Inside the mind of the ISTJ

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#istj #intp #16personalities

For the millions of eager ISTJ viewers patiently waiting for this video, here it is, finally. ISTJs of all the 16personalities seem to be oddly overlooked and are even dismissed as being the default personality of the conventional human being. That's a mistake, this type is brilliant. Let me explain...

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If someone could buy me me a device that removes dust/fluff from my shirt that’d be great thanks.


ISTJs are far more dynamic and interesting than most people give them credit for.
They can be very creative, independent and individualistic.


Hi, I'm ISTJ, and I noticed that, even though we are supposed to be one of the most common types, when it comes to types you see commenting or interacting on Youtube, we are among the rarest. I think that many people who quickly label ISTJs as "rigid", "uninteresting", "boring", "traditional" fail to see that we can also be fun - in our own way - but to find that out you also have be willing to get to know us. One of my law professors (also ISTJ) has a dry sense of humour that I appreciate a lot, and he's one of the kindest professors I've ever had.
I'm also convinced that many people usually don't think about our sensuous approach to things: as a hobby, I love sewing and nothing gives me more satisfaction than being able to find a gorgeous fabric to turn into a well-fitting garment. Or when I'm out taking pictures and suddenly the light seems just perfect. I live for those moments and I can get so lost in them that someone else has to "bring me back to reality".


ISTJs get a bad rap as being boring but they're actually quite quirky and really funny once you get to know them. They're also super smart (I just love 2nd slot Te)...which is anything but boring.


They say ISTJs are common and INFPs are rare, but 70% of my friends are INFPs and I cannot find another ISTJ in uni :')


My father is 81 years old ISTJ, and I can't admire him more. Even though he is traditionalist, he is interested in learning new skills and he exercises regularly, so he looks 10 years younger. Did I mention he's still working? So more videos about ISTJ!


Enjoyed your approach to ISTJs. As an ISTJ, I am very open to change, but the key is- I need to be shown the value, need, and benefit of the change.


please do more, we need ISTJ content. i'm especially curious about their relationships and their personal growth


To me, ISTJ are soooo underrated. My father was and my husband is ISTJ. They are NOT boring. They provide the stability, predictability and order that allows me to be myself (ISFP/ISTP). They work hard but know how to play when it is time for that. They are realistic . Yes, they are set in their ways but when something clearly doesn’t work they will innovate. They may not prioritize aesthetics but they do appreciate them when they see them. They are affectionate. Because of them the family goes on trips to places like Yosemite National Park which is not easy to arrange since getting reservations usually requires a miracle. We may disagree sometimes but they stick around through thick and thin. They ARE creative in practical ways building things we use like bookshelves or Christmas yard decorations. They appreciate the need to attend Church regularly. They are humble and unassuming too but people notice their dignity.
I can’t believe YouTubers so often fail to give them credit for being usually pleasant with a playful sense of humor.
Thank you for this video appreciating their other qualities! 😁💙


A love letter to istj-
Istj, I appreciate you for your attention to detail, consideration of beautiful scenes such as nature and historical objects, your ability to learn from experiences and grow authentic wise ness over time, your ability to be someone’s rock without even having to approach people- something about u guys is genuine and predictable when opening up to and I love that, your playfulness in the sense that u can be the one in the group that people tease and take it lightly, your dad jokes which make u so uncool yet so real at the same time ahahah, ur ability to say calm in stressful situations just so that u can sort out what is going on clearly, ur skill at board games, your detailed and specific stories from the past that being such imagination and nostalgia to te people around you, and the appreciation you have for the compliments that people give to you. You rlly are such valuable people to have in someone’s life, you being such stability and realism to those around you, you rlly ground people without having to sell yourself to them. Your routines and logical mind make ur life something so unstressful for others to join because of the order- it doesn’t create anxiety for what to expect next and it’s so refreshing to see someone rlly seem to know what they are doing. You guys are listeners even if u have a huge map of the next forest walk you are going to have (step by step ) in your head because u never interrupt anyone. You are gems and so underrated as everyone is just so focused on themselves, but u still don’t take it to heart, I love you ISTJs- ur polar opposite ENFP :)


My strongest ally at work is a mature ISTJ. He enables me (an INFJ) to create foolproof plans that make sense to the other 14 types. If I can convince my ISTJ colleague that my idea - no matter how unusual - will solve or prevent a problem, then together we can convince everyone else.


I love this video. I'm an ISTJ and I can rarely see people vlog about ISTJ


I’ve been scrolling through the comment section and realized that we istjs are higly underrated and overlooked. I used to feel mad about being an istj because they said that we are rigid and partypoopers and just boring, now I’ve learned that we are actually pretty cool. I related to the “keeps the fridge full of food” part Bc its so true, I crave stability and mantaining the order of things


"ISTJs can be overly controlling" We had a group work at school and in the end I did everything because I just didn't trust my group members. Just the thought of handing in a powerpoint with tasks and results that I didn't check gave me anxiety. Anyone out there with the same problem?


My bro is an ISTJ. Only sane member of the family (although he has his quirks).


My bestie is an istj. she's one of the most goofy, talented, and artistic person I know.


istj is the one human type that survives in the end. they won the evolution game. but staying alive long term is not that cool in our modern society so they seem a little bit of


As an INFJ, my ISTJ daughter has made me cry, often. Until...I started learning about the MB personality types. Now I understand how she views the world and can appreciate her grounded perspective. I give her fact and details and keep my abstract prattle to a minimum. Wish I had known this years ago.


this is probably the kindest interpretation of ISTJs I've seen so far that doesn't straight up shove them into the "boring" or "obsessed with gender roles" boxes haha. I really appreciate it!


Before I got into MBTI, I assumed that ISTJs were pretty boring like most people, but over time I sort of realized that they're nothing like that. I have two ISTJ teachers that are actually pretty interesting. One is my Social Studies teacher who was not as strict as most people might perceive ISTJs to be, he had a lot of insight about politics and current issues and was probably the main reason I became interested in Social Studies again, he strived to make other students not fail his class even though it's not their one of their interests. Another was my Physics teacher, who is a bit more strict and wants it done his way no matter what, but also shows his quirky nature from time to time by making jokes. He's not really patient but pushes us to work hard and doesn't sugarcoat things when they're difficult. Overall, ISTJs are the overlooked type that holds everybody together without the need for recognition, which is very respectable and something to be admired.
