Pope Benedict XVI's Farewell Message of Hope for the Future of the Church

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Pope Benedict XVI's Farewell Message of Hope for the Future of the Church is the focus of this video.

On Wednesday, February 27, 2013, over 150,000 faithful gathered on Saint Peter’s Square to attend the last audience of Pope Benedict XVI (who officially resigned the following day).

On this occasion, the Holy Father gave words filled with hope for the future of the Church.

Here are some of his words:

“I have always known that the Lord is in that boat (of the Church), and I have always known that the barque of the Church is not mine but his.

Nor does the Lord let it sink; it is he who guides it, surely also through those whom he has chosen, because he so wished.

This has been, and is, a certainty which nothing can shake.

For this reason my heart today overflows with gratitude to God, for he has never let his Church, or me personally, lack his consolation, his light, his love.

We are in the Year of Faith which I desired precisely to reaffirm our faith in God in a context which seems to push him more and more into the background.

I should like to invite all of us to renew our firm confidence in the Lord, to entrust ourselves like children in God’s arms, certain that those arms always hold us, enabling us to press forward each day, even when the going is rough.

I want everyone to feel loved by that God who gave his Son for us and who has shown us his infinite love.

I want everyone to feel the joy of being a Christian.

In one beautiful morning prayer, it says: ‘I adore you, my God, and I love you with all my heart.

I thank you for having created me and made me a Christian…’. Yes, we are happy for the gift of faith; it is our most precious possession, which no one can take from us!

Let us thank the Lord for this daily, in prayer and by a consistent Christian life. God loves us, but he also expects us to love him!

“Anyone who accepts the Petrine ministry no longer has any privacy.

He belongs always and completely to everyone, to the whole Church.

The ‘always’ is also a for ever; there can no longer be a return to the private sphere.

My decision to resign the active exercise of the ministry does not revoke this.

I do not return to private life, to a life of travel, meetings, receptions, conferences, and so on.

I am not abandoning the cross, but remaining in a new way at the side of the crucified Lord. I no longer bear the power of office for the governance of the Church, but in the service of prayer I remain, so to speak, in the enclosure of Saint Peter.

Saint Benedict, whose name I bear as Pope, will be a great example for me in this.

He showed us the way for a life which, whether active or passive, is completely given over to the work of God. . .

“Dear friends! God guides his Church, he sustains it always, especially at times of difficulty.

Let us never lose this vision of faith, which is the one true way of looking at the journey of the Church and of the world.

In our hearts, in the heart of each of you, may there always abide the joyful certainty that the Lord is at our side: he does not abandon us, he remains close to us and he surrounds us with his love.

Thank you!

May God bless you and keep you!

Our Lady, Queen of Peace, pray for us!

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I've been praying for Pope Benedict XVI everyday. May God bless and protect him.✝🙏📿


Today, the birth of Jesus, is a gift to all of us Christians. My prayer this Christmas is that everyone will accept the messages of Jesus that teach us how to live our lives that demonstrate loving Christianity to all of God’s children .


When he was the pope, I used to pray for him every single day, and two months before his resignation I saw him in my dream three times in very significant ways and one of those times he was not wearing his habit, he was in secular clothes, and he asked me for more prayer but I didn’t make anything out of it. Two months later he resigned.


Lieber Papst Benedikt, mein bayrischer Papst, gesegnete Weihnachten und moege die Patrona Bavaria Sie und unsere heilige Kirche schuetzen. Gloria in excelsis Deo, et in terra pax hominibus.


Renew my firm confidence of the Lord. Thank you
Papa Benedict
Peace 🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️be with🕊️you🕊️


GOD bless!
Jesus, Mary, I love you save souls!


What a beautiful message of love and hope from our dear Papa Benedetto. I pray for him every day. This Papa is truly God's holy man. Mother Mary protects him and will keep him safe till God calls him Home. Love Papa Benedetto. God bless and protect him always. Thanks for letting us hear his message again. God bless you from Australia 🙏


Our love and gratitude always to his His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI.


I was so happy to hear this message from Pope Benedict XVI. It was the late Fr. Gruner that believed that he was still the Pope because he didn't give up the Munus. I also believe that he is in the prophecy of St Pius X of a pope with the same name "Joseph" and an attack at the Vatican. He is also the Bishop in white of Our Lady of Fatima.


Happy Christmas Pope Benedict. Buon Natale!


Father who art in heaven, guide & shield all who come onto thy Fathers house in Jesus Christ’s Name; Blessed art thou Father, Son & Holy Spirit; Be humble & kind. In Jesus Name oh come Emmanuel come. God Bless, Amen. Merry Christmas & Happy New Years to all


Papa please reclaim your chair. We love you and miss you.


“We’ll, dear faithful Catholics, the wolves are now at the door and so I must flee. Good luck.👍”—Benedict XVI


I am now praying rosary for Pope Benedict XVI. every day n night. A few months ago, Suddenly, he came to my mind. l honestly regretted that l have NVR pray for him when is our Pope. When he needed our prayers most. Please forgive me dear Holy Father🧎. Dear Almighty God, please bless him with good health, strength n protect him from evils hearts n all harms. Dear Mother Mary, Queen of the Holy Angels, St Joseph. n St John Paul ll, please pray, watch n take good care of Joseph Ratzinger, Pope Benedict XVI. amen.🙏♥️ 💞 ....l have been praying rosary everyday for p.francis.since he became pope.. .For the last few months l Stop !!! Since the world are praying for his intentions in every masses . l just pray for his conversions instead.!!!🙏. ✝️.


What a beautiful message and one that is in my heart, I felt that Love at mass this Christmas Eve 2021, a beautiful service truly holy and of god it was.. I feel Closer to God day by day.... Thank you pope Benedict for that message, I pray everyday for you, pope Francis, the cardinals, archbishop's, priests and all the Christians of the world and those who don't know Jesus yet🙏🙏




He should have never ever let himself be forced off the Chair of St Peter by McCarrick and the St Gallen Mafia.


God bless the katejon Pope Benedict XVI


Thank You Pope Emeritus Benedict. Your humility to step aside is admirable.


I will pray your good health to GOD, GOD BLESS YOU POPE
