How to Clean Your Mac 2019

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Today we're going over a bunch of tricks to clean up your Mac. If you're getting that spinning rainbow pinwheel, this can be a sign that your Mac is just TOO FULL (it can also be a sign of early-stage hard drive failure).

PLEASE NOTE: If your hard drive is actively (mechanically) failing, then none of these tricks will help you in the long run. My suggestion is that if your Mac is over 5 years old, consider putting the money towards a new computer.

In the first part of this video, David will show you several places where you can go in your Mac and clear out old files as well as where to go to find out where your data "bloatage" is coming from. He'll also show you where to go to clear out old iPhone and iPad backups, old Photo Libraries, and more.

Please consider leaving a comment and let me know how much free space you got back!

The main piece of software we're recommending you check out is Clean My Mac 3.

Save 10% with Promo Code TECHTALK10

It's a great maintenance tool that not only will find junk files, but will also help your Mac run at its peak performance. The link above is a direct download link. If you decide you like it and want to keep it, you can buy the software right through the app.


Need An Extra Flash Drive To Store Your Photos Library?

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I'm half way through the video and have gone from 15GB free to 82GB's! This video is so legit


Thank You - I am an "oldie", recently widowed and learning to cope with life that include heating systems, plumbing and also computer technology and you have been most helpful. Much appreciated.


David! Nicholas here. Wow! What a huge difference. My computer is running way faster this morning - so far no beach ball and pages open much more quickly. Thank you so much.


I went from... 68.41GB to 272.07GB! Probably could have gotten more... but, this will do just fine for now.


I can not thank you enough! I will no longer be cursing at my computer every time it defaults to a weird search engine that I don't want! SO appreciate the tutorial. You are a life saver!


MacBook Pro 512GB Mojave -
Before: 44.11GB available
After: 131.51GB avail!
Saved 87.35 GB!
Thanks David!


Wow! This video helped me so much, for someone who knows nothing about cleaning up my pc I took his advice and turned off FileVault, and believe me it made my pc work faster for real! I have 900 G, whatever that means lol, but I know its more space than what I had before, and it did take time. I let it run while I slept. Thank you, David.


After Wasting A Week On Youtube I Found Your Video And


I wanted to let you know that the tips I learned from this and a few other videos you produced really helped me fix my wife and my 2011 MacBook Pros and later a friends same model. It’s been about a year and all three work like new. The Mac files have been cleaned, the back ups worked well and upgrading from 4 GB RAM and upgrading the HD to 1 TB SSD have made each machine run like a brand new unit. I cannot thank you enough for the help you provided me. You have a great way of teaching. THANK YOU very much.


When I go to clean my memory I don't have "manage" on the page. I only have the drives and how much is used and for what. How do I manage it?


Hi, I know that long time old and continuous usage can slow a mac down and lot of other factors can contribute to degrading mac performance. We can also do something manually like delete large unused files, old app that no longer used, and duplicate data on hard drive. Upgrade mac hardware and firmware etc. We have alternative option too like Stellar Speedup Mac. I have used and found that this tools remove the trash, leftovers and manage the extensions from the mac. Complete uninstall all the unused application simple drag and drop option.


I have been running Clean My Mac since I saw David's recommendation last year. Still running like new. Great video and great product!


Wow - was ready to junk my beloved Mac because it was so slow I couldn't stand it but didn't know what was safe to delete. Tried your tricks and then bought CleanMyMac and freed up over 150g. Flying along now! Thanks. Love your tutorials.


You saved me!!! Thank you for putting such clear and detailed instructions every step of the way. Your efforts are tremendously appreciated!!


I didn’t have a lot of programs, or old photos cluttering my drive but still managed to get back about 12 gigs. I am so glad I watched your video and bought the software because I could not get rid of this adware on my chrome browser. Thank you very much !


Thank you David, tremendous, got back 64Gb. Must ask, why the caution on the photos part of the tool. Please elaborate on the risk or at least why you cautioned us to not use it


I have always been a great believer of judging knowledgeable people by simply hearing them and if they are using plain english words to explain what you consider a complex subject, that only means that, that person is already beyond the subject.
In this case I got to the conclusion that David Cox (as I write this comment), should be dealing with tesseracs and/or similar stuff, because on this video (and all other I have seen) he is just demonstrating an absolute dominance while simply "flying" humbly thru the subjects with professionalism and and absolute interest for other to learn.... this is absolutely fantastic, an eye opener, an example and a complete honor.


I followed your video (several times as am a Mac User not Mac whizz) and although it took me a long time, I saved 198.97 GB space, 10.44GB from using CleanMyMacX! I learned so much doing this as I’d been deleting what I could see and wondering why my machine still wasn’t working! I had no idea about what you can’t see and it was actually very scary! 😱

Thank you once again for another brilliantly informative and very easy to follow lesson! 🙏🤗

Ohh and so far so good, no documents or photos lost! Phew 😅 xx


I use CleanMyMac on a regular basis. I found this video to be a great refresher. Thank you, David!


Even though I love Clean My Mac, your instructions helped me find a ton of stuff to delete. Thanks!!!!
