Tackle your intrusive thoughts head on through building resilience. #shorts

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While it may not appear so to sufferers, intrusive thoughts are actually incredibly

Many people experience bizarre thoughts on a daily basis and are able to simply discard
them as nonsensical or completely random. 💡

However, other people really struggle in letting these thoughts go. And that’s where
intrusive thinking can become a bigger problem.

One of the best ways to combat your unwanted intrusive thoughts is to tackle them
‘head on’. This can seem really scary, especially as your first instinct may be to try and
ignore, avoid or bury them.

Continuously acknowledging the thoughts as nonsense, no matter how uncomfortable
they may be, will build further resilience against intrusive thinking.

#intrusivethoughts #intrusivethinking #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #bpd
#ocd #anxiety #psychology #psychologist
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Before staring the self abusive Crusade of fixing ourselves - like auto-immune disease - I would rather seek external cause of intrusive worry.
IT is highly likely that toxic people and abuse hidden as discipline or help or friendship is causing this mind traps and worry loops.

The idea that our normal reactions to abnormal people is something that we must fix in order to crap fit into abuse - is by definition narcissistic gaslighting and this can end up with mental illness due to relentless toxic shame and self blame for criminal activities of insane people around us masked as normal.

Lundy Bancroft:
"Abuse is NOT caused by bad relationship dynamics. You can't manage your partner's abusiveness by changing your behaviour. But he wants you to think you can."

Interpersonal strife with those close to us leads to rifts and resentments that produce symptoms of mental illness; these problems are, in fact, the logical consequence of troubled relationships.
Glasser emphasizes that lasting psychological problems are usually caused by problems in our personal relationships (rather than signifying a biochemical abnormality in the brain), and distress can be remedied through repairing these relationships without recourse to psych drugs.


Thank you very much!
I often have intrusive (unwanted) thoughts. I don't really know where they come from. I don't know why they come again and again.
