MAKE HIM CHASE YOU - How to Train Men To Chase You

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Men don't want you to know this info.. so take GOOD notes... cause this is the GOOOOOOD stuff!

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Malcolm “MJ” Harris helps you live your best life emotionally, romantically, and financially - and he makes you laugh alot! MJ is an internationally recognized lifestyle and business influencer who has been featured by Oprah, USA Today and Black Enterprise. He has a global reach of over 20 million people each month - across social media and TV. In addition to this, he is the CEO and founder of National Care Financial Group, which is one of America’s largest African-American owned financial services firms. MJ’s rise began when he started creating empowering and aspirational digital content about lessons learned from his path of achieving success after overcoming a childhood surrounded by abuse and addiction. Through his videos, online courses, and live events, he created a loyal global fanbase and quickly became a powerhouse in the self-improvement industry.

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take GOOD notes... cause this is the stuff that men dont want you to know!


Love yourselves FIRST LADIES!! The right man will not play games when you know your value.


baby this works... I tried it...honey I didn't answer the phone hunty he was parked outside my house.


Just because he chases you doesn't mean he's going to marry or commit to you... Chasing is a game. Men may love the chase, but commitment is a whole other story for them. They do not take lightly who they marry/commit to.


"Even good men use games. Because they're trying to protect themselves" a whole word.


Play the game or get played ladies ! Your choice !


1- Don’t nag 😴
2- Smell good 🤤
3- Support Him 😚
4- Be unavailable 📆
5- Flirt a little 🥰


Omg this is so on point! I used these same tactics! I met my guy in November. December I finally put it down for Xmas and then I went out of town. He was leaving messages on my phone saying he couldnt sleep or think straight asking why am i out of town so long and not calling him. He proposed 2 months later in February and we got married 5 months after the proposal in July! The reason according to him is because he said he knew he didnt want to EVER be without me and wasn't about to take a chance or let some other dude creep in. We've been married 18 years now!


1)arousal + him. Dress according to what turns him on. He needs to desire you on a intimate level.
2) communicate subtly, do little things that make him think you want him. Touch him. Send him little messages. Put things in his mind ( I just got out the shower, I just got home from the gym ext) to desire you. Delicately not TOO strong ( weeks or months)
3) when he asks to have you/ come over. DONT GIVE IN . SAY : “ Omg I want you too, I was thinking about you this morning. But I just wanna take a little time cause you’re special, is that ok baby? We’re gonna get together eventually I just need a little time. “
P.s Don’t play hard too get too much .
4)give it all you got when you 2 get together, be his wildest fantasy.
5) pull back. Day after: Don’t answer the phone then text him a few hours later: if he asked to talk tell him you were tired/busy: “ hey baby is it alright if we talk this evening“ then tell him later that night that you’re tired so can you talk later on
6) talk to him tomorrow. Tell him the other day was really good. Ask him how is he, let him talk then end the convo before he does.
7) when you hang out a few days later only give him a kiss on the cheek max. You need him to understand you’re more than the sec.
8) after that don’t text him first. Put the pressure on him to reach out.
9) when you give him the attention, give him enough to feel good about himself, then pull off again
10) give “it” again, and do it good
11) now you can give it to him regularly. You can persue him.
You are now the trophy he worked hard for and you also didn’t give yourself too easily.


Ladies he has a point, he’s gay so he understands how men think and he knows how to pursue men *mic drop


When you STOP chasing them...if there really interested. They'll start chasing you.


Letting a man chase you is a way to test him to see how much he really wants you; to see how interested he is. It also teaches them that the harder they have to work for something they really want, the more they’ll appreciate and value the reward they’ll get .


10:54 THAT PART!!
I’m just realizing that being an understanding girl is not always the best way to go about things in the beginning and it only creates bad habits…Needed to watch this to learn how to stand your ground and to set my standards higher. These men have been playing ping pong with me and I’VE HAD IT


Ladies...he is so right and it's not about playing games or being strategic. It's about being feminine and feminity is the most powerful thing


Is it only me, that youtube recommends me this?😂 Youtube really knows I'm single wtf


When I was younger, about fifteen, my dad said don’t depend on a man even when he married you! He said he can take off with the neighbor and you’ll be on own your own! Then he said to be well educated and that will set you free!!!😂❤


Let me tell you ladies, THESE ARE FACTS! Been doing this for years and yes, it works! 🙌🏼 Preach Queen!!!!


Oiled up with a tank top on 😂😂I'm listening.


STEP 1: FIND a guy that I actually like.


I don’t have time for all this stuff! If a MAN wants you, he wants you! If he don’t, he don’t!
