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sorry for the delay, that feeling of uselessness has been creeping back into my life. i tried some new stuff for this video, namely my iphone 6s for recording video, my blue yeti for audio, and a handy program written by TheGreatCodeholio that makes DOS run at 60Hz, enabling my camera to capture it without inducing seizures due to flickering. check out his channel and github:

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Great video as always! Just a minor comment, the text that should be displayed is actually "24 СЕРПНЯ — ДЕНЬ НЕЗАЛЕЖНОСТI УКРАIНИ !!!" ("24 SERPNYA — DEN NEZALEZHNOSTI UKRAINI") which means "24th of AUGUST — the DAY of INDEPENDENCE of UKRAINE !!!". The song is indeed a national anthem of Ukraine as was mentioned earlier in the comments.


Hey Dan, sorry to hear that you're feeling useless. Obviously I can't make that go away but just know that I always look forward to your videos and they've even began to interest me in viruses. I can't get out of the house too often due to having to care for a mentally disabled family member, but every night when I get a break I always find myself on your channel to check out another virus or two. Keep up the awesome work as always and know that you're not useless no matter how you may feel. <3


I don't know what you're going through right now, but I just want you to know that your videos have sparked in me an amazing interest in computer malware and virology. I'm currently studying several modules on information security in Singapore and I regularly get bored with it because most of it is about audits, incident response and recovery. I've always found computers and code interesting and I'm looking to get into malware analysis once the more management-oriented modules are done. You videos always remind me about what I'm working for, and I just love watching these viruses and malware do their thing on old systems that are so hard to find intact these days! So thank you so much, for having such an awesome (and inspiring) channel, and for taking the time and effort to share these with us, and I hope whatever's got you done will soon fade away and you feel better! :)


Hey Dan, I read the description and read the stuff about feeling useless, and I just wanted to say that I always look forward to you videos every time you release them, and I think they are really cool. I think you are super cool, and your videos are really cool.


Dan, I have major depression and sometimes I can't sleep. I don't know much about computers, but viruses interest me and your videos soothe me. So I watch them at least a few times a week to calm myself down before bed. You're entertaining a lot of people and helping some of us a lot more than you might know. I know it's tough to feel like there isn't a point, but I hope that reading some of these comments at least helps a small bit.


This video got recommended while the conflict is still going, wow YouTube


"sorry for the delay, that feeling of uselessness has been creeping back into my life."

I can relate .-. I hope you'll get through it without too much effort


Been following your channel for nearly 3 years now - you and Amp both, actually. Your videos have shown me a much more interesting side of malware - from a time before writing these things was entirely about money. True havoc for no financial gain.

We love you, Dan. These kinds of viruses are much more scarce nowadays, and seeing you demonstrate them on the systems they were designed to run on is really fascinating. You're doing the world a favor here.


It sucks that you feel useless. Keep in mind that there are people out there who are glad to see whenever a new video of yours pops up, me being one of them. I myself am suffering from various mental illnesses and your channel is one which actually makes me smile even when it feels impossible to even feel happy. I just wanna say keep up the good work and remember, people care about you. Hope you're able to feel better soon.


The Independence Day of Ukraine is on the 24th of August. That's probably why the virus triggers its payload on the 24th of any month.


Hey Dan, I usually just lurk around but I thought I'd just say that I've been watching your videos since 2009. You've really been a huge inspiration to me, even so far as the encourage me to learn to program. Even though my favorite youtubers change from year to year, I've always come back to your channel. I know the feeling of being useless, and it definitely sucks. Hope you feel better soon. Don't rush to make videos, take your time. Your videos have gotten me through some hard times, so thanks.

Back to lurking I go, keep up the good work!


Гимн Украины на PC speaker. Такого я еще не слышал. Это прекрасно.


"I am Cornholio! You do not want to face the wrath of my bunghole, for I need TP!"


That camera quality kiiiinda makes me want an iPhone 6 series. Wonder how the new Samsung cam modules stack up?

Also, I hear ya on the 'feeling of uselessness' thing. Fight against that feeling man, you do good stuff.


Don't feel useless, your videos are great. Every of us watching your videos for different reasons, some peoples(like me) wanna see that times when viruses makes just4fun, not for money, some people watching it for nostalgia about DOS times. We love your videos.
Sry for my bad English, btw I'm from Ukraine ;)


Cyrilic symbols displayed incorrectrly. I think these unreadeble sentence tells something about 24 August. Its indepedence day of Ukraine. "24 Серпня - День - незалежностi УкраЇни"


Вірусняк для ДОСу, який показує герб з прапором і співає гімн, а потім знищує всю систему, клас, що тут ще сказати?


You aren't useless. Stay positive. I know it's easy for me to say that, but please do.



... I'm sorry Dan


"24 æàÉÅìƒ - äàì£ ìàçÇïàåìÄæÆI ôèÉÇIìê !!!" = "24 СЕРПНЯ - ДЕНЬ НЕЗАЛЕЖНОСТI УКРАIНИ !!!"
