5 Enduring Lessons from Pope Benedict XVI

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Friends, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, the 265th pontiff of the Roman Catholic Church, has passed away at the age of 95 years old.

In this special “Word on Fire Show” discussion, Brandon Vogt and I reflect on his life, impact, and key ideas and contributions.

We specifically touch on five key areas:

18:13 - True reform vs. false reform in the Church

21:57 - Liturgical renewal

24:25 - Importance of the Bible for theology

27:27 - Synthesis of faith and reason

30:21 - Christocentrism






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Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord, and let Your perpetual light shine upon him. May almighty God bless him with His peace and wrap him in the blanket of His eternal love in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.


I will trust in God. Even though it’s difficult, I will continue to walk with faith and not by sight. Please pray for me. My husband passed away years ago. I’m all alone. I’m a single mother. Both of my sons are autistic, they require a lot from me because they are non verbal. Every month is a struggle, to not end up on the streets. I lost my job as a social worker at Forsyth hospital because I declined the vaccine. I declined because of my pre existing health condition lupus, and heart disease. I was denied my medical/religious exemption. I wish I could go back but the mandate is still in place for hospitals that participate in Medicare and Medicaid all employees must have covid 19 vaccine. I get harassed constantly and mocked for sharing my testimony and for asking for prayers but prayers are all I want and I also want to bring awareness of how vaccine mandates are ruining many ppls lives. I’m now waitressing and I’m so thankful but not making nearly enough to get by. I’m tired of struggling putting food on the table it’s so discouraging. But even as I’m put down and mocked because of my situation. I still have faith that our Heavenly Father will provide he has THIS FAR! Faith over fear. Please pray for me and my boys! God bless! 🥰


Thank you, God, for the life of Pope Benedict XVI. May he rest in Peace.


Pope Benedict holds a special place in our heart because we were able to meet him while on our honeymoon in Rome. He was so kind and so humble! When we shook his hand and spoke to him, he gave us his full attention like we were the only people in the world. He carried the presence of Christ...I'm sure he's rejoicing with Jesus, Mother Mary, and St. Pope JPII right now. Continued prayers for his soul...Pope Benedict pray for us! 🙏💕


A long time friend of Jesus, at last they meet. I've no doubt Our Lord Jesus embraced His friend, Joseph/Benedict, warmly today. Our loss in this world is heaven's long awaited gain. Rest forever in the joy and peace of your friend, Jesus, Pope Benedict! ❤✝❤ 🙏


I'm 24 and he's my first Pope passing this is so sad


I am very grateful to Pope Benedict XVI. I read his books on Jesus at a time in my life when I was feeling overwhelmed by the liberal culture in the academic world. He helped to re-center my faith on Jesus Christ and totally embrace theological orthodoxy. May he rest in peace.


Pope Benedict is the reason Janie and I crossed the Tiber from the Anglican Church. Our small Episcopal, St. Anne's in Keystone Heights, Fl was closed and we were invited to St. William there by our friend, Lynn Schwartzwelder. I began reading him and was stunned by the depth of his intellect and huge passionate heart. That was 30 years ago and we have been passionately Catholic ever since. Pope Benedict, thank you and pra;y for us!


I remember my Grandmother once told me that he was one of the priests responsible for helping Jewish citizens and Catholic citizens to get to America seeking a better life.

Rest in Heaven Pope Emmeritus Benedict XVI. Continue to bless Pope Francis. Continue to bless our Bishops, Priests, Seminarians, Nuns, and Consecrated Lay men and women. In Jesus name, Amen.


Pope Benedict is deeply loved. By God and by us. Forever in our hearts. He was shy and an introvert but he did his very best to lead the Catholic church through these times. Pope Benedict be assured, we will keep praying for you. Especially the Divine Mercy chaplet. Thank you for everything.


We're deeply grateful for the ministry of Joseph Ratzinger.


“I say to you dear young people: Do not be afraid of Christ! He takes nothing away, and He gives you everything. When we give ourselves to him, we receive a hundredfold in return. Yes, open, open wide the doors to Christ and you will find true life."
-Pope Benedict XVI


Farewell my belived Pontiff, Pope Benedict XVI. You will forever hold a special place in my heart. Becuase of you I cherish & practice orthodox Roman Catholicism, love & attend Latin Mass when available, though a product of post vatican Ii. My shaking your hand at a Papal audience during a pilgrimage to Rome is my greatest treasure.!!! You've been the screen covering on my phone for years. I love you!!! I'm saddened by your death & have wept as I read or hear discussions about you. You were one of the greatest gift to the church & a great loss. You were loved around the world. People have been calling sympathizing with because they know how I adored you. Thank you for all you did. Requiescet pace!!! Sylmae


When I read his books, I found he was brilliant and pure minded person and so close to Jesus. Faith and Reason, Christocenteric vision of Church. He was able to see error in this age, which is relavitism. The world we now see is swirling around the extreme relavitism, denying there is objective truth outside of us. Pope Benedic XVI and St. Pope John Paul II, pray for the Church and us all!


Wonderful video Bishop!
Pope Benedict was amazing. I’ve been trying to read his works & various things about him. May he Rest in Eternal Peace!✝️


Bishop Barron, first allow me to offer my sincere condolences on the passing of Pope Benedict XVI. I would also like to say that I am a United Methodist, but I frequently watch your videos and I appreciate your viewpoints and the respect and dignity you show to people of all faiths. Your comment at the end struck me. Karl Barth has always been one of my theological heroes. A Professor I had as an undergraduate (a retired Methodist minister teaching at a Catholic Liberal Arts College) heard Barth speak at Princeton Theological Seminary and he said the same thing when asked how he summarized his theology and then stated the opening line to "Jesus Loves Me, This I know..."...I still remember that story all these years later. How wonderful that a song we view as a simple children's hymn could sum up the very meaning of being a Christian. How interesting to hear that in your interpretation, Pope Benedict XVI would have agreed. Thank you again for the work you do. I celebrate the commonality of our Faith and embrace the dialogue between us! To paraphrase a quote from another of my Theological heroes, Bishop Futon J. Sheen, "we may not all be able to meet in the same pew on Sunday morning, but we may all meet on our knees". God Bless you, Bishop Barron.


Few are the minds apt at thinking and living with grace in and from paradoxes. Such a mind and heart was Benedict’s.
Shalom, Levis


He was a caring Good Shepherd, a loving Father who taught the faith clearly and understandably. 🙏


Rest in Eternal Peace Your Holiness, My Pope🙏🙏


One has also to comment on his humility and the way he stood aside, silent... in prayer while storms raged about him. His behaviour an example, a blessing to the whole world. Rest in Peace Benedict XVI
