Why Does My CAT SLEEP on TOP of ME? 🐱 Is It SAFE?

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🐾 Why do cats like to sleep on top of people? 😻 If you have spent significant time with a cat and you have a good bond, it is more than likely they will enjoy sleeping on top of you. But what does this behavior say about a cat's nature? And how does it relate to people? Watch with AnimalWised to find out more.


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For some months after my husband died, my cat slept on my head (I called him my Russian hat). He even stroked my face from time to time. That little guy KNEW I was grieving and he comforted me more than I can ever express.


Watching this with a cat on top of me.


I consider it the highest honour if a cat chooses to sleep on my bed while I am in bed and even higher still if the cat sleeps in such a position so that it is touching me or resting it’s head in my hand. It’s so much responsibility!


I was once taking care of my cousin's cat, named Precious. She was as every bit as true to her name as it implied. One night, while I was sleeping, I felt her climb up to my side, and curl up next to my head. I opened an eye, only to be greeted by the sight of Precious literally staring me eye-to-eye. A second later, she started licking my forehead.

I started to ask what she was doing, but the cat placed her paw over my mouth as if to say "Shhh, only dreams meow, " and just kept right on licking me.


The moment I say good night and turn off my light, my cat will climb on my back and start making biscuits and purring really loud 🤣😊😊


My cat sleeps on my feet mostly.. when she thinks I have slept long enough, she just bites my toes


I've had at least one cat sleep with me, pretty much all my life, except while I was in the Military. I feel calm with one next to me. A long time ago, when we had many cats, they'd sleep all around my wife, weighing down the blankets on her! She'd wake up complaining (jokingly), "I can't move!" 😸😸😸😸😸 Then there was one cat that, from the time he was a little kitten, my daughter took to bed like a Teddy Bear. She would hold onto him and pet him, and he wouldn't leave her side until he was sure she was asleep! 😸


After reading the comments, I realize I've had too many cats. I can relate to all the situations below. Did I want my cats to sleep in my bed? No. Did I end up getting a king sized bed because they sleep in the bed? Yes. I gave up once I realized they were just gonna sneak in after I fell asleep. And that is how I was trained by my cats.


Kept an extra pillow next to me for my cat so she could be comfortable and able to snuggle together without having to give up my own pillow. I still keep that extra pillow next to me while sleeping, even though she is no longer with me. It comforts me and makes it feel like she is still there by my side


The minute I lay on my back, my little princess peanut will lay on my chest and tell me all about her day lol I adore her so much❤️


When my late husband and I used to live in Chicago (we had four cats), in the winter we would wake to find all four cats camped out on the bed with us. As stated, cats need warmth and Chicago winters could be quite brutal. Loved my little cat family!


I have one who loves to sleep on me and I love it! Another did it for security since she was 22 years old and became deaf from age. She'd sleep on my arm and would wake if I moved. The other one would sleep on my hip since I slept on my side. Still another would sleep curled up in the void left by my legs bent scizzor-style. I have to wake them when I need to turn over otherwise I can't move! Before my older cat became deaf, she'd sleep at the small of my back, so warm in the winter! She's waiting at the Rainbow Bridge for me, for when the time is right. ❤️


I thought the main reason cats sleep on us is for the body heat. 🤷🏻‍♀️


My cat would get comfortable on my chest & stare into my face. she was a sweetheart.


My Black Jack has either slept on my chest tucked under my chin, or on top of my pillow since his very first night with me.


I recently adopted a cat 3 weeks ago, he is an orange 6-month-old kitty. I was surprised how the bond with him was quick. Now he follows me around everywhere and I’m his safe place for afternoon naps. Also, he likes sleeping with me on the bed (for a while) and has found my pillow is the best place to sleep 😹 I love him already ❤️


And why is it always the heaviest of my 4 that has to drape himself over me? Lol!


My house : has lots of place to sleep like couch, bed, and chair.
My cats : *sleep on my laptop


In winter, as I was settling down to sleep, my first cat, Thomas, used to come to the head of the bed, then paw at the covers until I lifted them so he could get under and snuggle next to me. He would purr himself to sleep and would be there all night. In summer he would lie next to me, with just one paw touching my body or his tail draped over my leg, as if to say, "Love ya, Mom, but it's too hot to cuddle."


I have my oldest cat who lies on me and put paws round as if she cuddling me, and my kittens between my legs
