27. No FRIENDS. No FAMILY. Here’s what I’ve learned…

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HAPPY NEW YEAR !🎈 Your such a wise gentle sprit. I can relate 💯 . Hugs 🤗 from the great grandma. ❤


"I used to think that the worst thing in life was to end up alone. It's not. The worst thing in life is to end up with people who make you feel alone."


It's best not to have no friends at all because alot of people nowadays don't know what true friendship is


im super lonely. no resources no friends no family. Stuck in CT. i wish people like us can come together and create our own family.


Im now 41 also have no family. I do have an adult son.❤I’ve been on my own since I was 18. I was heart broken as a child by family, then friends and later two men I loved. I trust no one and think everyone wants something from me. I feel trapped and miserable some days. While others I’m happy. The loneliness definitely has affected me. I do talk to God and go to work. Going out for me is grocery shopping, Target runs. malls, parks & beaches lol. I keep my head up and remain strong. However this is a hard battle I’ve been fighting most of my life. To anyone who is dealing with the same. You are not alone and I understand.


I'm 27 years old. I have no friends. I hangout alone. Nobody wants to be around me. I don't fit in. I have accepted myself the way I'm. I'm being me. That's enough. I'm loved by God. He keeps blessings me. So it's a good testimony 🎉🎉🎉


For those people who have no friends, I just wanna give out free hugs.


The kids are your family, focus on them !


Well said. and same here. No Family + No Friends= PEACE and No DRAMA.


You are not totally alone, you have your kids. That's a family.


Girl I don’t either. I’m actually depressed bc of other factors you have no control over like relationships, dating, and marriage. I’m trying to be in good spirits. One day I’m okay n others I’m miserable bc it. So hard to trust ppl bc I’ve been backstabbed so much. I’m actually in fear of dating n letting new ppl in bc of my pay experiences.


You're so beautiful and spot on - a hard lesson to learn but a true one!


Such a beautiful, wise young woman! I love her hair.


I’m 28 with no friends or social life. I have 3 kids and a husband but I still feel lonely. It’s really hard to deal with sometimes.


I can relate. I am a female and I choose not to have friends. I am quite happy with my puppies, guitars and family. I don’t want anyone else in my life. I have been burned too many times. No thanks! No friends for me.


YOU ARE SO STRONG!💪🏽🤗 I’ve been a hermit of sorts for ten years but when I was your age I cared WAY too much about what people thought of me due to past traumas. Your gen is so strong!😘🤗


Same. It’s very lonely and depressing sometimes but I at least have my dog. People try to be my friend but I’m like eh, just let me live my life I don’t want to worry about anyone else but me and my dog. I just don’t trust people anymore. Especially people these days. People are so fake. I see how coworkers are buddy buddy and friends with other coworkers and how they talk trash about each other all the time after they hung out the previous night lol I don’t have time for all that stupid little drama. I just want to experience life on my own. I’m all I need and my dog.


I agree... been going through the same thing... I'm tired of lowering my standards to have friends.


I have a couple of friends. Proper friends that would do anything for me in a pinch and I would do for them. All others are acquaintances. And that took time to realise. I always treat everyone as a potential friend, but after meeting them a couple of times, if nothing further develops, they are acquaintances, and so I don't do them favours, and I don't reach out to them. And friendships take work, and should be 50:50. If you're the one doing all the running in the friendship, it's not a friendship. Speak up about it, and if nothing changes from their side, accept that they are acquaintances. I see people who hang around with people, and on the surface, anyone would say that they are good friends. And yet both parties will bitch to me about the other party. They are not friends. They are people who spend time with each other as a convenience. That's just company. That's not friendship. So define friendship for yourself. What behaviours you expect, and what you won't put up with. And if there is someone you think could be a friend, tell them.


I have no friends or family. I wish I had children, but I’m pretty sure I can’t have any. I can’t keep friends because of differences. It’s just crazy to think that I may spend the rest of my life alone. What did I do in my past life to deserve this?
