Joe Rogan CHALLENGED on The Resurrection of JESUS?

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Bio: Ruslan KD is a Christian YouTuber of Armenian descent who was a refugee from Baku, Azerbaijan, before moving to the United States as a child. He started his YouTube channel in the mid-2010s, which has since grown into a popular platform for discussing faith, lifestyle, and music. Known for his insightful commentary on Christian living, culture, and personal development, Ruslan has built a community of followers who value his thoughtful approach to contemporary issues. In addition to his YouTube presence, Ruslan is a speaker, author, and advocate for godly ambition, often addressing topics related to leadership, mental health, and the integration of faith in everyday life.

Our mission is to encourage, empower, and inspire people to live a life that Blesses God, in accordance with His word. As the Psalmist proclaims, "Bless God in the great congregation, the Lord, O you who are of Israel's fountain" (Psalm 68:26 ESV), and "Every day will I bless Thee; and I will praise Thy name forever and ever" (Psalm 145:2 KJV). Just as Simeon, after encountering Jesus, "took him up in his arms and blessed God" (Luke 2:28 ESV), we seek to lead others in a life of stewardship, relevant engagement, and practical living that honors and blesses the Lord.
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I believe in Jesus Christ because, when I called on Him…..He answered. When I repented He filled me with the Holy Spirit.


I think the very fact that Joe Rogan was even entertaining these ideas for as long as he did without a constant flow of humor based attacks and/or cynicism's shows just how significant the conversation was for him.


The greatest evidence for the resurrection of Christ is in the martyring of all of the disciples. These are men who knew Jesus. If anyone knew what they were saying was false, it was them. These men were all given a chance to recant their stories. They were offered money, fame in some cases. They were offered full pardons, but they stuck to their stories till death. Now plenty of people will believe in a cause enough to die for it. But its rare that people will die for a lie that they know is a lie. They were all martyred. They all chose death rather than reject the resurrection of Christ. If it were a lie, they would have known and they wouldn't have chosen death for a lie. Its the greatest evidence for the truth.


Jesus embraced me during a rough time in my life. Most amazing feeling ever. I cannot love anyone more than Christ.


When Joe Rogan compared Jesus resurrection sightings to bigfoot, I would've straight up asked Joe if he knew any bigfoot witnesses be willing to be tortured to death 😅


The issue that Joe has is he isn't seeking God intimately but looking to disprove His existence through those who believe. I believe God will make Himself known when Joe truly cries out to Him.
Keep praying for Joe. Amen


Rogan doesn't want to believe it's not that he cant. Hopefully God will speak to his heart and reveal Himself to him.


Not only were people willing to die, they were watching others die. If it had been a lie or not something they knew for sure, they would've said so.


Note: None of the listed witnesses to Jesus' resurrection recanted under persecution or threat of death. However, there were early believers (who were not eye-witnesses) who did buckle under persecution.
One of the takeaways from that observation is that the threats were very real and very persuasive. Nonetheless, for those who are attributed to having seen Jesus alive after His crucifixion, all of them endured persecution and/or death holding to their testimony of having seen the risen Jesus.


Former atheist who recommitted to Christ here. I recently was struggling with doubt and wanting evidence of Jesus’ existence. I prayed to God that he’d give me a sign of his existence and that he’d reveal himself to me. I was resting my eyes a couple days later and saw a flash of Jesus’ image. God is real, and he loves you.


Nobody ever willingly died or was down with being persecuted over some reports of Big Foot. It’s kinda disingenuous to compare how these people were willing to be persecuted and die preaching the Gospel to “reports of Big Foot.” And it wasn’t just like 1 or 2 people either who died proclaiming the name of Jesus as Lord and Savior. That speaks volumes to me personally.


When I called on God, in The Name of Jesus, and cried for help; HE showed up in the most miraculous and personal way for me to not believe.
Having the historical facts is just icing on the cake.
Because of what has happened in my life, I would still believe if there was no evidence.
Thank you Jesus!! ❤


Stephen Meyer is super smart. I've seen him in person and talked to him after his presentation. Big fan of his work. I'm thrilled he was on the Joe Rogan show. I need to watch it. Pray for Joe Rogan!


I've noticed that Joe Rogan always gets very defensive and stiff when it comes to topics related to Christianity. With other guests he's very mellow, but when it comes to guests speaking on Christianity he always seems a bit hostile.


Anyone, not just Joe, who braces in the face of truth can either be deeply wounded emotionally, or plain stubbornly hard hearted like Pharoah because admitting and accepting Truth comes at a very high cost. When i accepted Christ no one told me i was enlisting in the toughest army in history and that i would be fighting the hardest life battles in the Universe both physically and spiritually. This a NOT a cake walk and people down inside know this.


Been praying for Joe for a while... I'm not a huge fan, I haven't seen too much of him, but I've seen his impact and he is not afraid to ask the tough questions and has such a public reach. I've seen many of his clips and podcasts and always like to hear his perspective, even if I don't agree with him on everything, I've always felt like he is on a genuine quest for truth... and when someone is on a quest for truth, it's only a matter of time before they find the Truth. Going to keep praying. He could win SO many souls for the Kingdom


I love how God is using Rogan. He will come to Christ, it’s a matter of time. And when he does, his testimony will be known and it will be great. More conversations from Rogan are surrounding Christ more


Being a Christian has made me more intelligent, wise, logical and articulate.


Joe Rogan always seems extremely hostile toward Christian's.


The best reason to believe is, why would every one of his disciples die a torturous death saying he rose from the dead if it didn't happen. They all saw him appear to them after the crucifixion.
