Benedict XVI: I Am Ontologically POPE! So WHAT is Francis?

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Pope Francis would NOT be a Valid Pope IF Pope Benedict's "resignation" was invalid! Pope Benedict XVI confirmed that he did NOT renounce the OFFICE of Peter or The PAPACY but simply the Governing Aspect of the ONE Office! In a new biography released on May 4, 2020 (in German), Pope Benedict makes some statements that highlight his OWN understanding of his so-called renunciation according to which he Gave Up any “Concrete Legal Powers” and any role of Governance, BUT at The Same Time MAINTAINED the “spiritual mandate.” of the OFFICE of the Papacy!

#PopeFrancis #PopeBenedictXVI #LatinMass

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I love Pope Benedict. He is my Pope. God bless him.


Wonderful video. Thank you for what you do.May God bless you!


I wish „Jorge“ would spare us further scandal and say bye bye!


Well done. The Seewald interview clinches it. Thanks for your work.


A good book is: "To Deceive the Elect" by Fr. Paul Kramer!


Love you brother!!☝️☝️💯keep up the Fight...!!!! Let's just keep CHARGING FORWARD!! ! !!! NEVER RETREAT IN THE TRUTH!!!!😎


Keep up the good work!
God bless you
God bless the faithful


See exactly what I said about Benedict, He is Still Pope. He is our Spiritual Father. Francis is illegitimate. Thank God, I don’t want a Jesuit Pope.


Why does everyone always blame God for what man does himself???


Very goid news about Pope Benedict. We are spiritually in the hand of a great saint and a great Church Father, like Saint Augustine.


4 words. Universal and peaceful acceptance. It’s a dogmatic fact that Francis is pope.


If the interpretation of the Canon Law is correct, would this be BXVI's trump card, that in case a pope, not of his desire was elected, he would hold on to?


Is there an ontological change when a man is elected or enthroned as pope? Not in any recognized theological work written by a Father, Doctor or reliable theologian.


Not a bone of it shall be broken. The body of Christ remains intact, stretched on the cross, dislocated perhaps, covered by His Flesh, which maintains the integrity of the body via the Eucharist. Christ also prayed that we remain one, a prayer honored by the Father for those who maintain the Faith, that is, the truths of the Creed. Those who have no intention of abandoning these tenets of the Faith remain in the Church. Christ still operates in the Church maintaining unity in the flesh for those who hold the true Faith. It is not necessary to judge the governance but to obey authority... except in sin.


How do converts to catholicism, like me, work this out? I don’t want to be a part of a broken church, like Protestantism.


OK I have two things to ask you to ponder:
Nebuchadnezzar- he had his reign taken away for seven years he became a beast and then got his mind back and got his office back!
Benedict had his office taken away when Biden was sent over there to make him step down during the sex scandals and the ATMs were shut down.
When B16ths brother was dying he was allowed to leave the Vatican after seven years of basically imprisonment.
I don’t think that we need to rush to accept him as the pope because of the prophecy of Daniel chapter 13. This is when two bad people pretended to be just judges and condemned Susan who represented the church to death!

The second thing I want you to ponder is Daniel chapter 13 where two judges were sent from Babylon and they wanted to do with Susan in the garden of Joachim what was not permissible and Daniel saved her from being executed on the third day!
So in the Vatican there are two Popes and one opened the door just as one of the elders open the door so all the others could rush in.
Benedict open the door so that Jorge could do his job as the false prophet.
We have one Jorge trying to allow everyone into church A new church called the NWO without being converted and had his own boat come into the Vatican in October of 2019, as well as idols.
I believe Jorge is the false prophet and idol.
So he is trying to introduce another way to be saved but as in the beginning of the New Testament scripture when there were two boats and too many fish getting in the nets !The nets were breaking and the boats were sinking.
Peter said leave me Lord for I am a sinful man!
Did not Benedict say that he was fearful that Jorge was causing the ship to capsize?

Then We have another story set in the city of Susa in the book of Esther where two eunuchs tried to take out the king and Hamon try to destroy the people of God.
Esther fasted for three days and her people were saved.

The dream of Mordachias shows two dragons battling and then
shows that the waters of a Stream became the light and then became the sun.

So, when the idol event happened in the Vatican a new pope was proclaimed. As in Michaes 5:5 because as we read in OSEEE Chapter three versus four and five we have not had a pope king sacrifice or alter for many days.
The new Pope is in hiding and he is the main person who brought the information about the scandals.
I believe Vigano is the new pope and the proclamation was the same date as when John Paul the second was made pope October 16, 2019!
In verse 5:5 of MICHAES it says there are seven shepherds and a principal men Who appoint a new pope or king when the antichrist comes into our houses or our churches! Francis is the antichrist and Fake Pope!
If you read Matthew chapter 23 verse 15 and go to the announcement of him becoming pope you can see the parallel that they searched land and Sea and this is what they got- a son of the devil twofold! He is both the beast of the land and the sea; and when you watch the video of him letting out the two doves they are attacked by a seagull and a crow! One bird being from the land and one bird being from the sea!
So Benedict, with a placeholder- and now we have a new pope but he is in hiding!


We've had retired popes in the past, just it doesn't happen often; in the case such as this, and I don't doubt that those two do discuss matters, as no wise pope ever pronounces anything to be doctrine without serious consultation- it's kind of a competency test that the Holy Spirit imposes on His mouthpiece in the chair of Peter if you please- *we ourselves* are safe to claim things, due to the lesser-by-far damage we could do compared to any pope; for whosoever cares what any of us individuals says is solidly canon but ourselves- it doesn't impact anyone else really, besides those who believe it, but a *pope* is a whole different matter altogether. That's the same argument I'd use in debating a protestant at that: the degree of damage principle as I call it- we go rogue, almost no damage is done, the pope goes into error (if possible), a whole lot more damage is done- it's the "cost of loss" principle in terms of a wargame enacted here. But we *have* had retired popes in church history, not that many, but its happened.


We need to see the hand of THE HOLY SPIRIT, in this situation. I believe Pope Benedict was guided by the Holy Spirit. We outside the Vatican, do not understand the why’s of how the situation came about. GOD ONLY KNOWS. We can’t second guess the Holt Spirit.


Guys, if in doubt to whom you're to be loyal to, if anyone, stick to the Decalogue, and you'll be protected, especially if you don't claim more responsibility than you're capable of handling- beyond that, in a time like this "go dark" and move silently, "under cloak" and navigate by the Decalogue, not the papal statements of any claimant to the throne of Peter. Even Pope Peter wasn't protected from *sinning*, he was protected from *doctrinal* errors in *teaching* them, but not in terms of sinning; no pope is given that kind of supernatural protection from sinning- if in doubt, check up with the Papal Infalibility doctrine, it states that the pope cannot teach error in faith or morals when speaking from the chair of Peter, but boy do they at times say some dumb stuff- so they're not protected from that, but from *teaching* heresy they most definitely are.
A man with a shield can lay it aside, a man with an energy shield in say "Star Trek" can disable it; dumb thing to do in combat, but he can do it; a pope can shoot off his mouth and say some profoundly stupid things- he shouldn't, because people hang on his every word- and it seems therefore that Pope Francis is incompetent in that way, but beyond that, sorry... no idea on the matter elsewise, and Pope Benedict XVI would agree with that caution about another man's ability to do a job. Mind you, I said it seems, not he is.


Let your yes mean yes and your no mean no.
