2 5 1 Chord Progression Guitar: 20 Options in Under 5 Minutes

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Here's a video demonstrating 20 alternative ways of playing a 2 5 1 chord progression. These 2 5 1 chord progression guitar voicings get more and more elaborate as you move through 5 'levels' of complexity. This lesson includes both major ii V I guitar voicings as well as minor ii V I chord progressions.

Thanks for watching - leave a comment below letting me know this: Which was YOUR favorite out of all these progressions, and why?

Kind regards,

Greg O'Rourke
Founder, FretDojo
Excellence in Online Jazz Guitar Education

Рекомендации по теме

This is the coolest ii-V-I collection I have ever seen in one shot 4 ages


For reference, minor 2 5 1s start at 2:25
