianity is the one true worldview? (Ravi Zacharias response)

Can Atheism Justify Morality? A Heated Discussion (Frank Turek vs Paulogia)