Benedict XVI: I Am Not The Pope

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Part two is coming tomorrow, reflecting the view many of you have: that Benedict is under duress. Remember: I'm not endorsing either view. As always, you're free to believe what you want either way. I'm just pointing out one angle on this story, and tomorrow I have the other angle, from an Italian source that won't be covered anywhere else in the English-speakng world most likely.


I just woke up at 4am Seattle time and couldn’t sleep. I’m on the road in a hotel. So I prayed the rosary. At the end after the Hail Holy Queen... and the “Oh God, whose only begotten Son...” I picked up my phone to see the time and this video was there. I listened. After I realized I prayed for “both” popes Benedict and Francis in that order because I have been so upset at Francis.
It just dawned on me. Jesus is coming soon. He will end the controversy. And He may be coming sooner than we think.
Ty Anthony. Ave Maria. Viva Cristo Rey


He was the one that asked for the title Pope Emeritus when he left


He resigned 8 years ago due to "lack of strength of mind and body". The first is "MIND", then "body". In this interview it seems to me that he still has a sharp mind.
Every Pope had a weakened body by the end of his papacy, but since 1415 (!) no pope did resign until death.


The timing is conspicuous and the Vatican PR department always shows itself when controversy approaches.


Yup... the Akita chastisement is inevitable. Pray for family & friends and rejoice: Come Lord Jesus.


He said upon his resignation that he didn't think he was fit to remain as pontiff, but yet after almost 8 years h's still alive and presumably well.


When I returned to the church 8 yrs ago and knew a fraction of what I know now I still had reservations on JP2 and Benedict.


I agree with your view on Benedict XVI. He was very much an avid participant, contributor and proponent of the Second Vatican Council. Ratzinger showing up in sessions garbed in layman's clothing. And while it was commendable and courageous that he issued Summorum Pontificum, he was a weak Pope. Recall the backlash he received by his comments on Islam, in Regensburg, and his response, which came off as, to many, like soft back peddaling . Among the many side effects of modernism is the tendency to dilute the Faith. To weaken its purpose and its execution. From Roncalli to Frances, every Pope who conceded to this heresy, (yes folks, its a heresy), has allowed that fox continued access into the hen house. What about John Paul II, the Great, you ask? He was well acquainted with the evils of Communism, and did his part to reduce its footprint in Europe, but he failed to suppress the spread of Marxism among the clergy in Latin America, or contain the rampant sexual scandals, or control the liturgical abuses which reached ridiculous levels. The Second Vatican Council voluntarily brought in the Trojan Horse behind its walls and now finds itself combating enemies on two fronts. The price for concessions to the world is weakness. You cannot appease a world that is diametrically opposed to your reason for being, and works for your destruction. It is long over due and high time for the Church to be what the Church here on earth is; militant. It needs to gear up its armor and fight for the rightful claim of Kingship for Christ. So, the Pope needs to wear the tiara again, and be the monarch he's called to be. Not just some jet setting, good will ambassador who dispenses concessions. And if the world hates him for looking and acting as a real Pope does, then rest assured. He's doing the work he was called to do. Every true Pope will have his Quo Vadis moment, when they will encounter our Lord carrying his cross. They all don't have the courage to choose as Peter did when he asked; "Lord, where are you going?"


JPII the Great used to say that he couldn't resign because there wasn't anybody higher to turn his resignation into.


Interesting assessment. I tend to agree. Error must be refuted and the course of the Ship made true.


Please pray for the grace of my salvation brothers and sisters


Who knows what evil forces Ratzinger/Benedict has had and continues to contend with. Whatever he says now in his very old age, I will always be grateful to him for his work under JPII and as pope — most importantly, opening up the Latin Mass to more Catholics.


Why didn’t he go and lock himself away in a monastery and never be seen again?


He said there's only one Pope he didn't specify Francis. 😏


So now Benedict (and francis) support the position of being personally opposed to abortion but yet supporting it? So if I am personally opposed to deporting all "undocumented immigrants, " yet support all legislation to do so, do you think francis and benedict would accept that as a legit position for a Catholic politician to hold?


Thank you Anthony, I really enjoyed this video. And I have never thought Benedict was still the Pope. And he also was to modern for me..Continuing to pray for the church, Pope Francis, and Benedict.🙏🏻🙏🏻


I agree with you wholeheartedly! Thank you for your reports! God bless you and keep you!


Surely, he is not the Pope of this Vatican. But he will always be the Pope of the faithful.


While POPE Benedict isn't perfect; he's vastly superior to Bergoglio! Ave Maria!
