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In collaboration with the UC San Diego Center for Integrative Nutrition, the Berry Good Food Foundation convenes a panel of experts to discuss the rise of comprehensive medicine and nutritional healing to treat chronic disease and maintain general well-being. [6/2018] [Show ID: 33486]

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I am 70+, male and still working for 8 hours daily. My diet is mostly whole bread, veg + Fruits, meat twice a week, Chicken once a week, River fish when fresh is available. No taking sugar at all. Walk for 40 minutes daily. I controlled my weight as per my height. My B.P remains at 80/110. No Blood sugar problem. I am not using any medicine. having peaceful sleep of 8 hours. I remained grateful and thankful to the Creator for peace around me and always pray for peace for all human beings.


2019 I was dying from lupus . I changed my ways of eating . WITHIN a week life was put back into soul. In Jesus name Amen!


I was diagnosed with severe RA (Rheumatoid Arthritis) in 2005 when I was 36 years old and told by one of the leading RA specialist in my country at the time that I need to go onto CHEMO to control the symptoms and then make peace with the fact that I will end up in a wheelchair before I turn 50. When I asked him if my problem is related to my diet ... he told me not to waste time with "old wives tales". I ignored his advice and started looking at my diet and learned more about what aggravates my RA .... 16 years later I'm in better shape and more active I've ever been.


I had a stroke in 2012. At the hospital and in rehab, they served thing like meatloaf and eggo waffles. I realized they were not helping and discharged myself (I went to out-patient rehab). When I got home, I went vegetarian, and gradually vegan. My diabetes went away, my cholesterol and blood pressure levels returned to normal. I'm still eating plant based and constantly tweaking my diet.


I cut sugar and fast food it’s been about a month and I feel a huge difference in energy and in general health. I’m not saying it’s easy it’s very hard but very worth it. Start now your body will thank you later ;)


When I gave up sugar for a year and ate many fewer carbs and more fruit and veggies + exercise 3 times a week - I slept better and my anxiety really subsided. I lost 30 lbs too!


I grew up in Jamaica 🇯🇲 and this is the practice we have food is medicine. This type of belief was given to us by our ancestors from Africa 🌍 thousands and thousands of years ago NOTHING NEW.


I turned 69 years old last May 10. Thank God that I am blessed to have good health. I do not have any kind of health problem to this date. I do eat a small serving of fresh fruit everyday, such as mangoes, watermelon, papaya, pomelo, avocado, tamarind, cantaloupe, and anything that is in season in my country. I also eat peanuts, almond nuts, pecan nuts, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, and pitted dates. I eat greens such as cabbage, bok choy, watercress, celery, spinach, lettuce, okra, bittermelon and moringa, but not on a daily basis. I will have a slice or 2 of buttered white bread almost every other morning, and have 2 soft boiled egg every morning and a bowl of steel cut oats on other mornings. I drink water with a tbsp of apple cider vinegar 30 mins before every meal. I would have beef and pork meat once or twice a week and eat fish and chicken the rest of the week. I love yogurt, kombucha and water kefir, sauerkraut and fermented baby cucumbers. I am not concerned if I am eating organic or non organic food because organic is not readily available where I come from. BTW, I also enjoy chocolates and cake treats once in a while. I do not deprive myself of some of the guilty pleasures in life
Thank God that I have never been really sick of anything. My mother who had about the same eating habit as mine, lived to be 90 years old. I hope that by sharing this, I could encourage someone to eat moderately and still enjoy to the fullest.


There is a brightness you can see in someone that eats well. They have great skin, thier eyes are bright, and they exude this freshness when they go about thier day. 💕


My mum fed us healthy home grown fruit, lots of veggies, a healthy diet of various foods.
Later when I was grown up I just carried on eating healthy food & when I had a family I gave them healthy foods. Now I'm so pleased to see my 22 year old son prepare his work lunches of fruit, veggies, nuts, a bit of meat or fish. He loves trying out different varieties of cooked veggies or salads. I'm really so proud of him.
It was wonderful though when he said a couple days ago that his liking for eating healthy was due to me teaching him what was healthy & tasty.


After one year with a former diagnostics of cancer tumors in both lungs, two weeks ago after an ER visit for a concussion and subsequent hours of vomiting as a result, a cat scan revealed that the cancer had gone from an almost 4 cm and a 5 cm tumor down to 9mm and 11 mm. nodules in less than a year using ONLY food, the right food, the right supplements. The cancer that would have killed me is all but gone through diet only. The chemo and radiation that would have killed me never had an opportunity as I would never, ever allow my body to be killed by it. I never missed a day of of the hard physical labor I do 24/7/365 at the large animal rescue I work at.


27 yrs young, and I've been preaching this for all my life natural health only, mother nature cures all.


*🍉🍌🥑These lessons needs to be taught at homes, schools and hospitals for a healthy world!🇮🇳💐*


Years ago, when I had a party for my 7year old daughters birthday, I had cut up colorful veggies and arranged them nicely on a large platter on a bed of lettuce. My sister laughed at me and said, Oh yeah right, veggies at a birthday party LOL I said watch me LOL Ii went around the table holding the patter and offering them to take some, and by the time I did the serving, I went back to the kitchen with an empty Platter!!! its all in the presentation


Reversed my type 2 diabetes on the ketogenic diet. Normalized my lipids, lowered my blood pressure, eliminated depression, and lost 60 pounds.


*Great content ~ wow! I'll be coming back for continued reference!* 💖
00:00 ~ Intro
01:30 ~ Ayurvedic Medicine
04:24 ~ The Farmacy: Natural Painkillers in Your Kitchen (Grid)
04:45 ~ 20 Cancer-Fighting Foods
06:50 ~ U.S. Food System Flaws: Ingredients and Additives (chart)
13:02 ~ Anti-Inflammatory Foods (chart)
14:45 ~ Foods for Your Immune System (chart)
16:55 ~ The Therapeutic Order (chart)
17:40 ~ Top 11 Foods and Herbs for Prostate Health (chart)
18:25 ~ Seven Foods That Lower Blood Pressure (chart)
20:08 ~ Vatta Diet | Pitta Diet | Kapha Diet (Chart)
20:30 ~ Vedic Taste Chart
21:05 ~ Six Tastes: Food Synergy Antioxidant Effects of Triphala (chart)
21:15 ~ Food Synergy: Benefits of Food Combining (chart)
22:43 ~ Kale, cooked or raw?
27:07 ~ Medical Food
28:17 ~ "ALL of the healing foods are plant-based." ~ Dr. Sheila Patel


I've been eating healthy for 20+ years, haven't been sick since then. Worked as a sushi chef for 10 years, always studied ingredients, or food in general. Don't think I would take advice from people who have bad poor eating habits especially when it shows. Stay away from processed foods with fructose, added sugar, alcohol, and eat fresh. Your body will take care of you at the end of the day.


I am working towards going to med school with an absolute wholistic and natural approach to medicine. This is groundbreaking work by all of you brave brave people!


Great Quote: "When diet is wrong, medicine is of no use.


Iam from tamilnadu a southern state in in india. We have a book called thirukkural written approximately 2000yrs ago.that book has 133 chapters. In the chapter called medicine the author writes mainly about the food we eat.he also acknowledges that food u eat is ur medicine.
