The Dangers of Psychedelic Use

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We discuss the Physical and Mental dangers of using Psychedelic Drugs. We also debunk several of the proposed "Psychedelic Myths"
0:23 - Physical Dangers
6:16 - Mental Dangers + Myths

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My dog keeps telling me that the trip isn't over
But I don't believe him
Because I don't have a dog


After taking acid it made me realize how far away from my family I was. It helped me grow closer to them and enjoy being hanging around with them.


Anyone ever feel trapped in there brain when the realization sets in that every experience is within ur brain, the outside world never really exists it’s just your senses processing it within your brain then panic sets in and in the moment you think you “broke your mind” scariest feeling ever


"personally, I don't use trip killers, bad trips can have a profoundly positive effect on your life."

*-Adam before his terror trip*


I love how he wears the lab coat to make him look sophisticated


I always wonder how so many people can take psychedelics and just party almost like normal. My experience with mushrooms (and even weed sometimes) always involves a deep internal journey where I follow streams of thought that diverge and intertwine and converge with new thoughts. Like an infinite web of untraveled yet familiar paths.

My first trip was with one friend at a party full of drunk acquaintances. I had been studying psychology a lot and couldn't stop analyzing everything that was happening. It was like watching the nature channel, the more they drank, the more animalistic they became. Guys were trying to demonstrate their value to the women while subtly subverting any competitor's value by making snide comments. The underhanded and competitive tactics just grossed me out and made me realize human nature and how it is deeply ingrained in every aspect of society. Our darkest desires so thinly veiled by civility.
Then I thought about the origins of knowledge and how I know almost nothing as fact. All the knowledge I hold is 2nd hand, 3rd hand, .... 75th hand information, and could be wrong or just a total lie.

I looked over at my friend who was also tripping and asked what he was thinking. He looked up toward the ceiling and said, "That chandelier looks crazy. Where do you think it was made?".


A kid at my high school died tripping on "acid" but of course they found out it was 25i that he took. He did I think 3 hits but it was on a snowy day and he went into the middle of the road and laid down he got ran over twice and no one stopped to call 911
RIP kenny faria


I think I have the "not interested in normal life anymore" problem. Let me explain, I dont want to be in a constant acid trip at all, just I cant be satisfied with the normal way of life which satisfies the huge majority of society, thus my life is harder. If I imagine I will spend next 30-40 years going to work, so I can gain money to live to next month, so I can go to work again, its like looking into the endless dark pit. Scary and empty. And Im not able to find me a alternative, maybe Im stupid, but I just cant do it. I tryed. But failed. Its a big problem to me. And to see how all my friends chose the same way, nobody invented anything new and just grow older and more uncomplaining and stupid, while losing their lives, is a bit of depressing. I just cant escape it and I feel how this is not the way the life should be. When I speak about it, nobody understands what tf Im talking about :/


I love going into trips to have a good time, but there's no way I could do it without being analytical and reflective. A lot of the useful incites I've gotten from psychedelics often hit me hours after my trip anyways


Let me tell you!! I LOVE THIS GUY!!!! I was tripping on acid watching this and it was just the best experience I could have asked for


I had derealization  disorder for about 4 years and when i took hawaiian baby woodrose(LSA) the derealization went away.


Some people just take drugs others take the journey


I've had HPPD for about a year now now from doing 25i (Many times). It doesn't really bother me much though, the only thing is seeing in the dark can be difficult sometimes because of the visual snow. It's sort of just become natural to me now. It's actually quite beautiful during higher dosage LSD trips. The static begins to form fractals and patterns and adds a colorful grain to the environment I'm in. One of my most intense experience at 600 micrograms the static was like these fractal fireworks exploding all across my vision. Despite it being a terrible and anxiety ridden trip, I loved it. The world literally had turned into a Van Gogh painting.


Nice video, pure information, with no music, no subtitiles, humility, man that's what I'm lookingfor, thanks!!!!


I have a history of depression and bipolar illness to varying degrees and still decided to try acid, because I was at a place in my life where it couldn't really get any worse. Acid basically saved me from myself at that time and helped me remove any suicidal thought I every had completely out of my head. This effect has now lasted for multiple years and I am pretty sure it will stay that way. Sure I my depression resurfaced a few times, but never as bad as it was. I can handle it now.

On the other hand though... One of my trips made my bipolar traits way worse for a few weeks to the point where I thought I might be losing my mind. The thing is... I only thought that because of all the paranoia about psychedelics that is out there. I later realized that it was merely a state of transition where my thoughts and my view on the world got radically altered and shifted to new, more positive ways. It was simply confusing to have to admit to myself how many of the things I thought important weren't important at all, and because I gained so much insight about myself it was a bit "too much to handle" for my concious mind, so it took some time for my thoughts to settle down again.

It was a unpleasant period and a lot of work on my thoughtpatterns, but in the end it was massively positive for me and my future, as it has clearly made me a better person. (Judging by the reactions I get from others and the calm feeling I have about myself now.)

Nowadays acid is simply the classical "heroes journey" for me: Go out, explore, have an adventure, laugh, struggle, learn and come back with new lessons about life and yourself.

Thanks for your time and effort making those videos!


you, my friend, are doing a great job for humanity, bless you


Your best video so far. Imma share it. Happy New Year!


what I like most about this video is that he realizes when he uses an opinion. He admits and keeps it apart from the facts. he's not just a drugee who wants to tell you about how nice they feel, but he wants you to choose for yourself. That's what makes him so good. I don't agree with all of his opinions, but he doesn't want me to either. Thanks Adam, for this very educative video and I hope you make more!
P.S.: Make one about the philosophical side of lsd.


So glad you mentioned HPPD. This disorder should be taken a lot more serious. It isn't as rare as you claim it is (in your opinion). You should be very happy that you don't have it. Take a look at the HPPD community on the internet. Hundreds of thousands of people who regret ever having started taking psychedelics. It isn't rare at all, LOTS of people suffer from it. Also, it *is* true that HPPD can last a life time, and it is present 24/7. It is extremely annoying and if I could turn it all around I would never have started taking psychedelics. Also, I have only taken LSD 5 times in my life, and MDMA about 20-25 times, and smoked a lot of weed. I don't think I am this 'extremely rare' case you speak of since 1. I have HPPD permanently 2. I got it after first time use 3. It is constantly present and annoying. My case isn't rare at all, just take a good look around the internet. Look for it, and you will find it. These aren't just 'claims' by people. I mean, yeah they are claims but those people are speaking the truth. Honestly, if I had to make a guess I would say that about 2% of users of psychedelics will get HPPD. That might not sound like much to some people, but 1 in 50 is alot, and it is a large risk to take. Of course everybody is free to experiment with drugs for themselves, but I would hate to see more people join our community because we are going through quite some shit. Yes, you learn to have acceptance and do your best to ignore it, but it can never really be ignored. I'll look at the pattern on the floor in my bathroom, which is a white floor with black squares on it, and I will see negative images of the black squares in between the black squares moving around as my eyes move. That can't be ignored because it is too vivid and present. Also the visual snow is impossible to ignore because it is so vivid and the pixels are pretty big. I would give my life to just have the chance to look at the night sky one more time in clear vision, without visual snow, shadows, after images and stripes completely blocking the view. That's how fucked up it is. That's how much regret you feel when you suffer from this hell of a disorder. I wish I could upload my vision to youtube so I could raise awareness about HPPD. It is relatively common. All these scientific articles claim it is rare, even 'extremely rare', but it's not. The evidence is the HPPD community on the internet. I sure hope none of you get this or already have it like me, but I wouldn't be so sure that you won't get it. I knew what HPPD was before I got it. First of all I thought the exact same thing. I thought it was rare and wouldn't happen to me because I felt I could handle drugs perfectly fine. Secondly, HPPD turned out to be very different from what I thought it was like before getting it myself. I thought people with HPPD wouldn't be able to drive a car because they could spontaneously see something on the road which isn't there. That was retarded of me to think. It's nothing like that. It's a permanent state of visual distortion which you even sort of get used to. It will always bother you because you can't look someone in the eye without your vision becoming weird and your eyes losing focus and you can't look at anything without it being covered in ugly visual distortions completely ruining every view. I wish HPPD was taken more seriously in this video. Especially in the sense that those scientific articles making claims about its rarity are completely bullshit, and that it is pretty common, and secondly about how fucked up it is to suffer from it. If I had known I would get it I would never have taken psychedelics. If I had known the *real* risk/chance of getting HPPD, I probably still would have taken psychedelics but then I would regret it and bash myself even more because I knew what risk I was taking but was still stupid enough to take it anyway. HPPD is in my opinion *the* risk people should be aware of. If you don't have it, consider yourself lucky. I'm not trying to scare anyone because you still have an overwhelmingly larger chance of not getting it than getting it, but trust me when I say that you will say "god how could I have been so stupid?!" when you end up getting HPPD. It is one of the most depressing conditions I have ever encountered. You are totally disconnected from the world around you because your vision is now overlapped by visual crap you don't want to see, and there is nothing you can do to turn it back. Some sufferers are lucky to have it go away after x amount of time, most are like me; suffering for years already and not making any progress, in fact it seems to be getting worse. I've even read some stories of people who's HPPD is so bad that they can barely read. It takes them extremely long just to read one sentence because their vision is all over the place. Permanent HPPD is literally a permatrip, just without the beautiful visuals and elevated state of mind. Just UGLY visual distortions: visual snow, floaters, after images, negative images, shadows, random shapes which are visible because the shape is a different shade of a particular colour of whatever you're looking at. Right now when I look at my green wall, I see a wall covered in visual snow. I see random shapes like a bad rectangle in a lighter shade of green than the rest. The entire wall is filled up with these ugly shapes in a lighter shade of green. Now I see a very light green stripe moving down the wall. The longer I stare at it, the more ransom very light green shapes appear on the wall, together with dark green, shadow like shapes. The wall is in reality just one shade of green, and I can easily see that, but my vision is just covered in fucked up shit.

Please be aware of HPPD before taking any psychedelic. Sure, psychedelics have *incredible* benefits, I have personally benefitted a lot from them, just like PsychedSubstance, but the HPPD is damn near unbearable in your daily life.


I’m leaving an appreciation comment because your channel really has impacted me in a good positive way while tripping just having assurance
