Psychedelics: effects on the human brain and physiology | Simeon Keremedchiev | TEDxVarna

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The talk looks at modern research on how psychedelics affect the human brain and consciousness. It focuses on the psilocybin mushroom and examines key scientific findings on its effects on humans. The talk goes into a degree of detail about the short- and long-term effects of psychedelic substances, and seeks to outline the potential these substances have in medicine and self-development.

Simeon Keremedchiev comes from a legal background, but his interest in different scientific disciplines and human consciousness led him to attaining a degree in Psychology. He is currently
involved in the development and launch of a comprehensive online informational platform, directed at self-development, human consciousness and conscious living. Simeon's work gravitates around the genetic potential which lies within the human genome and our innate ability to unlock it.

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Mushrooms to me are like counseling sessions where the counselor knows every single detail of your life.


I have been depressed for a long time, but after taking shrooms few months ago, l feel much happier and highly motivated and my ADHD gone, lost a ton of anxiousness and had a few epiphanies about how I should live my life. I decided to buy an ounce for backup, but haven’t yet felt the need to take any more since then.


Mushrooms did wonders in my life. I was diagnosed with cptsd since my teenage, spent my whole life fighting cptsd. Also suffered severe depression and mental disorder. Not until my wife recommended me to psilocybin mushrooms treatment. Psilocybin treatment saved my life honestly. 8 years totally clean. This is something that really need to be use globally to help people with similar health challenges.


psilocybin single handedly saved my life. it's like an antidepressant and a therapist all in one. I decided to keep living.


good or bad trip, your gonna learn so much about yourself if you do this


every time he says "in my opinion" i hear "from my experience" :D


Tried shrooms for the first time a week ago and had an amazing experience. I was battling bad depression due to being in the military and after taking the shrooms they opened my mind and released emotions I’ve had hidden for years. I feel much better mentally now.


"We, as conscious beings on this planet, have the genetic obligation to never stop exploring and never stop learning about ourselves."

Beautifully said.


it's nice to hear someone discredit the pharmacological action of anti-depressants in an intelligent way.


Another tip for a trip. Give your trip a distinct intent. Try and give a strong association between the substance and your intention for taking the trip. "To explore myself". "To become more connected to those around me". Keep it short, probably one sentence. And focus strongly on that intention. I even look at the substance before taking it, bestowing this sort of strong association. Then consume the substance, and take a couple seconds to focus on your intention for the trip again. Then go about whatever you were going to do.

Don't fret over it, it will work as a beautiful guide for your trip. It's choosing which direction you're going to roll the snowball down the hill. So choose wisely and genuinely. I feel this is never mentioned in psychedelic advice, and myself only sort of randomly thought up this helpful step before my last 3-4 trips. But those last ones were a spiritual and existential goldmines. Deep inner and outer deliberations on what exactly makes up the build of my "living existence". This does sort of fit into the set of your mind in set/setting. But I feel it is almost it's own important and distinct step because it is so powerful and influential on your journey


Psilocybin mushroom has also shown effectiveness at easing fear and anxiety in people with terminal cancer.


All world leaders should be "Required" to take it before taking office... let it be their "Oath of office"... what a wonderful world.


Best thing is: You don't need to be sick to have benefitial effects of psychedelics usage :)


Psychedelics helped me with depression and social anxiety.
its not a drug, its a tool!


I cannot lie. Mushrooms took me from a bad place mentally, physically, and spiritually, and then put me into an amazing one. Without that experience I wouldn’t be where I am today in life.


The best description I ever heard of acid was that it made the world feel like you were a kid again, I had no idea that science would find it to be true


Psychedelics used responsibly can unlock the psyche. They have helped me to get to the core of my neurotic depressive thinking. I will go on to become a strong leader for others with grace and compassion now.


been taking psilocibine for half a year, now i enjoy cooking myself insted of asking for delivery, i take more care about myself, my health, started the gym, change the coca cola for water, im more responsable at my work, im in a better mode and have a better relationship with others, and the best part, i dont even asked to do all those things, it just seams so easy to do all these things


Got rid of sever depresion I had for 15 years with the help of these. ❤️🙏


I had a very very bad Acid trip a few years ago which lead to PTSD a few months later. I believe it was because I straight away took MDMA after my Acid trip and didn't give my brain time to deal with what had just happened to me.

It all began when I watched Waking Life one night and it triggered me to re-live the feelings I had in the trip. I began to shake and cry and convulse with fear on the floor of my bedroom floor. I had no idea what was happening to me - all I perceived was an intense flood of fear of just 'being' itself.

I was so scared to keep living and even more scared of death. I had around 7 panic attacks daily for about 6 months. Life lost all meaning for me and the only thing that helped was meditative breathing techniques. No amount of consoling from my partner, family or friends made any difference and the world around me seemed like an alien universe.

I questioned everything and lost any desire to do the things I loved.
I saw a psychologist but she was no help and all day I researched what could possibly be happening to me.
I was so scared I had ruined my life and desperately looked for an answer.
Nobody understood the hell I was living every day and I felt so alone.

Slowly I forced myself to start painting again. It really helped me and gave my overactive mind something to focus on that was calming. That and reading about the brain and reading books on Buddhism, understanding the brain and the mind.

Over time I began to develop techniques for keeping the fear at bay. Now when I feel that specific existential fear come up (which is extremely rare) instead of letting it take over, I look at it almost like a box, I recognise it is there and I choose not to open it. It then goes away.

I am now a totally different person than I was before the panic attacks. A much better person. Going through this experience helped me in so many ways and I am grateful for it.
I have far less fear in my every day life and the social anxiety which I had my whole life is near non existent. I am far more confident and much stronger. I deal with things in life much better and I look forward to starting my day as opposed to sleeping in until 12:00 like I used to. I started my own business and care less about how I appear to others.
I also have a lot more compassion for others and understand what it is like to extremely suffer.

I believe that psychedelics are very very powerful tools and must be respected. I would not take back what happened and I hope that one day the legal use of plant medicines will help people. I also believe that we often grow through great adversity and our brains need a big kick up the arse sometimes to truely change.

I write this in hopes that if anyone else is experiencing what I went through they may read it and know not to give up hope of being normal and happy again.
I see this experience now as a gift. <3
