Healing the Brain After Loss | Webinar

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Lisa Shulman, MD hosted an engaging conversation with Board Chair David W. Dodick, MD, FAAN, about translating brain dysfunction to effective intervention. She covered loss, grief and our brain, and also answered audience questions.

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I was helping somebody so much and causing so much happiness that this became a very special part of my identity, it was amazing to feel how much I could make a difference for somebody. And suddenly when you are torn away from the person you love and who loves you and who is sharing so much happiness, it's really a huge, huge pain.


Thank you for your explanations and insights, Dr. Shulman. I lost my husband and suddenly and unexpectedly six years ago, and while I have built a life I love after loss, I find it helpful to gain knowledge and understanding from your education and expertise.


Thank you Lisa for such an important webinar. Your closing statement about how the level of loss can interrupt our self identity. To hear this does happen, as it has to me, I feel a little less, well, like I'm not the only one.


Thank you Lisa for your well balanced answer where you go through that grief is an ongoing journey where it doesn't disappear -poof! And its magically over.
With this year of grief - I can now spot a living ghost - the surviver of a relationship as they walk through town etc. Approximately how much of the population are ghosting life because they have little support with little understanding of how their brain & body is coping and the impact on their life that usually turns into a kind of existing rather than living - needs to be addressed.


Amazingly helpful - I feel sane again !!! It's been a nightmare of a year where it would have been easier to jump off a cliff.
A lot to take in and sooo thankful for suggestions - I've spent a year paralysed on sofa or dragging self around even to make a hot drink. I can now concentrate for approx 30 minutes now which is a miracle. 😊
Would acupuncture assist calming amygdala down ?


Extremely helpful and insightful. I've just lost a close family member a few weeks ago and this has really helped me understand why I'm in such a fog and struggling with my memory.


Hey Thanks this was 👍 great Really truly helpful. Thanks for sharing your knowledge.


PTSD is so misunderstood by clinicians! Not by those of us who suffer. One newbie med student actually had the audacity to inform me: ''You couldn't have PTSD, only people who witness death, military have it.''
I have had trauma repeatedly in my life. Events over and over and over. So which event do I tackle among the many?


My wife of almost 30 years passed away 7 months ago and I feel so different mentally who can help me so I can get some help I fell like a different person


How is grief a protective process? How do these feelings/emotions protect us?


Seems as though that "famous" study on Stressful LIfe Events left off the biggest loss -- that of a child. If that got lumped in with "Close family member", that's a mistake, imo.


I think you are pushing the mdma solution, as well as lsd too much here.
How about suggesting EMDR, a non-drug solution.
I’m extremely suspicious of the interviewer wearing a mask on screen.
It’s pretty strange.
