Food As Medicine - Full Movie - Free

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Food As Medicine is a documentary film that follows the growing movement of using food to heal chronic illness and disease.
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I was dying, and doktors told me to go home and get my affairs in order. I was 40 and couldn't gain weight due to a mitochondrial disorder. I went to a Naturopathic doctor and he saved my life. Throw out the microwave, eat as much organic raw food as possible, no chemicals or preservatives, drink lots of purified water. It worked.


Any food with a TV commercial should probably not be consumed. That’s my rule of thumb.


I'm a Certified Holistic Health Coach and I know the power of food from first hand experience. My first client was a stage 4 glioblastoma patient who was told she would die in less than a year. Not only did the lifestyle and nutritional changes keep her well but the doctors had no explanation as to why after year one she had no signs of disease. I worked with her for 3 years and gave her the tools she needed to thrive for many more. I'm also a certified yoga teacher, Reiki practitioner, reflexologist, and active aging specialist. I have seen many miracles in my practice, none of which involved pharmaceuticals.


I am a living proof that food is the best medicine ever. I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis more than 20 years ago, at the age of 28, with a toddler at home. After wanting to die, I decided to do everything to be able to live a life as 'normal' as possible. I took all sorts of medicines, went into protocols, was even a guinea pig... until some 15 years later, being near to have liver cirrhosis. What helped me was my son's reaction, telling he would give me part of his liver ! I stopped eating gluten AND dairy of any kind, reduced sharply sugar and increased vegetables and here I am, more than in remission, without pain or so little and most of all, I stopped the cancer pills I had been taking for so long !


I will not consult with my health care team before I decide what goes into my body, thank you.


I gave up all sugars and processed foods, gave up all grains, went keto, ate whole foods, started alternate day fasting and… my energy went way up, brain fog is gone, lost some stubborn pounds, resolved some autoimmune issues, and my pretty nasty joint pains are gone… completely. It’s amazing what a good diet and fasting can do to heal a body!


Me too. I went on disability for a rare anxiety disorder at age 42. I refused to live by what they told me. Threw out all the meds and fought the illness. I was told that at my age (70), I would basically be nonfuctioning or dead. Instead I am healthy. The last two years we started fasting one day a week and eating raw two days a week. What amazed me was how my moods stablized like they never had before. I was furious with all the therapy, doctors etc. no one told me just changing those few things would help me so much.


Always consult with your healthcare team?? Hell no! That's the worst thing you can do


When 1st arrived in the US of A...from France, I was introduced to different foods that I categorically refused to ingest as I love to cook fresh meals daily, I am blessed w/excellent health by following my own guidance!


Thank you for offering this publicly and at no cost. You're awesome.


Grieving is indeed part of the healing process when it comes to a change in our nutritional lifestyle. Leaving old eating habits and foods behind is like losing an old friend. But it is absolutely necessary and on the other side is freedom and good health.


I’m 69 and went though chemotherapy and radiation treatments! I was 178lbs today my health is better because I lost weight, I’m how 122lbs, my diabetes is under control, numbness in my foot is gone and my hair is growing back faster!


Fasting is also an astounding way to heal the body quickly.


Genetics loads the gun, but lifestyle pulls the trigger.


“Let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food.” - Hippocrates


Long-needed movie about food as medicine. Kudos to everyone who helped created it, and everyone in it! Dr. Terry Wahls is amazing!


I am european and I find incredible how little americans know about nutrition. At home we cook with fresh foods every single meal. Even at my child school they do not offer processed foods as burguers, sausages... For dessert fruit or yoghourt


I went full carnivore in late December of this past year. I did slip up for I am a sugar addict. I have now lost about 21 pounds, but the medical benefits are the most important to me. I lost arthritis in my hip, back, and knee, lost twice a week migraines, lost twice a year vertigo and lost crippling anxiety. My teeth are stronger and whiter! I am 54 years old and healthier than ever! I get everything I need with meat, and no liver for me.


Yes, food is medicine ! Ever since I went low carb and eliminated refine sugar, I have learn a lot about real food!, And I feel so much better since!


Debates about some things rage on, but I think it's increasingly clear that processed foods and added sugar are major culprits.
