A few MS-DOS viruses on Windows 95

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something a bit different this time. let me know what you like, what you don't like, and what might be cool to see going forward. anything I've covered in the past that you think would benefit from an updated video, or something I didn't cover quite right? just leave a comment.
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I love how Window's "You may have a virus" Pop-ups seem more suspicious than having Abraxas playing on start up.


seeing dan panic during one of these videos is like seeing a scientist realize the alien he's studying has escaped the lab and is eating all of his colleagues


I love how "you computer" ends up not only in a virus related video game, but a Windows help article inside Windows 95 itself.


Hey Dan, it would be an amazing idea to do videos on those antivirus, forgotten software is always fun to look at!


Just a possible explanation as to how CAW might've ran itself. Abraxas is known to infect one random executable file that is in the same directory where it's ran from. There could be a possibility that the executable file despite being renamed, was still detected by Abraxas, which indirectly might've caused the file to run. Alternatively, CRASH could've also done the same thing, as it scans and infects all command and exe files.

From what I've read and what your videos taught me; CAW intercepts the file-opening function (IFS API) to infect new files. There could be a possibility that CAW might've ran itself using the protocol and some funky vulnerability the system had. Also depending on the configuration of the operating system, merely selecting or previewing the file might've caused parts of it to be executed or backdoor itself into memory. There might've also been file operations during the boot sequence or just everyday Windows 95 runtime that could've also triggered it. There could also be another possibility that it was already in memory, since it does install itself as a VxD driver and it was auto-detected by IO.SYS, which loads after the MBR and was responsible for hardware detection and initialization.


The Caw virus is terrifying. It would be amazing to see an in-depth description of how it does this outside of being an executable virus.


A Danooct1 video wouldn't be complete without something going wrong. This one however is just a cacophony of excremet hitting the air circulation unit. I love it so much


I think the video about antiviruses you mentioned would be a pretty interesting watch tbh. Maybe even test them against some common viruses


Wow, the designers of Caw must be very proud. Even when disabled, they made it work!


Dan dont worry about us, if you get burnt out, that's alright! you're a human being keeping us entertained by showing us how to destroy any PCs if they rebel against us


I'd love to see how efficient the older anti-virus programs are. VSafe was garbage, so maybe the days of Win9x woke up the antivirus companies.


This video has such a powerful horror-film-plot vibe. You have the virus simulators in a virus pile (suggesting that offscreen there must be a virus on a virus simulator pile, waiting to be unleashed on the world) and a caw virus breaching containment in 0th second without anyone noticing, THE SECOND TIME, despite appropriate measures being in place.


I love how this video ended up turning into a "When Viruses Fail Part 6".


Abraxas: giving you a MS-DOS shortcut to itself since 1992.


That seems like a cool idea, having viruses try to out-virus each other to see who breaks first.


Making viruses was a piece of cake back then because MS-DOS and Windows 9x had next to no security mechanisms


The graphical artifacts you are seeing on 11:06 are caused by the computer printing something assuming that we are in text mode, while the graphics adapter is in graphics mode. It is not specific to any particular virus. I think all time when you are assuming that it‘s the Caw virus doing things, it’s just a generic consequence of an executable file being corrupted. Earlier, you ran the Casino virus which attempted to corrupt your filesystem. while Windows caught _some_ of that action and prevented it, it’s possible it didn‘t prevent all of it.


Did Caw infect one of your other viruses at some point?

In any case, always a pleasure, dan! 😃


It would be interesting to see viruses that "fight" each others. In the early days, there were some big virus writer turf wars like that, but Im not sure if samples are still around.


very happy to still see you making content :) growing up with you in my tweens and younger teens is the reason i’m a cybersecurity major today. thank you for igniting a flame i didn’t even know i had in me, thank you for year after year being one of the best creators on this platform. 💗
