Why is it Safe to Eat Raw Beef?

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Rare steak is absolutely fine, so why not raw chicken or pork?

Beef is only safer to eat raw compared to pork and chicken, raw beef still poses a risk of food poisoning, but just to a lesser extent for 2 key reasons. Which this video explains

The first reason is that beef rarely contains parasites which can infect us, where as other meats, particularly pork do. Pork will commonly contain worms such as pork worm, and tapeworm, which if are not killed by cooking, can infect us too. Although beef won’t contain these parasites, there is still a risk that pathogenic bacteria can be found on the meat, which could cause food poisoning.

The second reason that raw, or rather rare beef is safe to, is because beef meat is very very dense compared to pork and chicken. This means that pathogenic bacteria cannot penetrate and infect the meat, and so as long as the surface of the beef is cooked there won’t be any pathogenic bacteria inside the meat which can cause illness. However, if beef is left out at room temperature for a long time, bacteria can break down the beef muscle fibres, and begin to penetrate and infect all of the beef.

So, raw beef isn't safe to eat, it is just safer to eat compared to other meats. But rare beef, where the surface of the meat is cooked, is safe to eat, because the meat is so dense, any pathogenic bacteria cannot penetrate the surface.

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Waiter: How would you like your steak?
Me: Beef sushi.


I have ate raw beef since I was around 7 years old (currently 33 years) when my grandfather started to teach me about butchery and learning about cuts of beef, poultry, etc...

After each steer we butchered it was a tradition that his dad passed on to him to thinly slice cuts off of the short lion and eat them with a homemade salsa.

Of course we raised our own cattle back then that my family would sell locally.

Today it is hard to trust on eating what you buy at your local food markets, especially the big chain stores since almost everything is produced in mass with little consideration of cross contamination, especially when it comes to butchering. Many plants operate on speed which leads to carelessness and cut the intestines and stomach contaminating the meat while skinny and prepping the cattle to be be butchered into the cuts.

Same goes for eggs, healthy hen and you can absolutely enjoy a raw egg. But I would not take that route with the eggs you purchase at your major market.


when i worked as a cook the beef came in raw and i found out the other cooks ate it raw sometimes and when i tried it i liked it and i never got sick.


So glad someone made this video. I'm tired of explaining to people why I eat raw steak and why I would never eat raw chicken or pork. So many people assume it's all the same and it's totally not. I've never gotten sick from raw beef, but every single time I've accidently eaten undercooked chicken I ended up vommiting.


came here after watching mukbangers eating raw meat


i love rare steak but i have to eat hamburgers well done because i'd heard its riskier to eat an undercooked burger than a steak. i'm guessing it has something to do with whatever pathogens might be on the surface of the meat getting mixed into it as it's ground up.


I actually find that this is quite useful


Oh thanks for the info, I was scared of undercooking my steak when aiming for a medium rare steak.


thanks, had to show someone this so they would quit ordering well-done steaks


Thank you, what about Beef Tartar, that is left out and cut into small pieces. Surely bacteria can penetrate?


I only watched this video cuz i was paranoid after eating a partially raw burger


Damn too bad u dont upload anymore :( i just found u and i think this channel has a huge potential


Actually factory tendorized and injected beef can contain bacteria inside the beef as well. So it depends. The safest way to eat raw beef is if you raise and kill the steer yourself.


Im watching this cause i think i ate undercoocked beef i mean it was thick so outside was okay but the inside was raw i was worrying about the tapeworm thing cause its scary, especially the pork tapeworm 😵


one question tho why can we cook burgers to medium rare? Don't they grind the meat so the beef had all parts exposed, and they mash them up all together again and the bacterias go inside :/


What if you cut the surface off and eat the remaining parts raw


great so the tape worms in my pork is just dissolved into the meat and now i have tapeworm pork in my fridge.


However it is not safe to eat raw chop meat because the outside part of the meat could have shifted to the inside


I would love a big juicy medium rare steak right now :3 I really wanna try a rare cooked one. How are they?


Nice information but why do you skip 50% of the letters when you're talking?
