Banded shoulder internal rotation tips. #techniquepeekseries #internalshoulderrotation

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This video, presented by John Nulty, DPT, OCS, provides tips on performing banded shoulder internal rotation exercises correctly. It emphasizes the importance of proper setup to avoid compensatory movements that engage the anterior musculature and pectoral muscles. By maintaining the correct angle and using tactile cues, such as keeping the elbow on a finger, the exercise can be performed effectively, ensuring better activation of the rotator cuff.

+ [00:00:00][^3^][3] **Introduction and common issues**
* Presenter: John Niti from Technique Peak
* Common compensatory movements
* Importance of proper setup
+ [00:00:16][^4^][4] **Proper setup and execution**
* Correct angle with a towel roll
* Tactile cue: elbow on a finger
* Avoiding horizontal adduction
+ [00:00:27][^5^][5] **Benefits of correct technique**
* Better rotator cuff activation
* Proper exercise performance
* Avoiding unnecessary muscle engagement
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